11 research outputs found

    A educação infantil e a questão da escola: o caso da França

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    Nos últimos trinta anos, a prioridade dada a uma lógica escolar para justificar a pré-escola coincide com uma dupla mudança na instituição. A primeira diz respeito às relações que a escola maternal mantém com a escolarização obrigatória e com as estruturas de cuidados para as crianças pequenas. A outra refere-se às reformas do currículo escolar e ao desenvolvimento dos processos de avaliação. A escola maternal, local de acolhimento, de cuidados e de preparação para a escola, tornou-se institucionalmente uma verdadeira escola. A difusão das comparações internacionais contribuiu para essas mudanças

    The globalization of crime control - the case of youth and juvenile justice Neo-liberalism, policy convergence and international conventions

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    The concept of globalization has gradually permeated criminology, but more so as applied to transnational organized crime, international terrorism and policing than in addressing processes of criminal justice reform. Based on a wide range of bibliographic and web resources, this article assesses the extent to which a combination of neo-liberal assaults on the social logics of the welfare state and public provision, widespread experimentation with restorative justice and the prospect of rehabilitation through mediation and widely ratified international directives, epitomized by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, have now made it possible to talk of a global juvenile/youth justice. Conversely it also reflects on how persistent national and local divergences, together with the contradictions of contemporary reform, may preclude any aspiration for the delivery of a universal and consensual produc

    Repenalisation and rights: Explorations in comparative youth criminology

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    Studies of international youth justice, punishment and control are in their infancy but the issues of globalisation, transnationalisation, policy transfer and localisation are gradually being addressed. There also appears a growing demand in policy and pressure group circles in the UK to learn more about other jurisdictions in order to emulate ‘best practice’ and avoid the worst excesses of punitive populism. However, existing comparative work in this area rarely ventures much beyond country specific descriptions of historical development, powers and procedures. Statistical comparisons – predominantly of custody rates – are becoming more sophisticated but remain beset with problems of partial and inaccurate data collection. The extent to which different countries do things differently, and how and why such difference is maintained, remains a relatively unexcavated territory. This article suggests a conceptually comparative framework in which degrees of international, national and local convergence and divergence can begin to be revealed and assessed