28 research outputs found

    »Sind die Naturressourcen tatsĂ€chlich knapp und warum mĂŒssen sich Sozialisten mit dieser Frage auseinandersetzen?«: Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Mohssen Massarrat und Rudolf Bahro

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    Die PROKLA dokumentiert im Anschluß an den Artikel von Dieter Hassenpflug im folgenden AuszĂŒge eines Briefwechsels zwischen Mohssen Massarrat und Rudolf Bahro, in dem es um die Frage nach der Endlichkeit der Naturressourcen auf der Erde geht, oder - anders gefragt - um den Knappheitsbegriff der bĂŒrgerlichen Naturwissenschaft und Ökonomie, der in der Ökologie-Diskussion oftmals unbefragt ĂŒbernommen wird (erinnert sei an die Rezeption der Thesen des »Clubs of Rome«). Ausgangspunkt des Briefwechsels ist ein Artikel von Mohssen Massarrat in der Zeitschrift »Das Argument«, Nr. 118, und in »links« von MĂ€rz 1980

    Manuel SacristĂĄn at the Onset of Ecological Marxism after Stalinism

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    Thirty-one years ago, in 1985, Manuel SacristĂĄn died in Barcelona at the age of 59. After the publication in 2014 of a volume with some of his writings translated into English (Llorente 2014), it is time to help non-Spanish-speaking readers to know more about him. Yet it is not easy to explain to generations born after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 that Manuel SacristĂĄn was a most important Marxist philosopher and at the same time one of the few pioneers introducing political ecology and antinuclear peace movement during the last quarter of the 20th century in Spain. Many people believe that Marxism, environmentalism and pacifism are views that exclude each other. Most of what has been said and done on behalf of Marxism since Stalin took over the leadership of the Communist Party of the USSR in the 1930s, up to its dissolution in 1991, contributes to sustaining this belief. The fast industrialization of the Old Russian Empire undertaken by the Soviet State was nowhere near taking into account ecological sustainability. Its socio-environmental impact turned out to be comparable or even worse than the ones caused by capitalist industrialization

    The Alternative in Eastern Europe

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