26 research outputs found

    New oxaliplatin-pyrophosphato analogs with improved in vitro cytotoxicity

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    Two new Pt(II)-pyrophosphato complexes containing the carrier ligands cis-1,3- diaminocyclohexane (cis-1,3-DACH) and trans-1,2-diamine-4-cyclohexene (1,2-DACHEX), variants of the 1R,2R-diaminocyclohexane ligand present in the clinically used Pt-drug oxaliplatin, have been synthesized with the aim of developing new potential antitumor drugs with high bone tropism. The complexes are more stable at physiological pH than in acid conditions, with Na2[Pt(pyrophosphato)(cis-1,3-DACH)] (1) slightly more stable than Pt(dihydrogenpyrophosphato)(1,2-DACHEX)] (2). The greater reactivity at acidic pH ensures a greater efficacy at the tumor site. Preliminary NMR studies indicate that 1 and 2 react slowly with 5’-GMP (used as a model of nucleic acids), releasing the pyrophosphate ligand and affording the bis 5’-GMP adduct. In vitro cytotoxicity assays performed against a panel of four human cancer cell lines have shown that both compounds are more active than oxaliplatin. Flow cytometry studies on HCT116 cells showed that the pyrophosphato compounds with the non-classical 1,3- and 1,4- diaminocyclohexane ligands (1 and 4) are the most capable to induce cells’ death by apoptosis and necrosis

    Valutazione della risposta bronchiale al carbacolo in pazienti asmatici ASA sensibili.

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    Efficacia protettiva del procaterolo per os sul broncospasmo indotto dal carbacolo e H2O distillata.

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    Pt(iv) complexes based on cyclohexanediamines and the histone deacetylase inhibitor 2-(2-propynyl)octanoic acid: synthesis, characterization, cell penetration properties and antitumor activity

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    The Pt(iv) complexes based on (SP-4-2)-dichlorido(cyclohexane-1,4-diamine)platinum(ii) (kiteplatin) and the histone deacetylase inhibitor 2-(2-propynyl)octanoic acid (POA) were investigated. SincePOAcontains a chiral carbon, all the possible Pt(iv) isomers were prepared and characterized, and their antiproliferative activity on six cancer cell lines was compared with that of the corresponding Pt(iv) complexes containing the cyclohexane-1R,2R-diamine equatorial ligand. To justify the very good antiproliferative activity (nanomolar IC50), the polarity, lipophilicity, permeability, and cell accumulation of the complexes were studied. Overall, the two series of Pt(iv) complexes showed similar cell penetration properties, being significantly better than that of the Pt(ii) reference compounds. Finally, a representative compound of the whole set of complexes (i.e., that based on cyclohexane-1R,2R-diamine and racemicPOA) was testedin vivoon mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma, showing good tumor growth inhibition with negligible body weight loss

    Pt(II) complex containing the 1R,2R enantiomer of trans-1,2-diamino-4-cyclohexene ligand effectively and selectively inhibits the viability of aggressive pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells and alters their lipid metabolism

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    Here, we investigated the mechanism of antiproliferative action in cancer cells of new compounds structurally derived from oxaliplatin, namely a pair of enantiomers [Pt(OXA)(1R,2R-DACHEX)] (1) and [Pt(OXA)(1S,2S-DACHEX)] (2) (OXA = oxalate, DACHEX = trans-1,2-diamino-4-cyclohexene). While oxaliplatin is used almost exclusively to treat colorectal and other gastrointestinal cancers, new complex 1 shows instead high potency in malignant pancreatic adenocarcinoma PSN1 cells including superior selectivity for pancreatic cancer over noncancerous cells. Utilizing a multi-platform biochemical approach to study the unique features of the mechanism of action of this new platinum-based drug, we show that 1 has a much greater ability to penetrate pancreatic tumors than its S,S enantiomer 2 and oxaliplatin, and to be transported into cells as bound to plasma proteins. Additionally, the mechanism of action of 1 and, to a lesser extent, oxaliplatin in pancreatic cancer cells involves alterations of the lipogenesis pathway, namely inhibition of de novo lipid synthesis, acting by a new mechanism not yet considered for anticancer action of clinically used antitumor platinum drugs. These data highlight the functional diversity of platinum anticancer compounds and the potential benefits of finding new anticancer drugs applying a mechanism-based rationale