827 research outputs found

    Achieving excellence in lean implementation at construction companies - A case study from Brazil

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    Lean Construction has become a popular concept to improve performance and reduce costs in construction projects. Assessment tools and implementation strategies that focus on lean practices such as the Last Planner System, the use of Kanbans, the routine of Kaizens and, recently, the integration with information technology are also common. However, barriers to the wide adoption of lean principles remain and implementation challenges continue to intrigue scholars. Previous studies suggest that barriers to the successful implementation can be either political, economical, social and/or technical, with the focus on lack of knowledge about lean concepts, resistance to the required organisational culture change, and lack of support from top management. Few studies present the lean implementation process from the practitioners’ perspective. Using the narrative enquiry methodology, the authors aim to describe how a construction company from Brazil matured from the implementation of lean operational tools to achieve excellence in the lean culture and mindset. Key themes that emerge from this study for a successful lean construction journey are; effort to stabilise the environment, knowledge creation and management, transparency in the process to enable simplicity and shared understanding, and building trust for further growth.

    Identifying hotspots for ecosystem restoration across heterogeneous tropical savannah-dominated regions.

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    This is the final version. Available from the Royal Society via the DOI in this record. There is high potential for ecosystem restoration across tropical savannah-dominated regions, but the benefits that could be gained from this restoration are rarely assessed. This study focuses on the Brazilian Cerrado, a highly species-rich savannah-dominated region, as an exemplar to review potential restoration benefits using three metrics: net biomass gains, plant species richness and ability to connect restored and native vegetation. Localized estimates of the most appropriate restoration vegetation type (grassland, savannah, woodland/forest) for pasturelands are produced. Carbon sequestration potential is significant for savannah and woodland/forest restoration in the seasonally dry tropics (net biomass gains of 58.2 ± 37.7 and 130.0 ± 69.4 Mg ha-1). Modelled restoration species richness gains were highest in the central and south-east of the Cerrado for savannahs and grasslands, and in the west and north-west for woodlands/forests. The potential to initiate restoration projects across the whole of the Cerrado is high and four hotspot areas are identified. We demonstrate that landscape restoration across all vegetation types within heterogeneous tropical savannah-dominated regions can maximize biodiversity and carbon gains. However, conservation of existing vegetation is essential to minimizing the cost and improving the chances of restoration success. This article is part of the theme issue 'Understanding forest landscape restoration: reinforcing scientific foundations for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration'.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Natural Environment Research CouncilFAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation)NordesteUKR

    Body shape and size in 6-year old children: assessment by three-dimensional photonic scanning.

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    BACKGROUND: Body shape and size are typically described using measures such as body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, which predict disease risks in adults. However, this approach may underestimate the true variability in childhood body shape and size. OBJECTIVE: To use a comprehensive three-dimensional photonic scan approach to describe variation in childhood body shape and size. SUBJECTS/METHODS: At age 6 years, 3350 children from the population-based 2004 Pelotas birth cohort study were assessed by three-dimensional photonic scanner, traditional anthropometry and dual X-ray absorptiometry. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on height and 24 photonic scan variables (circumferences, lengths/widths, volumes and surface areas). RESULTS: PCA identified four independent components of children's body shape and size, which we termed: Corpulence, Central:peripheral ratio, Height and arm lengths, and Shoulder diameter. Corpulence showed strong correlations with traditional anthropometric and body composition measures (r>0.90 with weight, BMI, waist circumference and fat mass; r>0.70 with height, lean mass and bone mass); in contrast, the other three components showed weak or moderate correlations with those measures (all r<0.45). There was no sex difference in Corpulence, but boys had higher Central:peripheral ratio, Height and arm lengths and Shoulder diameter values than girls. Furthermore, children with low birth weight had lower Corpulence and Height and arm lengths but higher Central:peripheral ratio and Shoulder diameter than other children. Children from high socio-economic position (SEP) families had higher Corpulence and Height and arm lengths than other children. Finally, white children had higher Corpulence and Central:peripheral ratio than mixed or black children. CONCLUSIONS: Comprehensive assessment by three-dimensional photonic scanning identified components of childhood body shape and size not captured by traditional anthropometry or body composition measures. Differences in these novel components by sex, birth weight, SEP and skin colour may indicate their potential relevance to disease risks.This article is based on data from the study ‘Pelotas Birth Cohort, 2004’ conducted by the Postgraduate Program in Epidemiology at Federal University of Pelotas, in collaboration with Brazilian Public Health Association (ABRASCO). The 2004 birth cohort study is supported by the Wellcome Trust through the scheme called ‘Major Awards for Latin America on Health Consequences of Population Change’. The World Health Organization, Brazilian National research Council (CNPq) and Brazilian Ministry of Health have supported previous phase of the study. LPS is supported by ‘Science without Borders’ Brazilian scheme under protocol number 201801/2014-0.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ijo.2016.3

    Direct enzymatic esterification of cotton and Avicel with wild-type and engineered cutinases

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    In this work, the surface of cellulose, either Avicel or cotton fabric, was modified using cutinases without any previous treatment to swell or to solubilise the polymer. Aiming further improvement of cutinase ester synthase activity on cellulose, an engineered cutinase was investigated. Wild-type cutinase from Fusarium solani and its fusion with the carbohydrate-binding module N1 from Cellulomonas fimi were able to esterify the hydroxyl groups of cellulose with distinct efficiencies depending on the acid substrate/solvent system used, as shown by titration and by ATR-FTIR. The carbonyl stretching peak area increased significantly after enzymatic treatment during 72 h at 30 °C. Cutinase treatment resulted in relative increases of 31 and 9 % when octanoic acid and vegetable oil were used as substrates, respectively. Cutinase-N1 treatment resulted in relative increases of 11 and 29 % in the peak area when octanoic acid and vegetable oil were used as substrates, respectively. The production and application of cutinase fused with the domain N1 as a cellulose ester synthase, here reported for the first time, is therefore an interesting strategy to pursuit.This work was co-funded by the European Social Fund through the management authority POPH and FCT, Postdoctoral fellowship reference: SFRH/BPD/47555/2008. The authors also want to thank Doctor Raul Machado for his valuable help on FTIR spectral data treatment
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