44 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Chiral Magnetic Effect in a weak magnetic field

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    We investigate the real-time dynamics of the chiral magnetic effect in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and quantum chromodynamics (QCD). We consider a field configuration of parallel (chromo)electric and (chromo)magnetic fields with a weak perpendicular electromagnetic magnetic field. The chiral magnetic effect induces an electromagnetic current along this perpendicular magnetic field, which we will compute using linear response theory. We discuss specific results for a homogeneous sudden switch-on and a pulsed (chromo)electric field in a static and homogeneous (chromo)magnetic field. Our methodology can be easily extended to more general situations. The results are useful for investigating the chiral magnetic effect with heavy ion collisions and with lasers that create strong electromagnetic fields. As a side result we obtain the rate of chirality production for massive fermions in parallel electric and magnetic fields that are static and homogeneous.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, revte

    Features of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Recycling

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    The issue of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling is currently relevant due to a number of aspects: economic, environmental and social. It is most acute across the national corporation JSC Russian Railways. The article deals with some technological features of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling with valuable components being extracted (from the example of nickel-cadmium storage batteries of JSC ”RZD” rolling equipment). The results of leaching in Trilon B synthetic oxides solution, the presence of which is possible in the raw material being processed, are presented in the study. Based on the study of leaching processes of CdO, NiO, FeO, Femet and Fe2O3 in Trilon B solution, the dependence of complexing on the pH of the solution was revealed. The experimental site of the hydrometallurgical processing of the research center (OCGP IC) in the GMO KhMC PJSC ”Uralelectromed” was selected as the testing one for the technology proposed. As a raw material for the tests, a lot of negative lamellae packed in alkaline storage batteries of two different types were used. They were obtained as a result of preliminary drying and cutting at OOO Kursk factory ”Accumulator”. The particle size is 90% - 0.1 mm. The results obtained during the research allowed the author to formulate a hypothesis about the practical use of Trilon B for the processing of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries with the extraction of valuable components having greater economic, environmental and social benefits compared to methods based on pyro metallurgy. Keywords: nickel-cadmium batteries, recycling, Trilon B, Russian Railways, hydrometallurgica

    Status of the organized recycling of cadmium-bearing secondary raw materials

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    The main methods being used in metallurgy to systematically recycle cadmium-bearing secondary raw materials are examined. Hydrometallurgical methods which use sequestering reagents that can be regenerated are the most promising technologies from the standpoint of suitability for industrial use, environmental safety, and the selectivity with which cadmium is extracted. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Studies of concentration and temperature dependencies of precipitation kinetics in iron-copper alloys using kinetic monte carlo and stochastic statistical simulations

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    The earlier-developed ab initio model and the kinetic Monte Carlo method (KMCM) are used to simulate precipitation in a number of iron-copper alloys with different copper concentrations x and temperatures T. The same simulations are also made using the improved version of the earlier-suggested stochastic statistical method (SSM). The results obtained enable us to make a number of general conclusions about the dependencies of the decomposition kinetics in Fe-Cu alloys on x and T. We also show that the SSM describes the precipitation kinetics in a fair agreement with the KMCM, and employing the SSM in conjunction with the KMCM enables us to extend the KMC simulations to the longer evolution times. The results of simulations seem to agree with available experimental data for Fe-Cu alloys within statistical errors of simulations and the scatter of experimental results. Comparison of results of simulations to experiments for some multicomponent Fe-Cu-based alloys enables us to make certain conclusions about the influence of alloying elements in these alloys on the precipitation kinetics at different stages of evolution.Comment: 18 pages, 17 postscript figures, LaTe

    Testing of CP, CPT and causality violation with the light propagation in vacuum in presence of the uniform electric and magnetic fields

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    We have considered the structure of the fundamental symmetry violating part of the photon refractive index in vacuum in the presence of constant electric and magnetic fields. This part of the refractive index can, in principle, contain CPT symmetry breaking terms. Some of the terms violate Lorentz invariance, whereas the others violate locality and causality. Estimates of these effects, using laser experiments are considered.Comment: 12 page


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    This article discusses the possibility of using nanocomposite track membranes (NCTM) with a current-conducting coating of titanium nitride as a porous cathode material suitable for the electrochemical reduction of copper (II) ions from its sulfate solution

    Real and virtual photons in an external constant electromagnetic field of most general form

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    The photon behavior in an arbitrary superposition of constant magnetic and electric fields is considered on most general grounds basing on the first principles like Lorentz- gauge- charge- and parity-invariance. We make model- and approximation-independent, but still rather informative, statements about the behavior that the requirement of causal propagation prescribes to massive and massless branches of dispersion curves, and describe the way the eigenmodes are polarized. We find, as a consequence of Hermiticity in the transparency domain, that adding a smaller electric field to a strong magnetic field in parallel to the latter causes enhancement of birefringence. We find the magnetic field produced by a point electric charge far from it (a manifestation of magneto-electric phenomenon). We establish degeneracies of the polarization tensor that (under special kinematic conditions) occur due to space-time symmetries of the vacuum left after the external field is imposed.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, 57 equations, reference list of 38 item


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    There were conducted tests of processing practice relating to padding of negative charged bar of alkaline battery, with the use of organic solvents, during which were attained level of cadmium’s transfer into solution up to 97 % (by doing so was established high purity of solution, and consequently end product quality) and solvent regeneration level was 98 %. Throughout recovery of cadmium for whole technology was 96–97 %. There were offered options of enhancement. Tests were conducted at test field of enterprise OJSK«Uralelectromed» (Sverdlovsk region).Проведены испытания технологии переработки набивки отрицательной ламели щелочных батарей с использованием органических растворителей, в ходе которых были достигнуты степень перехода кадмия в раствор около 97 % (при этом зафиксирована высокая чистота растворов, а следовательно, и качество конечного продукта) и степень регенерации растворителя на уровне 98 %. Сквозное извлечение кадмия по схеме составило 96–97 %. Предложены варианты повышения этого показателя. Испытания проводились на опытном участке предприятия ОАО «Уралэлектромедь» (Свердловская обл., г. Верхняя Пышма)