660 research outputs found
Na/K-ATPase-mediated 86Rb+ uptake and asymmetrical trophectoderm localization of alpha1 and alpha3 Na/K-ATPase isoforms during bovine preattachment development.
This study evaluated Na/K-ATPase alpha 1- and alpha 3-subunit isoform polypeptide expression and localization during bovine preattachment development. Na/K-ATPase cation transport activity from the one-cell to blastocyst stage was also determined by measuring ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake. Both alpha1- and alpha 3-subunit polypeptides were detected by immunofluorescence to encircle the entire cell margins of each blastomere of inseminated zygotes, cleavage stage embryos, and morulae. Immunofluorescent localization of alpha1-subunit polypeptide in bovine blastocysts revealed an alpha1 immunofluorescence signal confined to the basolateral membrane margins of the trophectoderm and encircling the cell periphery of each inner cell mass (ICM) cell. In contrast, alpha 3-subunit polypeptide immunofluorescence was localized primarily to the apical cell surfaces of the trophectoderm with a reduced signal present in basolateral trophectoderm regions. There was no apparent alpha 3-subunit signal in the ICM. Analysis of 86Rb+ transport in vitro demonstrated ouabain-sensitive activity throughout development from the one-cell to the six- to eight-cell stage of bovine development. 86Rb+ uptake by morulae (day 6 postinsemination) did not vary significantly from uptake detected in cleavage stage embryos; however, a significant increase was measured at the blastocyst stage (P \u3c 0.05). Treatment of embryos with cytochalasin D (5 micrograms/ml) did not influence 86Rb+ uptake in cleavage stage embryos. Cytochalasin D treatment however was associated with a significant rise in ion transport in morulae and blastocysts (13.49 and 61.57 fmol/embryo/min, respectively) compared to untreated controls (2.65 and 22.83 fmol/embryo/min, respectively). Our results, for the first time, demonstrate that multiple Na/K-ATPase alpha-subunit isoforms are distributed throughout the first week of mammalian development and raise the possibility that multiple isozymes of the Na/K-ATPase contribute to blastocyst formation
mRNAs encoding aquaporins are present during murine preimplantation development.
The present study was conducted to investigate the mechanisms underlying fluid movement across the trophectoderm during blastocyst formation by determining whether aquaporins (AQPs) are expressed during early mammalian development. AQPs belong to a family of major intrinsic membrane proteins and function as molecular water channels that allow water to flow rapidly across plasma membranes in the direction of osmotic gradients. Ten different AQPs have been identified to date. Murine preimplantation stage embryos were flushed from the oviducts and uteri of superovulated CD1 mice. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods employing primer sets designed to amplify conserved sequences of AQPs (1-9) were applied to murine embryo cDNA samples. PCR reactions were conducted for up to 40 cycles involving denaturation of DNA hybrids at 95 degrees C, primer annealing at 52-60 degrees C and extension at 72 degrees C. PCR products were separated on 2% agarose gels and were stained with ethidium bromide. AQP PCR product identity was confirmed by sequence analysis. mRNAs encoding AQPs 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 were detected in murine embryos from the one-cell stage up to the blastocyst stage. AQP 8 mRNAs were not detected in early cleavage stages but were present in morula and blastocyst stage embryos. The results were confirmed in experimental replicates applied to separate embryo pools of each embryo stage. These results demonstrate that transcripts encoding seven AQP gene products are detectable during murine preimplantation development. These findings predict that AQPs may function as conduits for trophectoderm fluid transport during blastocyst formation
The Early Days of Research on Carbonic Anhydrase
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73862/1/j.1749-6632.1984.tb12310.x.pd
A Study of Human Placental Growth with Observations on the Placenta in Erythroblastosis Foetalis
Abstract Not Provided
Ouabain Stimulates a Na+/K+-ATPase-Mediated SFK-Activated Signalling Pathway That Regulates Tight Junction Function in the Mouse Blastocyst
The Na+/K+-ATPase plays a pivotal role during preimplantation development; it establishes a trans-epithelial ionic gradient that facilitates the formation of the fluid-filled blastocyst cavity, crucial for implantation and successful pregnancy. The Na+/K+-ATPase is also implicated in regulating tight junctions and cardiotonic steroid (CTS)-induced signal transduction via SRC. We investigated the expression of SRC family kinase (SFK) members, Src and Yes, during preimplantation development and determined whether SFK activity is required for blastocyst formation. Embryos were collected following super-ovulation of CD1 or MF1 female mice. RT-PCR was used to detect SFK mRNAs encoding Src and Yes throughout preimplantation development. SRC and YES protein were localized throughout preimplantation development. Treatment of mouse morulae with the SFK inhibitors PP2 and SU6656 for 18 hours resulted in a reversible blockade of progression to the blastocyst stage. Blastocysts treated with 10−3 M ouabain for 2 or 10 minutes and immediately immunostained for phosphorylation at SRC tyr418 displayed reduced phosphorylation while in contrast blastocysts treated with 10−4 M displayed increased tyr418 fluorescence. SFK inhibition increased and SFK activation reduced trophectoderm tight junction permeability in blastocysts. The results demonstrate that SFKs are expressed during preimplantation development and that SFK activity is required for blastocyst formation and is an important mediator of trophectoderm tight junction permeability
The Physiology of Vasodilatation
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68237/2/10.1177_000331976101200602.pd
Relative expression of mRNAs related to cavitation process in bovine embryos produced in vivo and in vitro
The objectives of this work were to identify and to evaluate possible differences on gene expression of aquaporins and Na/K-ATPases transcripts between embryos in vivo and in vitro produced. For each group, 15 blastocysts distributed in three pools were used for RNA extraction followed by amplification and reverse transcription. The resulting cDNAs were submitted to Real-Time PCR, using the GAPDH gene as endogenous control. It was not possible to identify AQP1 transcripts. Relative expression of AQP3 (1.33 ± 0.78) and AQP11 (2.00 ± 1.42) were not different in blastocysts in vitro and in vivo produced. Na/K-ATPase α1 gene (2.25 ± 1.07) was overregulated whereas Na/K-ATPase β2 transcripts 0.40 ± 0.30) did not differ among blastocysts produced in vitro from those produced in vivo. Transcripts for gene AQP1 are not present in bovine blastocysts. In vitro culture system does not alter expression of genes AQP3, AQP11 and Na/K-ATPase β2 genes, however, it affects expression of Na/K-ATPase α1.Os objetivos neste trabalho foram identificar e avaliar possíveis diferenças na expressão gênica de transcritos de Aquaporina e ATPases-Na/K presentes em embriões produzidos in vivo e in vitro. Para cada grupo, 15 blastocistos distribuídos em três conjuntos foram utilizados para a extração do RNA, seguida da amplificação e da transcrição reversa. Os DNAs complementares foram submetidos à reação em cadeia da enzima polimerase em tempo real, utilizando-se o gene GAPDH como controle endógeno. Não foi possível identificar transcritos de AQP1. A expressão relativa dos genes AQP3 (1,33 ± 0,78) e AQP11 (2,00 ± 1,42) não foi diferente em blastocistos produzidos in vitro e in vivo. O gene ATPase-Na/K α1 (2,25 ± 1,07) encontrou-se sobrerregulado, enquanto o gene ATPase-Na/K β2 (0,40 ± 0,30) não diferiu entre os blastocistos produzidos in vitro e aqueles produzidos in vivo. Transcritos para o gene AQP1 não estão presentes em blastocistos bovinos. O sistema de cultivo in vitro não influencia a expressão dos genes AQP3, AQP11 e ATPase-Na/K β2, porém altera a expressão do gene ATPase-Na/K α1
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