41 research outputs found

    Diversity and Co-occurrence Pattern Analysis of Cecal Microbiota Establishment at the Onset of Solid Feeding in Young Rabbits

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    This study aimed to evaluate how the feeding strategy of rabbit kits at the onset of solid feed intake could affect ecological diversity and co-occurrence patterns of the cecal bacterial community. From birth to 18 days of age kits were exclusively milk-fed, and between 18 and 35 days the young rabbits also had access to solid feed. After weaning at (35 days), young rabbits were exclusively fed solid feed. Three experimental feeds were used: a high concentrate diet [H: 10.16 MJ digestible energy (DE)/kg and 15.3% crude protein (CP)], a low concentrate diet (L: 9.33 MJ DE/kg and 14.7% CP) and a reproductive female diet (R: 10.57 MJ DE/kg and 17.3% CP). The rabbit kits (n = 357) were divided into three groups, differing by the diet received during two periods: from 18 to 28 and from 28 to 49 days of age. In the groups LL and HH, rabbit kits were fed L or H diets, respectively, during both periods. Kits in the group RL received feeds R and L from 18 to 28 and 28 to 49 days of age, respectively. Cecal bacterial communities of 10 rabbits per group were carried out at 18, 28, 35, 43 and 49 days of age by MiSeq Illumina sequencing 16S rRNA encoding genes. Between 18 and 28 days of age, solid feed intake was higher in the group RL compared to the other two groups (+24%; P < 0.01). Overall, 13.4% of the OTUs detected were present in the cecal ecosystem from 18 to 49 days old, whereas 17.4% were acquired with the onset of solid feeding and kept from 28 days on. Exclusive milk consumption constrains the bacterial community toward a similar structure but high phylogenetic beta-diversity. Introduction of solid feed induced a sharp change of microbial community structure and decreased phylogenetic diversity. A strong relationship in bacterial community network occurred only from 43 days on. Our feeding strategy at the onset of solid feed ingestion exhibited only a moderate effect on the microbial community structure (P = 0.072), although the LL group seemed to reach faster maturity compared to the two other groups

    Technology trends in knowledge management tools

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    absTracT A large number of tools are available in the software industry to support different aspects of knowledge management (KM). Some comprehensive applications and vendors try to offer global solutions to KM needs; other tools are highly specialized. In this paper, state-of-theart KM tools grouped by specific classification areas and functionalities are described. Trends and integration efforts are detailed with a focus on identifying current and future software and market evolution. backGrounD anD DefInITIons: a focus on PeoPle anD conTeX

    Integration of existing farming systems in hadejia Valley Irrigation Project

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    Over the past three decades, the various governments in Nigeria have put constant efforts on promotion and development of modern irrigation scheme, as a way to increase food production and meet an ever-increasing demand. Despite all the investments put into development of large irrigation schemes, the overall performance of most of the latter have been below expectations (Kaliel, 1999). Hadejia Valley Irrigation Project (HVIP) had been recording low performance of dry-season irrigation activities since its inception in 1993. An average dry season cropping intensity of 16.3% had been recorded over the past six years (Kura, 2002). This scenario forced policy makers financiers to question issues such as returns on investment, and challenged researchers to uncover the reasons for the low performance. To accurately determine and appreciate the reasons for the low dry season cropping intensity, a better understanding of the context in which irrigation activities are carried out is needed. Irrigation activities are embedded within broad socio-economic and agro-ecological settings that strongly shape the farming system. In HVIP, other farming systems such as upland farming, fadama farming, cattle rearing and fishing. activities were existing before the inception of the irrigation scheme. I lence irrigation activities were added to the existing ones. Irrigation activities are therefore taking place within a complex system involving other activities that may influence, compete or complement its demand for finance, labor, input distribution, time and management. These conditions of production contribute in shaping the diverse strategies adopted by farmers in their production activities. Any intervention aimed at improving the cropping intensities and subsequently farmers' income has to clearly identify and target the different types of farmers. This paper examines the integration of irrigation farming into other farming systems using a typology to classify farmers who adopt similar strategies in the integration of these farming systems. (Résumé d'auteur

    Une désynchronisation des lapines receveuses améliore-t-elle les résultats de transfert d'embryons ?

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    L’objectif de cette expérience est de mesurer l’influence de l’état physiologique des lapines donneuses au moment de l’insémination et du stade physiologique des receveuses sur le rendement de transferts d’embryons (n=49) au stade morula (67±2 heures dans notre expérience). Les donneuses ont reçu un traitement de superovulation, elles sont inséminées alors qu’elles sont allaitantes (3 jours avant sevrage, ou le jour du sevrage) ou non allaitantes. Les lapines receveuses reçoivent des embryons au stade 67±2 heures post induction de l’ovulation (p.o.), au moment du transfert, elles sont au stade : 59-61, 62- 64, 65-68 et 69-71 p.o. Sur l’ensemble des transferts, l’état physiologique des donneuses au moment de l’insémination n’influence significativement ni la fertilité, ni la taille de portée (nés vivants, nés morts) ni le rendement global (nombre de nés vivants/nombre d’embryons transférés). En revanche, la fertilité est optimale pour des receveuses aux stades 62-64 et 65-68 heures après l’induction de l’ovulation (respectivement 77,78 et 79,78 % vs 68,36 et 28,90 % pour les stades 59-61 et 69-71 heures post induction de l’ovulation, P=0,024). Le nombre de lapereaux nés vivants est significativement supérieur quand les receveuses sont à un stade correspondant à l’âge des embryons (respectivement 5,77 vs 4,28, 2,83 et 3,52 pour 59-61, 62-64, 69-71 heures après l’ovulation, P=0,036). En conséquence, la réussite du transfert, ou le rendement mesuré sur les lapines fertiles est plus élevé quand le stade physiologique des lapines correspond à l’âge des embryons (respectivement 53,92 % vs 37,74, 28,87, et 33,01 %, P=0,053). La durée de la gestation est plus longue après un transfert d’embryons (moyenne : 32,6 jours). Le nombre de lapereaux nés vivants est corrélé au nombre total d’embryons transférés (r=+0,32, P=0,024). La durée de gestation est négativement corrélée au nombre de nés totaux (r=-0,60, P<0,001). En conclusion, pour des transferts d’embryons au stade morula (67 ±2 heures après l’ovulation) dans les cornes utérines, la fertilité ainsi que le nombre d’embryons vivants sont améliorés pour des transferts synchrones, c’est-à-dire quand l’âge des embryons correspond précisément au stade physiologique des receveuses après l’induction de l’ovulation

    Effect of solid intake stimulation of suckling rabbit in the nest on survival and growth performance

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    The objective of our study was to stimulate the solid intake of suckling rabbit by modulating the age of access to pelleted solid feed (8 days vs 18 days) or protein-starch ratio of the pellet. Three groups of 17 litters were used. In group 1, suckling rabbits had access to P + A- pellet (13.5% digestible protein, 6.8% starch) as early as 8 days in the nest. In group 2, the suckling rabbits had access to the same pelleted feed but only from 18 days in feeders. In group 3, the suckling rabbits were fed from 18 days with a P-A + pelleted feed in feeders (digestible protein: 9.9%, starch 8.9%). At weaning (35 days), the young rabbits of all 3 groups were fed at 80% of the voluntary intake. The health status was monitored on a daily basis, the milk production of the does was measured twice a week. Live weight and feed consumption of the young rabbits, were measured in the nest between 8 and 18 days, and after nest removal until slaughter weight (18-70 days). The mortality rate was not different between the groups (2.8% between 8 and 35 days, and 0.4% between 35 and 70 days). In group 1, the ingestion of pelleted feed in the nest between 8 and 18 days was 0.75 pellet/rabbit/day. This early consumption of pelleted feed did not affect the milk production of the does or the growth until weaning of the young rabbits. During the period 35-70 days, group 3 had the highest growth (39.5±0.4 g/d), the lowest was observed for group 2 (37.6±0.4 g/days) while group 1 has an intermediate value (38.8±0.5 g/d). These results confirm the ability of young rabbits to ingest a solid feed with no adverse effect on health. In our favorable sanitary conditions, the lowest protein-starch ratio feed shows an interest in post-weaning growth of young rabbit

    Genetic parameters for two selection criteria for feed efficiency in rabbits

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    Improvement of feed efficiency can be achieved by genetic selection directly on feed to BW gain ratio or for alternative traits. In the present study, 2 different traits were explored in the growing rabbit and their heritability and genetic correlations with traits recorded between weaning (30 d) and 63 d of age: i) residual feed intake (RFI), to select animals having low ad libitum feed intake independently from their production level, and ii) ADG under restricted feeding (ADGR; with a restriction level of 80% compared with ad libitum feeding of a control group), to select animals having high growth rate despite limited feed intake. To study these traits, 2 rabbit lines were established named i) ConsoResidual line and ii) ADGrestrict line. Under ad libitum or restricted feeding, it comes to select animals that waste less energy for maintenance, metabolism, or activity and retain more for tissue deposition. The selection process was similar in both lines. Data comprised records from generations 0 to 6 for about 1,800 rabbits per line measured for their BW at weaning and 63 d of age (BW63) and their individual feed consumption. Under ad libitum feeding, the heritability estimates were moderate for RFI (0.16 ± 0.05), ADG (0.19 ± 0.05), and feed conversion ratio (FCR; 0.22 ± 0.05). The high genetic correlation estimated between RFI and FCR (0.96 ± 0.03) was in accordance with the literature. The genetic correlation between RFI and ADG traits was not significant. Thus, selection for low RFI with ad libitum feeding was confirmed as a potential trait to improve FCR and reduce feed intake, with little effect on ADG. To our knowledge, there is no previous selection experiment on growing rabbits with restricted feeding. Our heritability estimates for ADGR and feed conversion ratio under restricted feeding (FCRR) were moderate (0.22 ± 0.06 and 0.23 ± 0.07, respectively) and had very high negative genetic correlation. Both selection criteria were found with high and favorable genetic correlations with feed efficiency recorded under each feeding regimen. However, their different genetic correlations with BW at weaning and at 63 d of age (BW63R; respectively, 0.85 and 0.17 for RFI and -0.25 and 0.81 for ADGR) suggested different impacts on major production traits that need further analyses to decipher the relative advantages of the 2 selection criteria, together with interactions between genotypes and feeding regimen

    Piste de recherches pour améliorer la robustesse des lapereaux au sevrage : l'alimentation précoce

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    L’objectif de notre étude était de stimuler l’ingestion solide du lapereau allaité en modulant l’âge d’accès à l’aliment solide granulé (j8 vs j18) ou le ratio protéine/amidon de l’aliment. Trois lots de 17 portées ont été constitués. Dans le lot 1, les lapereaux allaités avaient accès, dès 8j dans le nid, à l’aliment P+A- (protéine digestible 15,5%; amidon 6,8 %); dans le lot 2, les lapereaux avaient accès au même aliment mais seulement à partir de 18j. Pour le lot 3, les lapereaux étaient nourris à partir de 18 jours avec un aliment P-A+ (protéine digestible : 9,9 %, amidon 8,9%). Au sevrage (35 j), les lapereaux ont été rationnés à 80% de l’ingestion volontaire. L’état sanitaire a été contrôlé quotidiennement, la production laitière de la lapine a été mesurée 2 fois par semaine, le poids vif et la consommation d'aliment par les lapereaux, dans le nid entre 8 et 18j, puis dans la mangeoire (18-35j) ont été mesurés. Le taux de mortalité n’était pas différent entre les lots (2,8% entre 8 et 35 j ; et 0,4 % entre 35 et 70 j). L’ingestion d'aliment granulé au nid entre 8 et 18j est de 0,75 granulé/lapin/jour. Cette consommation précoce de granulé n’a pas eu d’incidence sur la production laitière des mères ou la croissance jusqu’au sevrage des lapereaux. Sur la période 35 – 70 j, le lot 3 présente la croissance la plus élevée (39,5±0,4 g/j), la plus faible est observée pour le lot 2 (37,6±0,4 g/j) tandis que le lot 1 présente une valeur intermédiaire (38,8±0,5 g/j). Ces résultats confirment la capacité des lapereaux à ingérer précocement un aliment solide sans effet délétère sur la santé. Dans nos conditions, sanitaires favorables, l’aliment riche en amidon montre un intérêt pour la croissance post sevrage des lapereaux

    Héritabilité des maux de pattes et relations avec les performances de reproduction de la lignée INRA 1777

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    Les maux de pattes ont été identifiés comme la première cause de réforme sanitaire des femelles dans les élevages. Le but de cette étude est d’évaluer les différences de performances zootechniques des animaux présentant des maux de pattes et de déterminer l’héritabilité de ce caractère. Les enregistrements des performances de 2933 reproducteurs (2200 femelles et 733 mâles) nés entre 2004 et 2015 de la lignée INRA 1777 ont été analysés. La présence de maux de pattes est enregistrée à chaque cycle, pendant la pesée dite « de palpation », 14 jours après l’IA. Les femelles représentent 96,5% des animaux atteints. La proportion de lapines souffrant de pododermatite varie de 0,10 % à la palpation 1 à 15,7% à la palpation 5. Les femelles présentant des maux de pattes ont un taux de mise bas significativement plus faible, un poids vif et une croissance inférieure. Les différences entre femelles atteintes et non-atteintes ne sont pas significatives pour le nombre de nés vivants, la mortinatalité et la mortalité en pré-sevrage. L’héritabilité de la présence de maux de pattes (présence de maux de pattes au moins une fois au cours des 6 premières palpations) est de 0,07± 0,03 avec un modèle linéaire et de 0,13 ± 0,05 avec un modèle à seuil. Ce caractère pourrait donc éventuellement être inclus dans les objectifs de sélection.Sore hocks are the first cause of female sanitary culling in the commercial rabbit farms. The aims of his study were to analyses the performance gap of affected rabbits and estimate the heritability of pododermatitis. Records on 2933 rabbits (2200 females and 733 males) born between 2004 and 2015 of the INRA 1777 rabbit line were analyzed. Pododermatitis was registered at each reproduction cycle during the “palpation” weighing which occurs 14 days after Artificial Insemination. Females represent 96.5% of the affected rabbits. The proportion of does showing sore hocks reached 0.10% at the first palpation and 15.7% at the fifth palpation. In total, 15.6% of the females showed sore hocks at least once during the first 6 palpations. Females suffering from sore hocks have a lower fertility, a lower body weight at palpation and a lower average daily gain between palpations. They were no significant differences for the number of born alive, mortinatality and pre-weaning death rate. The heritability of pododermatitis (presence of pododermatitis at least once during the first 6 palpations) was 0.07± 0.03 with a linear model and 0.13 ± 0.05 with a threshold model. This trait might therefore be included in the breeding objectives