332 research outputs found

    Infezioni protesiche nella chirurgia vascolare ricostruttiva

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    Introduzione: presentiamo un\u2019analisi retrospettiva dei risultati a medio e lungo termine sulla ricostruzione in situ con homograft arterioso criopreservato utilizzato nel trattamento delle infezioni protesiche aorto-iliache. Materiali e metodi: da Gennaio 2002 a Dicembre 2012, 25 pazienti con diagnosi di infezione protesica aorto-iliaca sono stati sottoposti ad intervento di asportazione protesica e ricostruzione in situ con allograft arterioso criopreservato presso l\u2019Unit\ue0 Operativa Complessa di Chirurgia Vascolare dell\u2019Ospedale Santa Chiara di Trento. Tutti i pazienti furono seguiti al follow-up mediante visita clinica e angio-TC addome ad uno e sei mesi durante il primo anno, successivamente mediante ecocolor doppler aorto-iliaco annualmente, riservando l\u2019angio-TC solo in casi selezionati. Il follow-up medio fu di 46 mesi (range 2-112), 3 pazienti furono persi al follow-up. Risultati: alla laparotomia esplorativa 9 pazienti (36%) presentavano una fistula aorto-enterica. La ricostruzione chirurgica in situ consistette in 5 by pass aorto-aortici, 4 aorto-bisiliaci, 11 aorto-bifemorali, 3 aorto-iliaci con anastomosi femorale controlaterale e 2 by pass iliaco-femorali. Un paziente (4%) necessit\uf2 della precoce rimozione dell\u2019homograft e confezionamento di by-pass axillo-femorale a causa di una deiscenza intestinale recidiva. La mortalit\ue0 post-operatoria fu del 24%, un paziente (4%) mor\uec per shock emorragico provocato dalla rottura precoce dell\u2019homograft, altri 5 pazienti (20%) morirono per complicanze settiche dovute a deiscenza intestinale recidiva. Tra i 18 pazienti seguiti al follow-up, vennero eseguiti 2 re-interventi (11%): uno dovuto a trombosi ed re-infezione protesica, l\u2019altro, invece, a fistola aorto-enterica con deiscenza dell\u2019anastomosi aortica prossimale. Non ci furono amputazioni maggiori. Conclusioni: nella nostra esperienza la ricostruzione in situ con homograft arterioso criopreservato mostra ridotti tassi di mortalit\ue0 e morbilit\ue0 e pu\uf2 essere considerata una valida alternativa nel trattamento delle infezioni protesiche aortiche addominali.Introduction: We report a retrospective analysis of medium and long-term results about in situ reconstruction with cryopreserved arterial allograft (CAA) for aorto-iliac prosthetic infections. Material and methods: From January 2002 to December 2012, 25 patients with diagnoses of aorto-iliac prosthetic infection, underwent in situ arterial allograft replacement at the Department of Vascular Surgery, Santa Chiara Hospital, Trento. All patients were followed by clinical examination and CT at 1 and 6 months during the first year, thereafter by yearly duplex scanner and CT-scan in selected cases. Mean follow-up was 46 months (range 2-112); 3 patients were lost at follow-up. Results: At the explorative laparotomy 9 patients (36%) showed an aorto-enteric fistula (AEF). Surgical in situ reconstruction consisted of 5 aorto-aortic, 4 aorto-bisiliac, 11 aorto-bifemoral, 3 aorto-iliac with controlateral femoral anastomoses and 2 iliac-femoral by-passes. One patient (4%) needed early allograft removal and axillobifemoral reconstruction due to recurrent AEF. Overall post-operative mortality rate was 24%; one patient (4%) died for haemorrhagic shock due to homograft rupture, other five patients (20%) died for septic shock caused by persistent enteric fistula. Among the 18 patients at follow-up, two reinterventions (11%) were required: one due to graft thrombosis and recurrent, the other one due to proximal anastomoses. No major limb amputations were recorded. Conclusions: In our experience in situ reconstruction with cryopreserved arterial homograft showed low morbidity and mortality rates and should be considered a valid option for the treatment of abdominal aortic prosthetic infections

    Global gene expression analysis of Canine cutaneous mast cell tumor: Could molecular profiling be useful for subtype classification and prognostication?

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    Prognosis and therapeutic management of dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) depend on clinical stage and histological grade. However, the prognostic value of this latter is still questionable. In the present study, MCT transcriptome was analyzed to identify a set of candidate genes potentially useful for predicting the biological behavior of MCTs. Fifty-one canine MCT biopsies were analyzed. Isolated and purified total RNAs were individually hybridized to the Agilent Canine V2 4x44k DNA microarray. The comparison of reference differentiated and undifferentiated MCT transcriptome revealed a total of 597 differentially expressed genes (147 down-regulated and 450 up-regulated). The functional analysis of this set of genes provided evidence that they were mainly involved in cell cycle, DNA replication, p53 signaling pathway, nucleotide excision repair and pyrimidine metabolism. Class prediction analysis identified 13 transcripts providing the greatest accuracy of class prediction and divided samples into two categories (differentiated and undifferentiated), harboring a different prognosis. The Principal Component Analysis of all samples, made by using the selected 13 markers, confirmed MCT classification. The first three components accounted for 99.924% of the total variance. This molecular classification significantly correlated with survival time (p = 0.0026). Furthermore, among all marker genes, a significant association was found between mRNA expression and MCT-related mortality for FOXM1, GSN, FEN1 and KPNA2 (p<0.05). Finally, marker genes mRNA expression was evaluated in a cohort of 22 independent samples. Data obtained enabled to identify MCT cases with different prognosis. Overall, the molecular characterization of canine MCT transcriptome allowed the identification of a set of 13 transcripts that clearly separated differentiated from undifferentiated MCTs, thus predicting outcome regardless of the histological grade. These results may have clinical relevance and warrant future validation in a prospective study

    Avaliação de carbono e nitrogênio em perfis de solos sob diferentes sistemas de uso da terra, em Ponta Grossa, PR.

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    Em solos agrícolas, os estoques de C e N são afetados pelo uso da terra e pelas práticas de manejo, assim como pela quantidade de resíduos aportados anualmente na superfície do solo. Sistemas agroflorestais ou integrados têm o potencial de aumentar a fertilidade do solo e o sequestro de carbono e reduzir os processos erosivos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os estoques de C e N em cinco diferentes sistemas de uso da terra, incluindo dois sistemas integrados: sistema integrado lavoura-pecuária (iLP), sistema integrado lavoura-pecuária-floresta (iLPF), plantio de Eucaliptus dunnii (E), lavoura em plantio direto (L) e campo nativo (CN). As maiores diferenças significativas entre os teores de C e N nos diferentes sistemas de uso da terra estão nas camadas até 10 cm de profundidade, embora existam pequenas diferenças nos teores de C nas camadas mais profundas

    Physics Beyond Colliders:The Conventional Beams Working Group

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    The Physics Beyond Colliders initiative aims to exploit the full scientific potential of the CERN accelerator complex and its scientific infrastructure for particle physics studies, complementary to current and future collider experiments. Several experiments have been proposed to fully utilize and further advance the beam options for the existing fixed target experiments present in the North and East Experimental Areas of the CERN SPS and PS accelerators. We report on progress with the RF-separated beam option for the AMBER experiment, following a recent workshop on this topic. In addition we cover the status of studies for ion beams for the NA⁶⁰⁺ experiment, as well as of those for high intensity beams for Kaon physics and feebly interacting particle searches. With first beams available in 2021 after a CERN-wide long shutdown, several muon beam options were already tested for the NA64mu, MUonE and AMBER experiments

    Association between genetic variants in key vitamin‐D‐pathway genes and external apical root resorption linked to orthodontic treatment

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    This study evaluated the association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in vitamin-D-related genes and the amount of external apical root resorption linked to orthodontic treatment. One hundred and forty-three individuals were assessed. The amount of external apical root resorption of upper central incisors (EARRinc) and lower first molars (EARRmol) were evaluated in radiographs. Seven SNPs were genotyped across four genes including the vitamin D receptor [VDR], group-specific component [GC], cytochrome P450 family 27 subfamily B member 1 [CYP27B1], and cytochrome P450 family 24 subfamily A member 1 [CYP24A1]. Linear regressions were implemented to determine allele-effects on external apical root resorption. Individuals carrying the AA genotype in VDR rs2228570 had a 21% higher EARRmol than those having AG and GG genotypes (95% CI: 1.03,1.40). EARRmol in heterozygous rs2228570, was 12% lower than for homozygotes (95%CI: 0.78,0.99). Participants with the CCG haplotype (rs1544410-rs7975232-rs731236) in VDR had an EARRmol 16% lower than those who did not carry this haplotype. Regarding CYP27B1 rs4646536, EARRinc in participants who had at least one G allele was 42% lower than for homozygotes AA (95%CI: 0.37,0.93). Although these results did not remain significant after multiple testing adjustment, potential associations may still be suggested. Further replication studies are needed to confirm or refute these findings