476 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de bactérias diazotróficas e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares na cultura da mandioca

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência, isolar e identificar fungos micorrízicos arbusculares associados à cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta). Amostras de solo rizosférico e de várias partes da planta (raízes, tubérculos, manivas e folhas) de locais nos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Paraná, foram inoculadas nos meios LGI-P, NFb-malato e NFb-GOC, avaliando-se o número mais provável de células e a atividade de redução de acetileno. Bactérias diazotróficas foram isoladas de todas as partes da planta, com exceção das folhas, sendo identificadas como Klebsiella sp., Azospirillum lipoferum e uma bactéria denominada "E", provavelmente pertencente ao gênero Burkholderia. A Bactéria E acumulou de 7,63 mg a 14,84 mg de N/g de C em meio semi-sólido, isento de N, e conseguiu manter a capacidade de fixação biológica de N, mesmo após uma dezena de repicagens consecutivas. A colonização micorrízica variou de 31% a 69%, e a densidade de esporos de 10 a 384 esporos/100 mL de solo, predominando as espécies Entrophospora colombiana e Acaulospora scrobiculata no Rio de Janeiro, A. scrobiculata e Scutellospora heterogama no Paraná e em Piracicaba (São Paulo) e A. appendicula e S. pellucida em Campinas (São Paulo)

    Importância do sistema de semeadura direta na população microbiana do solo.

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    Manipulation of length and lexicality localizes the functional neuroanatomy of phonological processing in adult readers

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    In a previous study of single word reading, regions in the left supramarginal gyrus and left angular gyrus showed positive BOLD activity in children but significantly less activity in adults for high-frequency words. This developmental decrease may reflect decreased reliance on phonological processing for familiar stimuli in adults. Therefore, in the present study, variables thought to influence phonological demand (string length and lexicality) were manipulated. Length and lexicality effects in the brain were explored using both ROI and whole-brain approaches. In the ROI analysis, the supramarginal and angular regions from the previous study were applied to this study. The supramarginal region showed a significant positive effect of length, consistent with a role in phonological processing, whereas the angular region showed only negative deflections from baseline with a strong effect of lexicality and other weaker effects. At the whole-brain level, varying effects of length and lexicality and their interactions were observed in 85 regions throughout the brain. The application of hierarchical clustering analysis to the BOLD time course data derived from these regions revealed seven clusters, with potentially revealing anatomical locations. Of note, a left angular gyrus region was the sole constituent of one cluster. Taken together, these findings in adult readers (1) provide support for a widespread set of brain regions affected by lexical variables, (2) corroborate a role for phonological processing in the left supramarginal gyrus, and (3) do not support a strong role for phonological processing in the left angular gyrus

    How strongly do word reading times and lexical decision times correlate? Combining data from eye movement corpora and megastudies

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    We assess the amount of shared variance between three measures of visual word recognition latencies: eye movement latencies, lexical decision times and naming times. After partialling out the effects of word frequency and word length, two well-documented predictors of word recognition latencies, we see that 7-44% of the variance is uniquely shared between lexical decision times and naming times, depending on the frequency range of the words used. A similar analysis of eye movement latencies shows that the percentage of variance they uniquely share either with lexical decision times or with naming times is much lower. It is 5 – 17% for gaze durations and lexical decision times in studies with target words presented in neutral sentences, but drops to .2% for corpus studies in which eye movements to all words are analysed. Correlations between gaze durations and naming latencies are lower still. These findings suggest that processing times in isolated word processing and continuous text reading are affected by specific task demands and presentation format, and that lexical decision times and naming times are not very informative in predicting eye movement latencies in text reading once the effect of word frequency and word length are taken into account. The difference between controlled experiments and natural reading suggests that reading strategies and stimulus materials may determine the degree to which the immediacy-of-processing assumption and the eye-mind assumption apply. Fixation times are more likely to exclusively reflect the lexical processing of the currently fixated word in controlled studies with unpredictable target words rather than in natural reading of sentences or texts

    Biomassa microbiana e sua atividade em solos sob diferentes sistemas de preparo e sucessão de culturas.

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    RESUMO: Foi avaliada a biomassa microbiana e sua atividade, em solo submetido às sucessões de culturas trigo/soja e trigo/milho, preparado pelo sistema convencional e em plantio direto. A avaliação foi realizada em um experimento realizado em um Latossolo Roxo desde 1976 na Estação Experimental do Instituto Agronômico do Paraná-IAPAR, em Londrina (PR). Foram coletadas amostras na profundidade de 0-15 cm, dez dias após o plantio e sete dias antes da colheita da cultura de verão e de inverno dos anos de 1992, 1993 e 1994. Avaliaram-se a respiracão basal do solo e o carbono da biomassa microbiana pelo método de fumigação-incubação; o nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, pelo método da fumigação-extração, o quociente metabólico e a relação C mic/Corg dos solos. Houve poucas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros avaliados, em função das diferentes sucessões de culturas. As parcelas sob plantio direto apresentaram incrementos de 118 e 101% no carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, respectivamente, de 73% na respiração basal e de 96% na relação C mic/Corg, enquanto houve um decréscimo de 28% no quociente metabólico (qCO2). Os dados obtidos evidenciam que a prática do plantio direto proporciona maior biomassa microbiana e menor perda relativa de C via respiração, podendo determinar, assim, maior acúmulo de C no solo a longo prazo. Conseqüentemente, os parâmetros microbiológicos mostraram-se bons indicadores de alterações do solo em função do manejo. ABSTRACT: In this study, microbial biomass and its activity were evaluated on a soil submitted to crop rotations with heat/soybean and wheat/maize under the no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. The evaluation was performed on an experiment established since 1976 at the Experimental Station of Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR), Londrina (PR), Brazil. Soil samples were taken in the plough layer (0-15 cm) ten days after planting and seven days before harvesting summer and winter crops during 1992, 1993 and 1994. The basal respiration and the microbial biomass carbon were evaluated by the fumigation-incubation method, and the microbial biomass nitrogen was evaluated by fumigation-extraction, the determination of the metabolic coefficient and the relation C mic/C org of the soil. There were few significant differences on the parameters related above as a result of the different crop rotations. However, when compared with the conventional tillage, the plots under the no-tillage system have shown increases of 118 and 101% on carbon and nitrogen microbial biomass, respectively, of 73% on basal respiration and of 96% on the relation Cmic/Corg, while the metabolic quotient (qCO 2 ) has decreased by 28%. The continuous use of the no-tillage system, either under wheat/soybean or wheat/maize crop rotation resulted in increases in microbial biomass and decreases in microbial respiration, therefore having measurable long term effects on the increase of soil C content. Consequently, microbial biomass has shown to be a good indicator to evaluate the effects of long term management on soil alteration

    Biomassa microbiana e sua atividade em solos sob diferentes sistemas de preparo e sucessão de culturas.

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    RESUMO: Foi avaliada a biomassa microbiana e sua atividade, em solo submetido às sucessões de culturas trigo/soja e trigo/milho, preparado pelo sistema convencional e em plantio direto. A avaliação foi realizada em um experimento realizado em um Latossolo Roxo desde 1976 na Estação Experimental do Instituto Agronômico do Paraná-IAPAR, em Londrina (PR). Foram coletadas amostras na profundidade de 0-15 cm, dez dias após o plantio e sete dias antes da colheita da cultura de verão e de inverno dos anos de 1992, 1993 e 1994. Avaliaram-se a respiracão basal do solo e o carbono da biomassa microbiana pelo método de fumigação-incubação; o nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, pelo método da fumigação-extração, o quociente metabólico e a relação C mic/Corg dos solos. Houve poucas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros avaliados, em função das diferentes sucessões de culturas. As parcelas sob plantio direto apresentaram incrementos de 118 e 101% no carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, respectivamente, de 73% na respiração basal e de 96% na relação C mic/Corg, enquanto houve um decréscimo de 28% no quociente metabólico (qCO2). Os dados obtidos evidenciam que a prática do plantio direto proporciona maior biomassa microbiana e menor perda relativa de C via respiração, podendo determinar, assim, maior acúmulo de C no solo a longo prazo. Conseqüentemente, os parâmetros microbiológicos mostraram-se bons indicadores de alterações do solo em função do manejo. ABSTRACT: In this study, microbial biomass and its activity were evaluated on a soil submitted to crop rotations with heat/soybean and wheat/maize under the no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. The evaluation was performed on an experiment established since 1976 at the Experimental Station of Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR), Londrina (PR), Brazil. Soil samples were taken in the plough layer (0-15 cm) ten days after planting and seven days before harvesting summer and winter crops during 1992, 1993 and 1994. The basal respiration and the microbial biomass carbon were evaluated by the fumigation-incubation method, and the microbial biomass nitrogen was evaluated by fumigation-extraction, the determination of the metabolic coefficient and the relation C mic/C org of the soil. There were few significant differences on the parameters related above as a result of the different crop rotations. However, when compared with the conventional tillage, the plots under the no-tillage system have shown increases of 118 and 101% on carbon and nitrogen microbial biomass, respectively, of 73% on basal respiration and of 96% on the relation Cmic/Corg, while the metabolic quotient (qCO 2 ) has decreased by 28%. The continuous use of the no-tillage system, either under wheat/soybean or wheat/maize crop rotation resulted in increases in microbial biomass and decreases in microbial respiration, therefore having measurable long term effects on the increase of soil C content. Consequently, microbial biomass has shown to be a good indicator to evaluate the effects of long term management on soil alteration