40 research outputs found

    A search of Brassica SI-involved orthologs in buckwheat leads to novel buckwheat sequence identification: MLPK possibly involved in SI response

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    Kod biljaka cvetnica postoje genetički određeni sistemi self-inkompatibilnosti (SI), koji sprečavaju samoopraÅ”ivanje i ukrÅ”tanje u srodstvu održavajući genetičku raznovrsnost vrsta. SI se javlja u dva oblika, kao gametofitna i sporofitna SI, koje se razlikuju u načinu određivanja SI fenotipa polena - kod GSI je SI fenotip polena određen polenovim sopstvenim haploidnim genomom, dok je kod SSI određen dipolidnim genotipom majke biljke. SSI se javlja kao homomorfna (jedan tip cveta u biljaka jedne vrste) i heteromorfna (dva ili tri tipa cveta u biljaka jedne vrste). Heteromorfna SSI je u poređenju sa homomorfnom SSI i GSI izuzetno malo proučena i za sada je upoznavanje na molekularnom nivou tek započelo. Kod heljde je prisutna distilna heteromorfna SSI, o kojoj je sakupljeno dosta podataka na fizioloÅ”kom nivou, ali o kojoj za sada nema molekularnih podataka. Na osnovu fizioloÅ”ke sličnosti SI odgovora biljaka rodova Brassica i Prunus sa tram i pin morfom heljde, respektivno, zatim na osnovu toga Å”to postoje dokazi da slični biohemijski mehanizmi leže u osnovi različitih SI odgovora i na osnovu toga Å”to i evolutivno udaljene SI vrste mogu posedovati iste ili slične predačke SI gene, mi smo odlučili da ispitamo prisustvo ortologih gena uključenih u SI odgovore Brassica i Prunus u genomu heljde. Upotrebom izrođenih prajmera dizajniranih na osnovu evolutivno očuvanih regiona SRK, SLG, SP11 i MLPK sekvenci Brassica rapa, kao i S-RNaza i SFB gena roda Prunus, dostupnih u NCBI bazi podataka, ispitano je prisustvo ortologa ovih gena u genomu heljde. Takođe je prisustvo S-RNaza ispitano u proteinskim izolatima neopraÅ”enih i kompatibilno i inkompatibilno opraÅ”enih tučkova heljde oba morfa. Rezultati su pokazali da nema ortologa SRK, SLG, SP11, kao ni S-RNaza i SFB u genomu heljde, ali da postoji MLPK ortolog kod heljde. Izvedena aminokiselinska sekvenca pokazala je 80 % sličnosti sa MLPKf2 sekvencom Brassica rapa i APK1A Arabidopsis thaliana, potvrđujući da su u pitanju ortolozi koji bi mogli da imaju i sličnu ulogu. NaÅ” sledeći korak je dobijanje cele nukleotidne sekvence MLPK heljde uz is- pitivanje postojanja alternativnih mesta iskrajanja i određivanje nivoa ekspresije po tkivima, kao i ispitivanje moguće uloge u SI odgovoru heljde. Ovi odgovori omogućiće bolje upoznavanje heteromorfnih SSI sistema koji su joÅ” uvek u svojoj najranijoj fazi istraživanja i obezbediće podatke nužne za uvid u evoluciju SI sistema biljaka cvetnica. Najzad, rasvetljavanjem SSI sistema heljde, koja se koristi u ishrani, biće moguće genetički kontrolisati ukrÅ”tanje heljde i dobijanje linija sa željenim hranljivim i/ili fizioloÅ”kim osobinama.Self-incompatibility (SI) systems, gamethophytic (GSI) and sporophytic (SSI), prevent self-pollination in angiosperms. Buckwheat displays heteromorphic SSI, with pollination allowed only between different flower morphs - thrum and pin. The physiology of thrum and pin morph SI responses are entirely different, resembling homomorphic Brassica SSI and Prunus GSI responses, respectively. Considering angiosperm species may share ancestral SI genes, we examined the presence of Brassica and Prunus SI-involved gene orthologs in the buckwheat genome. We did not find evidence of SRK, SLG and SP11 Brassica or S-RNase and SFB Prunus orthologs in the buckwheat genome, but we found a Brassica MLPK ortholog. We report the partial nucleotide sequence of the buckwheat MLPK and discuss the possible implications of this finding

    Molecular tools for utilization of mitochondrial diversity in faba bean (vicia faba)

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    We performed in silico PCR analyses utilizing complete mitochondrial (mtDNA) genome sequences of faba bean (Vicia faba) and two related species, Vigna angularis and Vigna radiata, currently available in GenBank, to infer whether 15 published universal primer pairs for amplification of all 14 cis-spliced introns in genes of NADH subunits (nad genes) are suitable for V. faba and related species. Then, we tested via PCR reactions whether seven out of 15 primer pairs would generate PCR products suitable for further manipulation in 16 genotypes of V. faba representing all botanical varieties of this species (major, minor, equina and subsp. paucijuga) of various levels of improvement (traditional and improved cultivars) originating from Europe, Africa, Asia and south America. We provide new PCR primers for amplification of nad1 intron 2/3 in V. faba, and demonstrate intraspecific variability in primary nucleotide sequences at this locus. Based on outcomes of both in silico predictions and PCR amplification, we report a set of PCR primers for amplification of five introns in nad genes that are promising molecular tools for future phylogeographic and other studies in this species for which unambiguous data on wild ancestors, centre of origin and domestication are lacking

    Racism and Patriarchy in the Meaning of Motherhood

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    The catalytic abilities of a gold electrode were tested for the quantitative determination of amphetamine (A) and 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) standards by their oxidation using cyclic voltammetry (CV). The values of the oxidative currents of A and MDMA standards at 0.80 V vs. SCE in 0.05 M NaHCO3 at a scan rate of 50 mV s-1 were linear functions of the concentration in range of 110.9-258.9 Ī¼M and 38.7-229.2 Ī¼M, respectively. Square wave voltammetry (SWV) revealed a linear increase of current with the concentration of MDMA (range 30.9-91.6 Ī¼M), which enabled the quantitative determination of amphetamine derivates. SWV analysis was also successfully performed in spiked urine samples. A and MDMA in the presence of sucrose and as a content in illegally produced tablets were also determined. The voltammetric determinations of A and MDMA derivatives using CV and SWV at gold a electrode are rapid, selective and simple procedures and their accuracy was confirmed with a reference method, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The analysis of spiked urine samples offers an additional possibility for the rapid detection of A and MDMA in human urine.Katalitička svojstva elektrode od zlata su testirana za kvantitativno određivanje amfetamina (A) i 3,4-metilendioksi-N-metilamfetamina (MDMA) standarda. Elektroksidacija A i MDMA je praćena cikličnom voltametrijom (CV). Vrednost oksidativnog pika A i MDMA standarda je linearna funkcija koncentracija u opsegu 110,9-258,9 Ī¼M (A) i 38,7-229,2 Ī¼M (MDMA). Voltametrija sa pravougaonim impulsima (SWV) je pokazala linearnu zavisnost struja od koncentracija za MDMA standard (u opsegu: 30,9-91,6 Ī¼M) kao i u spajkovanim uzorcima humanog urina. UspeÅ”no je analiziran i sadržaj A i MDMA u ilegalno proizvedenim tabletama. Voltametrijsko određivanje A i MDMA derivata uz pomoć CV i SWV na elektrodi od zlata je brza, selektivna i jednostavna procedura. Analiza spajkovanih uzoraka urina nudi dodatnu mogućnost za brzu detekciju A i MDMA u humanom urinu

    The Effect of High Birth Weight (4000 g or More) on the Weight and Height of Adult Men and Women

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    Three hundred and twenty eight examined adult men and 346 examined adult women were macrosomic at birth (4000 g or over). The control group consisted of 564 adult men and 749 adult women with birth weights of 2500 to 3999 g. Both male and female macrosomic babies achieve greater weights and heights in adulthood than those in the control group. There are more overweight and obese men in the macrosomic group than in the control group and the same is true of the women (p < 0.001). The mean values of the BMI (body mass index) for the macrosomic adults are greater than those for the control group (p < 0.001). Fetal macrosomia is a good predictor of the weight and height of adult men and women

    A Rapid and Cost-effective Procedure for Delineation and Utilization of Genomic Microsatellites for Paralleled Genotyping in Vicia faba

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    Although more than 400 microsatellite loci are currently available for Vicia faba L. (faba bean), an important food and feed grain crop legume, they have not yet been used for comprehensive molecular characterization of this crop. We report a three-step procedure for rapid and cost-effective delineation and utilization of informative genomic nuclear SSRs for paralleled genotyping in faba bean suitable also for other species: (i) pre-selection of loci generating PCR products of expected lengths which are potentially polymorphic (achieved by PCR amplification in bulked samples); (ii) exclusion of loci burdened with persistent null alleles and multilocus amplification products (based on PCR amplification of pre-selected loci in individual genotypes), and (iii) multiplexing. We demonstrate also that genomic SSRs are promising molecular tools for molecular characterization of faba bean required also for crop improvement

    First Isolation of Exiguobacterium aurantiacum in Serbia

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    Exiguobacterium aurantiacum is isolated from a variety of environmental samples but rarely from patients. The aim of the study was to represent isolation of unusual bacterial strains that could cause infection in patients. Final identification was performed using matrix-assisted description/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). Two isolates strains of E. aurantiacum were isolated, one isolate from distilled water used during surgical treatment and the second one from a patient with bacteremia after radical prostatectomy, both sensitive to all tested antimicrobials. Environmental strains could cause infection, especially in immunocompromised patients; therefore, rare bacteria testing is required, in which identification special assistance is provided by an automated system MALDI-TOF

    The EU Meat Market and the Doha Round at a Glance

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    Meat market has always had a special attention due to repeating crises and confidence breakdowns. Even though global meat trade has grown in the past decades, driven mainly by gains in poultry and pig meat originating from developing regions, many countries that produce and consume meat still remain disconnected by trade. Trade barriers, as sanitary and protectionist standards, have heavily influenced meat market. Sanitary standards related to animal diseases, food safety concerns and health issue awareness mostly identify those countries that are ā€œfreeā€ and those that are ā€œnot freeā€ of potential risks. Although sanitary barriers can inhibit trade flows they protect against the spread of serious diseases and other risks that can break animal production. On the other hand, protectionist barriers in the form of tariffs and tariff-rate quotas designed as domestic support may distort international markets and prevent significant potential trade in meats. The EU occupies an important position in the world meat market due to its export performance drawn from subsidies and sanitary and protection barriers that have been the focus of strong criticism by some developed and developing countries, among others. The Doha round has had an ambitious call in lowering protectionist barriers and achieving substantial improvements in market access and reductions of export subsidies and in tradedistorting domestic support. Yet, major protectionist barriers linger even so and the average global meat tariffs are higher than the average tariffs for other agricultural goods. Furthermore, these developments in trade liberalization and market access seem not to be only precondition for trade to occur as well as only answer to meat crisis


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    The paper presents the situation of detention in Hungary. The legal institution of detention is the deprivation of personal liberty without a final court decision, i.e., a final decision. The Hungarian Criminal Procedure Act, which entered into force on 1 July 2018, aims to renew the practice of detention. According to the new regulation, detention can be applied only if the intended purpose of the proceedings cannot be ensured by less coercive measures (criminal supervision, bail). The paper describes the legal reasons for the detention, the statistics, and the previous problems in the case law that characterized the legal institution.U radu je prikazano stanje pritvora u Mađarskoj. Pravni institut pritvora predstavlja liÅ”enje lične slobode bez pravnosnažne sudske odluke, odnosno pravnosnažne odluke. Mađarski Zakon o krivičnom postupku, koji je stupio na snagu 1. jula 2018. godine, ima za cilj da revidira praksu pritvora. Prema novom propisu, pritvor se može primeniti samo ako se svrha postupka ne može obezbediti blažim merama prinude (krivičnim nadzorom, jemstvom). U radu su opisani pravni razlozi pritvora, statistika i dosadaÅ”nji problemi u sudskoj praksi koji su karakterisali ovaj pravni institut

    CQ Switch Analysis under Traffic Overload

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    An analysis of 2x2 crossbar packet switch with buffers at crosspoints and round robin scheduling algorithm is presented in this paper. The analysis is performed for a non-admissible traffic pattern, where output ports are overloaded. The case of full offered load is observed and output ports are loaded with packets that have different arrival probabilities. In addition to the parameters that are commonly observed in such an analysis (throughput and average packet delay), memory requirements for the implementation of the buffer, as well as fair representation when servicing the buffer - the so-called fairness are also analyzed. The results show that even for a switch with a small number of ports very large buffers should be implemented, if we want to achieve satisfactory performance under traffic overload


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    Abstract- Self-incompatibility (SI) systems, gamethophytic (GSI) and sporophytic (SSI), prevent self-pollination in angiosperms. Buckwheat displays heteromorphic SSI, with pollination allowed only between different flower morphs-thrum and pin. The physiology of thrum and pin morph SI responses are entirely different, resembling homomorphic Brassica SSI and Prunus GSI responses, respectively. Considering angiosperm species may share ancestral SI genes, we examined the presence of Brassica and Prunus SI-involved gene orthologs in the buckwheat genome. We did not find evidence of SRK, SLG and SP11 Brassica or S-RNase and SFB Prunus orthologs in the buckwheat genome, but we found a Brassica MLPK ortholog. We report the partial nucleotide sequence of the buckwheat MLPK and discuss the possible implications of this finding