58 research outputs found

    Effects of total replacement of corn silage with sorghum silage on milk yield, composition, and quality

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    BACKGROUND: In the last years, difficulties occurring in corn cultivation (i.e., groundwater shortages, mycotoxin contamination) have been forcing dairy farmers to consider alternative silages. Some experiments conducted on lactating cows have proven that the total replacement of corn silage with sorghum silage did not reduce milk yield. However, this kind of substitution involves supplementing sorghum-based diets with grains, to compensate for the lower starch content of sorghum silage compared to corn silage. Change of silage type and inclusion of starch sources in the diet would influence rumen fermentations, with possible effects on milk composition (i.e., fatty acid profile) and coagulation properties. A worsening of milk coagulation properties would have a negative economic impact in Italy, where most of the milk produced is processed into cheese. This study was designed to compare milk composition and quality, with emphasis on fatty acid profile and coagulation properties, in dairy cows fed two diets based on corn or sorghum silage. RESULTS: The sorghum diet reduced milk yield (P = 0.043) but not 4% fat corrected milk (P = 0.85). Feeding sorghum silage did not influence milk contents of protein (P = 0.07) and lactose (P = 0.65), and increased fat content (P = 0.024). No differences emerged for milk concentrations of saturated (P = 0.61) and monounsaturated fatty acids (P = 0.50), whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids were lower (P < 0.001) for the sorghum diet. Concentrations of n-6 (P < 0.001) and n-3 fatty acids (P = 0.017) were lower in milk of cows fed the sorghum diet. Milk coagulation properties did not differ between the two diets, except the “a30” (the curd firmness, expressed in mm, 30 min after rennet addition), that was lower (P = 0.042) for the sorghum diet. CONCLUSIONS: Feeding a forage sorghum silage, properly supplemented with corn meal, as total replacement of corn silage maintained milk composition and did not influence negatively milk coagulation properties, which have a great economic relevance for the Italian dairy industry. Thus, silages obtained from forage sorghums could have a potential as substitute of corn silages in dairy cow diets

    Study of the chemical and nutritional characteristics of commercial dog foods used as elimination diet for the diagnosis of canine food allergy

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    "Hypoallergenic" pet foods are commercial dietary products for dogs and cats used as elimination diets for the diagnosis of adverse food reactions. Aim of this study was to compare chemical and nutritional characteristics of this kind of dog foods with regular maintenance diets. Twenty-nine dry pet foods (pellets) were collected and divided into classes on the basis of the type (H: hypoallergenic; R: regular), source of fat (with or without fish oil) and source of protein (with or without fish protein) used in their composition. Labels of the H pet foods identified 8 products (44%) with one protein in their formula, suggesting that only few commercial manufacturers concern about the number of protein sources included in their products. Samples of the two groups showed different chemical profiles with lower levels of protein, gross energy, phosphorus and better fatty acid profile (expressed as % of total fatty acids) for H products in comparison to R foods: PUFA, 38.91 vs 24.03, P<0.01; ω3, 5.70 vs 2.58, P<0.01; ω6, 33.22 vs 21.63, P<0.01; DHA, 2.85 vs 0.16, P<0.05; CLA, 0.24 vs 0.08, P<0.05, for H and R respectively. This study suggests that the differences observed in the fatty acids composition may be attributed to fish proteins addition, but not to fish oil, in H pet foods production

    Nitrogen excretion in dairy cow, beef and veal cattle, pig, and rabbit farms in Northern Italy

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    Reference values for N excretion of different livestock production systems are required for the application of the Nitrate Directive (91/676/EC). A survey aimed to estimate N excretion from on-farm measurements of feed consumption and performance of dairy cows (104 herds, 9,984 cows), growing cattle (40 farms, 40,157 young bulls), veal calves (34 farms, 49,206 calves), growing pigs (39 farms, 161,278 pigs) and rabbits (54 farms, 65,664 reproducing does) was conducted in Veneto from 2002 to 2003. N excretion was computed as the difference between N consumption and N retained in animal products. Dairy cow yielded 8,366 ± 1,646 kg/year of milk, consumed 6,600 ± 928 kg/year of DM, containing 2.45 ± 0.2 % DM of N, and excreted 116 ± 25 kg of N/year. No significant correlation was found between milk yield and N excretion, but the correlation between dietary N concentration and N excretion was significant (r=0.66). For growing cattle, the following mean values were achieved: daily gain 1.25 ± 0.19 kg/d; feed conversion ratio 6.9 ± 0.9 kg of DM/kg, rounds/year 1.66 ± 0.38. Nitrogen consumed, retained and excreted were, respectively, 68.7 ± 5.4, 11.4 ± 1.9 and 57.3 ± 4.9 kg/place/year. For veal calves, N consumed was 24.1 ± 1.9 kg/place/year, 12.1 ± 0.8 kg of which were retained in the body and 12.0 ± 1.5 kg were excreted. For heavy pig production, N consumed, per place and per year, averaged 19.0 ± 1.9 kg, N retained was 5.2 ± 0.5 kg and N excreted was 13.8 ± 0.4 kg. In the close-cycle rabbit farms, the doe and the relative growing rabbits (43 sold per year) consumed 11.2 ± 2.2 kg, retained 3.8 ± 0.7 kg and excreted 7.4 ± 1.5 kg N/doe/year. Nitrogen excretion estimated in this work can be considered as representative of some of the main animal production systems of the North-East of Italy. These values should not be considered as fixed, otherwise the implementation of the various strategies to reduce N excretion would not be possible. They should be considered as guidelines in the assistance both to public institutions and private enterprises in the evaluation of N excretion at farm level, favouring a more accurate quantification of the excretions, an increase of N retention efficiency and a better knowledge of the requirements of agricultural land. Moreover, a major extension of the agricultural land to be fertilised with manure should be promoted

    The allometric partition of whole body protein in lean fraction of growing pigs using information from three different datasets

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    The hypothesis that a single allometric relationship relating carcass lean protein (CLP) to whole body protein (WBP) can allow accurate estimates of CLP on pigs of different populations, sex and nutritional history, was tested. Three datasets of different origins were used. Data were representative of 548 pigs, castrated males and females, of 8 pig populations, serially slaughtered over ample empty body weight (EBW) ranges (from 22 to 217 kg). WBP and CLP ranged, respectively, from 2 to 28 and from 1 to 16 kg. The pooled data were run and the following relationship was found: CLP=0.497*WBP1.021 (CV=0.062; rsd=0.501 kg). The residuals were subjected to ANOVA to test the effects due to dataset, pig population within dataset and sex; significant differences between datasets mean residuals (+0.095, SE=0.041; -0.258, SE=0.094; -0.116, SE=0.055 kg, P<0.001) were observed. No differences due to sex and pig populations were found. The average residuals were low and only in few cases they differed from zero. Conclusions: CLP can be accurately predicted from WBP; the coefficients of this function are mainly influenced by the procedures of slaughtering, dissection, sampling and analysis

    Quanti-qualitative evaluation of pectins in the dietary fibre of 24 foods

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    The dietary fibre of 24 foods was analysed for its proportions of insoluble and soluble (SDF) fractions and for its contentof high methoxyl pectins (HM), low methoxyl pectins (LM) and protopectin. The fractional extraction and quantitativedetermination of pectins were performed on the total dietary fibre residue, following the procedure suggested byRobertson (1979). Total pectin content (TP), calculated as sum of the three fractions, ranged from 2.4 to 49.8 g/kg ofdry matter. The variation coefficient of TP measurements repeated on the same foods were, on average, 2%. Total pectincontent was 49.8 g/kg DM in dried beet pulp and averaged 33.8+_0.3 g/kg DM in fruits and vegetables, 13.2+_8.4 g/kgDM in legumes and tubers and only 2.8+_0.5 g/kg DM in cereals. HM fraction prevailed in apple and pear samples (>40%of TP), while LM and protopectin largely prevailed in legumes and vegetables. A strong variability among foods was foundfor the TP/SDF ratio. In general, within each food category, increasing levels of SDF were associated with decreasing valuesof TP/SDF ratio. Since many foods contain low amounts of pectins, care in the development of calibration curves forspectrophotometric reading is required. Finally, the whole procedure for pectin extraction and quantification on dietaryfibre of food is very complex and time-consuming

    Recovery of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids in ripened cheese obtained from milk of cows fed different levels of extruded flaxseed

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    Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate whether the addition of extruded flaxseed (EF) in dairy cow diets had an effect on milk fat and individual fatty acids (FA) recovery in cheese after 90 d of ripening. Eighteen Holstein-Friesian cows, divided into 3 experimental groups (6 cows/group), were fed 3 isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets with 0 (CTR), 500 (EF500), or 1,000g/d (EF1000) of EF in 3 subsequent periods (2 wk/each), following a 3Ă—3 Latin square design. Dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield were recorded daily. Individual milk samples were collected on d 7 and 13 of each period to determine proximate and FA composition. Eighteen cheese-making sessions (2 for each group and period) were carried out, using a representative pooled milk sample obtained from the 6 cows of each group (10L). At 90 d of ripening, cheeses were analyzed for proximate and FA composition. Cheese yield was computed as the ratio between the weights of ripened cheese and processed milk. Recoveries of fat, individual FA, and grouped FA were computed as the ratio between the corresponding weights in cheese and in milk. Inclusion of EF did not affect DMI, milk yield, or milk composition. Compared with CTR, the 2 diets containing EF increased the proportion of C18:3n-3 and total n-3 FA, in both milk and cheese. Cheese yield and cheese fat percentage did not differ among diets. Likewise, milk fat recovery in cheese was comparable in the 3 treatments and averaged 0.85. The recoveries of individual FA were, for the most part, not dissimilar from fat recovery, except for short-chain saturated FA (from 0.38 for C4:0 to 0.80 for C13:0), some long-chain saturated FA (0.56 and 0.62 for C20:0 and C21:0, respectively), and for C18:3n-6 (1.65). The recovery of saturated FA was lower than that of monounsaturated FA, whereas recovery of polyunsaturated FA was intermediate. Compared with medium- and long-chain FA, short-chain FA were recovered to a smaller extent in cheese. No differences in recovery were found between n-6 and n-3 FA. In conclusion, FA have different recoveries during cheese-making, with lower values for the short-chain compared with long-chain FA, and for saturated FA compared with unsaturated FA. The addition of EF in dairy cow diets did not influence cheese yield or fat recovery in cheese, irrespective of the inclusion level. The experiment confirmed that feeding cows with EF represents a successful strategy for improving the FA profile of dairy products, through an increase of n-3 FA

    effects of low protein diets and rumen protected conjugated linoleic acid on production and carcass traits of growing double muscled piemontese bulls

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    The effects of low-protein (LP) diets and rumen-protected CLA on DMI, ADG, carcass traits, and health status of double-muscled Piemontese young bulls were investigated. Forty-eight bull calves (BW = 237 ± 24 kg) were divided in 4 groups and housed in 12 fully slatted pens. Bulls were fed 2 diets differing in CP density (high-protein (HP) diet: CP = 145 g/kg of DM; LP diet: CP = 108 g/kg of DM) and top-dressed with 80 g/d of rumen-protected CLA or 65 g/d of hydrogenated soybean oil. Orts were collected weekly and feed intake was estimated on a pen basis, with 3 replicated pens for each treatment. Each bull was weighed monthly and examined for alterations of the locomotion system by using the locomotion score as an index of lameness and by counting the number of swollen joints. Carcass quality traits were measured at slaughter, after a feeding period of 332 d. Compared with HP, LP reduced ADG only during the first 4 mo of the trial (1.30 vs. 1.53 kg/d, P = 0.003). However, be- cause of compensatory growth, over the whole trial, no significant effects attributable to CP or to additive were found on final BW (668 kg), ADG (1.19 kg/d), DMI (8.50 or 86 g/d per kg of BW 0.75 ), dressing percentage (67.3%), carcass conformation (5.2 points), and carcass fat covering (1.87 points). Feed efficiency was affected by a CP × additive interaction (P = 0.030), with CLA improving feed efficiency when added to the LP diets, whereas feed efficiency was reduced with the HP diets. The addition of both LP and CLA reduced the number of bulls presenting swollen joints (P = 0.001), and LP improved the locomotion score (P = 0.021) compared with HP. It was concluded that 10.8 g/kg of CP density in the diet is sufficient for double-muscled Piemontese bulls. The reduction in CP density from 145 to 108 g/ kg of DM, in addition to reducing the feeding cost, allows a strong reduction in N consumption without negative consequences on growth performance and car- cass traits

    Effects of fat supplementations on milk production and composition, ruminal and plasma parameters of dairy cows

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    The effects on milk yield and quality caused by the same amount (325 g/d/cow) of lipids provided by 3 different fat sources (hydrogenate palm fat, HF; calcium salt palm fat, CaSF; full-fat toasted soybean, TS), top dressed to a common total mixed ration, were investigated. Supplementations did not affect feed intake and milk yield, but markedly changed the acidic profile of milk fat. CaSF and TS significantly increased the proportions of unsaturated fatty acids of milk fat with respect to control and to HF. The 3 fat sources did not affect the concentrations of ammonia and VFA of rumen fluid. TS only slightly increased (P<0.10) plasma urea content because of a higher dietary protein supply, with respect to the other treatments. The use of a low amount of toasted and cracked full fat soybean seem to be interesting to increase the energy concentration of diets in replacement to commercial fat products and it can be use to modify the milk fat quality increasing the fraction with benefit effects on human health

    Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Magnetostrictive Materials by Comsol Multiphysics

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    Abstract: This paper presents the mathematical modeling for the analysis of the magnetostrictive materials, which describes the behaviour of the magnetomechanical coupling in a rod of magnetostrictive material and capturing it on Comsol© to have a predictive and detailed analysis. The simulation about the behaviour under harmonic excitation is done in this work

    SARS-CoV-2 and companion animals: sources of information and communication campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

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    This study analyzed data on the sources and the level of Italians’ awareness on the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 at the human–animal interface. Data were collected through a survey-type investigation on a representative sample of the Italian population. Forty-five percent of the interviewees were aware that companion animals could be infected by SARS-CoV-2. However, 29.8% were familiar with preventive measures to adopt to avoid viral transmission between infected humans and companion animals, and only 20.7% knew which companion animals could be at risk of infection. Higher awareness regarding the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission between animals and humans (51.7%) and the measures to prevent it (33.3%) was detected among companion animals’ owners. Notably, 40.4% of interviewees were not informed at all. Television broadcasts (26.4%) represented the main source of information, while only 3.5% of the interviewees relied on veterinarians, of which 31.9% considered this source of information as the most trustworthy. Overall, 72.4% of Italians recognized that the communication campaign on COVID-19 and companion animals was inadequate. This survey highlights the need for increasing the public awareness of the risk of companion animals being infected with SARS-CoV-2 and the involvement of professionals in the public communication on zoonoses. © 2023 by the authors
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