1,956 research outputs found

    Finite-volume matrix elements of two-body states

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    In this talk, we present a framework for studying structural information of resonances and bound states coupling to two-hadron scattering states. This makes use of a recently proposed finite-volume formalism to determine a class of observables that are experimentally inaccessible but can be accessed via lattice QCD. In particular, we shown that finite-volume two-body matrix elements with one current insertion can be directly related to scattering amplitudes coupling to the external current. For two-hadron systems with resonances or bound states, one can extract the corresponding form factors of these from the energy-dependence of the amplitudes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 201

    Accurate quadratic-response approximation for the self-consistent pseudopotential of semiconductor nanostructures

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    Quadratic-response theory is shown to provide a conceptually simple but accurate approximation for the self-consistent one-electron potential of semiconductor nanostructures. Numerical examples are presented for GaAs/AlAs and InGaAs/InP (001) superlattices using the local-density approximation to density-functional theory and norm-conserving pseudopotentials without spin-orbit coupling. When the reference crystal is chosen to be the virtual-crystal average of the two bulk constituents, the absolute error in the quadratic-response potential for Gamma(15) valence electrons is about 2 meV for GaAs/AlAs and 5 meV for InGaAs/InP. Low-order multipole expansions of the electron density and potential response are shown to be accurate throughout a small neighborhood of each reciprocal lattice vector, thus providing a further simplification that is confirmed to be valid for slowly varying envelope functions. Although the linear response is about an order of magnitude larger than the quadratic response, the quadratic terms are important both quantitatively (if an accuracy of better than a few tens of meV is desired) and qualitatively (due to their different symmetry and long-range dipole effects).Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures; v2: new section on limitations of theor

    Quadratic response theory for spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor heterostructures

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    This paper examines the properties of the self-energy operator in lattice-matched semiconductor heterostructures, focusing on nonanalytic behavior at small values of the crystal momentum, which gives rise to long-range Coulomb potentials. A nonlinear response theory is developed for nonlocal spin-dependent perturbing potentials. The ionic pseudopotential of the heterostructure is treated as a perturbation of a bulk reference crystal, and the self-energy is derived to second order in the perturbation. If spin-orbit coupling is neglected outside the atomic cores, the problem can be analyzed as if the perturbation were a local spin scalar, since the nonlocal spin-dependent part of the pseudopotential merely renormalizes the results obtained from a local perturbation. The spin-dependent terms in the self-energy therefore fall into two classes: short-range potentials that are analytic in momentum space, and long-range nonanalytic terms that arise from the screened Coulomb potential multiplied by a spin-dependent vertex function. For an insulator at zero temperature, it is shown that the electronic charge induced by a given perturbation is exactly linearly proportional to the charge of the perturbing potential. These results are used in a subsequent paper to develop a first-principles effective-mass theory with generalized Rashba spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, RevTeX4; v2: final published versio

    Fermi Coordinates for Weak Gravitational Fields

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    A Reference is corrected. (We derive the Fermi coordinate system of an observer in arbitrary motion in an arbitrary weak gravitational field valid to all orders in the geodesic distance from the worldline of the observer. In flat space-time this leads to a generalization of Rindler space for arbitrary acceleration and rotation. The general approach is applied to the special case of an observer resting with respect to the weak gravitational field of a static mass distribution. This allows to make the correspondence between general relativity and Newtonian gravity more precise.)Comment: 7 Pages, Preprint KONS-RGKU-94-04, LaTe

    fuzzySim: applying fuzzy logic to binary similarity indices in ecology

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    Binary similarity indices are widely used in ecology, for example for detecting associations between species occurrence patterns, comparing regional and temporal species assemblages, and assessing beta diversity patterns, including spatial and temporal species loss and turnover. Such indices have widespread applications in biogeography, global change biology and biodiversity conservation. Similarity indices are commonly calculated upon binary presence/absence (or sometimes modelled suitable/unsuitable) data, which are generally incomplete and more categorical than their underlying natural patterns. Probable false absences are disregarded, amplifying the effects of data deficiencies and the scale dependence of the results. Fuzzy occurrence data, with a degree of uncertainty attributed to localities where presence or absence cannot be safely assigned, could better reflect species distributions, compensating for incomplete knowledge and methodological errors. Similarity indices would therefore also benefit from accommodating such fuzzy data directly. This study proposes fuzzy versions of the binary similarity indices most commonly used in ecology, so that they can be directly applied to continuous (fuzzy) rather than binary occurrence values, thus producing more realistic similarity assessments. Fuzzy occurrence can be obtained with several methods, some of which are also provided. The procedure is robust to data source disparities, gaps or other errors in species occurrence records, even for restricted species for which slight inaccuracies can affect substantial parts of their range. The method is implemented in a free and open-source software package, fuzzySim, which is available for the R statistical software and under implementation for the QGIS geographic information system. It is provided with sample data and an illustrated tutorial suitable for non-experienced users

    Form Factors of Two-Hadron States From a Covariant Finite-Volume Formalism

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    In this work we develop a Lorentz-covariant version of the previously derived formalism for relating finite-volume matrix elements to 2 + J → 2 transition amplitudes. We also give various details relevant for the implementation of this formalism in a realistic numerical lattice QCD calculation. Particular focus is given to the role of single-particle form factors in disentangling finite-volume effects from the triangle diagram that arise when J couples to one of the two hadrons. This also leads to a new finite-volume function, denoted G, the numerical evaluation of which is described in detail. As an example we discuss the determination of the ππ+ J → ππ amplitude in the ρ channel, for which the single-pion form factor, Fπ(Q2), as well as the scattering phase, δππ, are required to remove all power-law (mite-volume effects. The formalism presented here holds for local currents with arbitrary Lorentz structure, and we give specific examples of insertions with up to two Lorentz indices

    First-principles study on the origin of large thermopower in hole-doped LaRhO3 and CuRhO2

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    Based on first-principles calculations, we study the origin of the large thermopower in Ni-doped LaRhO3 and Mg-doped CuRhO2. We calculate the band structure and construct the maximally localized Wannier functions from which a tight binding Hamiltonian is obtained. The Seebeck coefficient is calculated within the Boltzmann's equation approach using this effective Hamiltonian. For LaRhO3, we find that the Seebeck coefficient remains nearly constant within a large hole concentration range, which is consistent with the experimental observation. For CuRhO2, the overall temperature dependence of the calculated Seebeck coefficient is in excellent agreement with the experiment. The origin of the large thermopower is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, to be published J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., Proc. QSD 200

    Patient Active Approaches in Osteopathic Practice: A Scoping Review

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    Background: In the field of manual therapies there is a growing interest in moving from passive hands-on approaches to patient active approaches. In the osteopathic field there are both active and passive methods described as integrated in the process of care. However, this prospective linkage has not been formally explored and is not well shared in the community of practice. The present review aims to appraise the relevant literature on the functioning and principles of Patient active osteopathic approaches (PAOAs) and explore a prospective model for selecting the different types of PAOA, highlighting their integration into patient management strategies. Methods: A scoping review was conducted to analyze the relevant literature on the functioning and the different principles of PAOA and to obtain a comprehensive perspective on the phenomenon. Results: The eligible articles provide insights into the mechanisms of functioning and principles of application of active approaches to be integrated with hands-on approaches. These results provide new insights into the relevance of PAOA to clinical practice. Conclusions: The proposal, emerging from the review, may promote discussions in the community of practice and provide a road map for research towards achieving an evidence-based structure for PAOA

    Long-Range Electroweak Amplitudes of Single Hadrons From Euclidean Finite-Volume Correlation Functions

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    A relation is presented between single-hadron long-range matrix elements defined in a finite Euclidean spacetime and the corresponding infinite-volume Minkowski amplitudes. This relation is valid in the kinematic region where any number of two-hadron states can simultaneously go on shell, so that the effects of strongly coupled intermediate channels are included. These channels can consist of nonidentical particles with arbitrary intrinsic spins. The result accommodates general Lorentz structures as well as nonzero momentum transfer for the two external currents inserted between the single-hadron states. The formalism, therefore, generalizes the work by Christ et al. [Phys. Rev. D 91, 114510 (2015)] and extends the reach of lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to a wide class of new observables beyond meson mixing and rare decays. Applications include Compton scattering of the pion (πγ⋆ → [ππ;KK] → πγ⋆), kaon (Kγ⋆ → [πK; ηK] → Kγ⋆), and nucleon (Nγ⋆ → Nπ → Nγ⋆), as well as double-β decays, and radiative corrections to the single-β decay, of QCD-stable hadrons. The framework presented will further facilitate generalization of the result to studies of nuclear amplitudes involving two currents from lattice QCD

    Hyaluronic acid modulates growth, morphology and cytoskeleton in embryonic chick skin fibroblasts

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    The action that hyaluronic acid (HA) exerts on cell proliferation was investigated in embryonic chick skin fibroblasts at different ages (7-14 days) and in different cell-cycle stages evaluated by flow cytometry (cells maintained with and without serum). Proliferation was estimated by 3H- thymidine incorporation and cell counting. The results demonstrated hyaluronic acid inhibits cell multiplication in all different environmental conditions examined. The inhibitory effect of HA is more evident in 14-day than 7-day old fibroblasts. The ability of HA to modulate 3H-thymidine incorporation did not involve a change in the time required for cells entering the S phase of the replicating cycle, but is due to a smaller number of cells entering in this phase. As the relationships between components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the cytoskeleton are known, parallel studies were carried out on some cytoskeleton proteins. Furthermore, by modifying the capacity of cells to adhere to the substrate, HA induced alterations in cell shape and in cytoskeleton components involved in these processes. We may hypothesize that HA, binding specific membrane receptors, affects cell adhesion and morphology inducing less receptivity of fibroblasts to mitogenic stimuli by transmembrane interactions with cytoskeleton