4,095 research outputs found

    THz Dynamics of Nanoconfined Water by Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy

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    We investigated the vibrational dynamics and the structural relaxation of water nanoconfined in porous silica samples with pore size of 4 nm at different levels of hydration and temperature. We used as spectroscopic technique the time-resolved optical Kerr effect, which enables to investigate the ultrafast water dynamics in a wide time (0.1-10 picosecond) or frequency (10-0.1 THz) window. At low levels of hydration, corresponding to two complete superficial water layers, no freezing occurs and the water remains mobile at all the investigated temperatures, while at the fully hydration we witness to a partial ice formation at about 248 K that coexists with the part of surface water remaining in the supercooled state. At low hydration, both structural and vibrational dynamics show significant modifications compared to the bulk liquid water due to the strong interaction of the water molecules with silica surfaces. Inner water, instead, reveals relaxation dynamics very similar to the bulk one.Comment: 10 pages 9 figure

    Acoustic, thermal and flow processes in a water filled nanoporous glasses by time-resolved optical spectroscopy

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    We present heterodyne detected transient grating measurements on water filled Vycor 7930 in the range of temperature 20 - 90 degrees C. This experimental investigation enables to measure the acoustic propagation, the average density variation due the liquid flow and the thermal diffusion in this water filled nano-porous material. The data have been analyzed with the model of Pecker and Deresiewicz which is an extension of Biot model to account for the thermal effects. In the whole temperature range the data are qualitatively described by this hydrodynamic model that enables a meaningful insight of the different dynamic phenomena. The data analysis proves that the signal in the intermediate and long time-scale can be mainly addressed to the water dynamics inside the pores. We proved the existence of a peculiar interplay between the mass and the heat transport that produces a flow and back-flow process inside the nano-pores. During this process the solid and liquid dynamics have opposite phase as predicted by the Biot theory for the slow diffusive wave. Nevertheless, our experimental results confirm that transport of elastic energy (i.e. acoustic propagation), heat (i.e. thermal diffusion) and mass (i.e. liquid flow) in a liquid filled porous glass can be described according to hydrodynamic laws in spite of nanometric dimension of the pores. The data fitting, based on the hydrodynamic model, enables the extraction of several parameters of the water-Vycor system, even if some discrepancies appear when they are compared with values reported in the literature.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figure

    Optical Kerr effect of liquid and supercooled water: the experimental and data analysis perspective

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    The time-resolved optical Kerr effect spectroscopy (OKE) is a powerful experimental tool enabling accurate investigations of the dynamic phenomena in molecular liquids. We introduced innovative experimental and fitting procedures, that permit a safe deconvolution of sample response function from the instrumental function. This is a critical issue in order to measure the dynamics of sample presenting weak signal, e.g. liquid water. We report OKE data on water measuring intermolecular vibrations and the structural relaxation processes in an extended temperature range, inclusive of the supercooled states. The unpreceded data quality makes possible a solid comparison with few theoretical models; the multi-mode Brownian oscillator model, the Kubo's discrete random jump model and the schematic mode-coupling model. All these models produce reasonable good fits of the OKE data of stable liquid water, i.e. over the freezing point. The features of water dynamics in the OKE data becomes unambiguous only at lower temperatures, i.e. for water in the metastable supercooled phase. Hence this data enable a valid comparison between the model fits. We found that the schematic mode-coupling model provides the more rigorous and complete model for water dynamics, even if is intrinsic hydrodynamic approach hide the molecular information

    Il piano spostamenti casa lavoro: un’indagine sul territorio nazionale

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    Indagine sul territorio nazionale per OMNITEL - VODAFONE: sono state analizzate le risposte date al questionario dai dipendenti di tutte le sedi nazionali ( CATANIA, PADOVA, PISA, ROMA, MILANO e CESANO BOSCONE (MI)). Tutti i plessi considerati, ad esclusione di quello di Padova, sono ubicati ai confini comunali delle città e risultano essere così quelle aree di "frontiera" che caratterizzano il rapporto che i comuni principali hanno con i comuni limitrofi. Proprio queste funzioni si configurano oggi come i luoghi delle nuove centralit

    Connecting European snow cover variability with large scale atmospheric patterns

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    Abstract. Winter snowfall and its temporal variability are important factors in the development of water management strategies for snow-dominated regions. For example, mountain regions of Europe rely on snow for recreation, and on snowmelt for water supply and hydropower. It is still unclear whether in these regions the snow regime is undergoing any major significant change. Moreover, snow interannual variability depends on different climatic variables, such as precipitation and temperature, and their interplay with atmospheric and pressure conditions. This paper uses the EASE Grid weekly snow cover and Ice Extent database from the National Snow and Ice Data Center to assess the possible existence of trends in snow cover across Europe. This database provides a representation of snow cover fields in Europe for the period 1972–2006 and is used here to construct snow cover indices, both in time and space. These indices allow us to investigate the historical spatial and temporal variability of European snow cover fields, and to relate them to the modes of climate variability that are known to affect the European climate. We find that both the spatial and temporal variability of snow cover are strongly related to the Arctic Oscillation during wintertime. In the other seasons, weaker correlation appears between snow cover and the other patterns of climate variability, such as the East Atlantic, the East Atlantic West Russia, the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Polar Pattern and the Scandinavian Pattern

    Runoff regime estimation at high-elevation sites: a parsimonious water balance approach

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    Abstract. We develop a water balance model, parsimonious both in terms of parameterization and of required input data, to characterize the average runoff regime of high-elevation and scarcely monitored basins. The model uses a temperature threshold to partition precipitation into rainfall and snowfall, and to estimate evapotranspiration volumes. The role of snow in the transformation of precipitation into runoff is investigated at the monthly time scale through a specific snowmelt module that estimates melted quantities by a non-linear function of temperature. A probabilistic representation of temperature is also introduced, in order to mimic its sub-monthly variability. To account for the commonly reported rainfall underestimation at high elevations, a two-step precipitation adjustment procedure is implemented to guarantee the closure of the water balance. The model is applied to a group of catchments in the North-Western Italian Alps, and its performances are assessed by comparing measured and simulated runoff regimes both in terms of total bias and anomalies, by means of a new metric, specifically conceived to compare the shape of the two curves. The obtained results indicates that the model is able to predict the observed runoff seasonality satisfactorily, notwithstanding its parsimony (the model has only two parameters to be estimated). In particular, when the parameter calibration is performed separately for each basin, the model proves to be able to reproduce the runoff seasonality. At the regional scale (i.e., with uniform parameters for the whole region), the performance is less positive, but the model is still able to discern among different mechanisms of runoff formation that depend on the role of the snow storage. Because of its parsimony and the robustness in the approach, the model is suitable for application in ungauged basins and for large scale investigations of the role of climatic variables on water availability and runoff timing in mountainous regions
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