3,325 research outputs found

    The GREATS Hβ\beta+[OIII] Luminosity Function and Galaxy Properties at z8\mathbf{z\sim8}: Walking the Way of JWST

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    The James Webb Space Telescope will allow to spectroscopically study an unprecedented number of galaxies deep into the reionization era, notably by detecting [OIII] and Hβ\beta nebular emission lines. To efficiently prepare such observations, we photometrically select a large sample of galaxies at z8z\sim8 and study their rest-frame optical emission lines. Combining data from the GOODS Re-ionization Era wide-Area Treasury from Spitzer (GREATS) survey and from HST, we perform spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, using synthetic SEDs from a large grid of photoionization models. The deep Spitzer/IRAC data combined with our models exploring a large parameter space enables to constrain the [OIII]+Hβ\beta fluxes and equivalent widths for our sample, as well as the average physical properties of z8z\sim8 galaxies, such as the ionizing photon production efficiency with log(ξion/erg1Hz)25.77\log(\xi_\mathrm{ion}/\mathrm{erg}^{-1}\hspace{1mm}\mathrm{Hz})\geq25.77. We find a relatively tight correlation between the [OIII]+Hβ\beta and UV luminosity, which we use to derive for the first time the [OIII]+Hβ\beta luminosity function (LF) at z8z\sim8. The z8z\sim8 [OIII]+Hβ\beta LF is higher at all luminosities compared to lower redshift, as opposed to the UV LF, due to an increase of the [OIII]+Hβ\beta luminosity at a given UV luminosity from z3z\sim3 to z8z\sim8. Finally, using the [OIII]+Hβ\beta LF, we make predictions for JWST/NIRSpec number counts of z8z\sim8 galaxies. We find that the current wide-area extragalactic legacy fields are too shallow to use JWST at maximal efficiency for z8z\sim8 spectroscopy even at 1hr depth and JWST pre-imaging to 30\gtrsim30 mag will be required.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Effect of CATA questions presentation order on sensory characterization of fruit smoothie by children and adolescents.

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    Sensory product characterization by consumer using check-all-that-apply (CATA) questions is increasing. However, there are still some methodological issues to sort out, and the order of presentation of the terms seems to be one of them, when the study is carried out by children and adolescents. This study aimed at investigating the influence of CATA questions presentation order on the sensory characterization of fruit smoothie by this public. The 20 terms, which were identified in previous studies with children and adolescents, were presented to participants in the fixed alphabetical and balanced orders.SLACA, 12. De 4 a 7 de Novembro de 2017. Ref. 71751

    Análise dos custos de colheita do café no sistema safra zero em comparação ao sistema tradicional de derriça no pano.

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    A colheita representa 25 a 35% do custo direto da produção do café e utiliza o maior contingente de mão de obra de todo o ciclo da cultura. Por isso, a adoção de estratégias para a colheita do café, como o uso de máquinas de pequeno e grande porte, racionalização de mão de obra, entre outras, vem sendo exaustivamente abrangidas em estudos e debates, como formas de reduzir os custos de produção do café. O manejo da lavoura no sistema Safra Zero, no qual a colheita e a poda de esqueletamento são feitas simultaneamente, pode ser uma alternativa para se reduzir esses custos com a operação. Objetivando avaliar o desempenho desse sistema de colheita de café em comparação ao sistema tradicional de derriça no pano, montou-se o presente trabalho. Em uma lavoura com produtividade estimada de 80 sc/ha a cada dois anos foram calculados os índices de rendimento em todas as etapas da colheita no sistema safra zero e também, no sistema tradicional. Constatou-se que o custo da colheita, por saca de café beneficiado, ficou em torno de R25,00nosistemaSafraZeroeR25,00 no sistema Safra Zero e R45,00, no sistema tradicional. Assim, nas condições estudadas, verificou-se que a colheita no sistema Safra Zero foi mais econômica que no sistema tradicional

    Comportamento do cajueiro-anão precoce no Município de Carauari, Amazonas.

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    Seis clones de cajueiro-anão precoce recomendados pela Embrapa foram avaliados quanto à adaptação ao ecossistema amazônico. Foram avaliados com base em alguns parâmetros vegetativos e reprodutivos, incidência de pragas e doenças, precocidade e comportamento ambiental.bitstream/item/119995/1/Comportamento-CajueiroAnai-precoce-MunicipioCarauari.pd

    Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) species, their hosts and parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in five municipalities of the State of Amapá, Brazil.

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    A total of 817 samples (1,094.36 kg) of potential fruit fly (Diptera:Tephritidae) hosts were collected from 70 plant species across 29 families in the state of Amapá, Brazil. Twenty-three of these plant species were infested with tephritid larvae. Twelve species of Anastrepha were recovered in different proportions: Anastrepha striata (82.65%), Anastrepha coronilli (6.63%), Anastrepha obliqua (5.47%), Anastrepha distincta (2.28%), Anastrepha fraterculus (2.10%), Anastrepha parishi (0.30%), Anastrepha leptozona (0.22%), Anastrepha pickeli (0.11%), Anastrepha antunesi (0.07%), Anastrepha serpentina (0.07%), Anastrepha sororcula (0.06%), and Anastrepha zenildae (0.04%). Anastrepha striata was recorded from the greatest number of hosts (14 plant species in 8 families). The periods of occurrence of different Anastrepha species were variable, but we observed that A. striata was constantly present in Psidium guajava and sporadically present in fruits of other hosts. The fruits of wild plant species showed the highest rates of infestation by fruit flies with Pouteria sp.1 presenting a rate of (434.29 puparia/kg), followed by Manihot sp. (130.43 puparia/kg) and Inga sp.5 (120.62 puparia/kg). All of parasitoids recovered from collection of infested fruit were Braconidae: Doryctobracon areolatus (95.86%), Opius bellus (2.76%), Asobara anastrephae (1.07%), and Utetes anastrephae (0.31%). The highest percentage of parasitism (8.45%) was observed in samples of Spondias mombin