32 research outputs found

    Prácticas parentales como predictoras de la ideación suicida en adolescentes colombianos (Parenting practices, predictor of Colombian adolescents suicidal ideation)

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    Resumen  Objetivo: El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar en qué medida las prácticas parentales paternas y maternas predicen la ideación suicida en un grupo de hombres y mujeres adolescentes colombianos. Método: Participaron 328 estudiantes adolescentes inscritos en escuelas públicas. Se utilizó la escala de Prácticas Parentales para Adolescentes (PP-A) elaborada por Andrade y Betancourt y una escala para medir la Ideación Suicida, constituida por ocho ítems que refieren a ideas de quitarse la vida. Resultados: Indican la existencia de correlaciones entre ideación suicida y control psicológico materno (0,183**) e imposición (-,282**) en los hombres y entre ideación suicida y autonomía (-,383**), control psicológico materno (,302**) e imposición (,383**) en mujeres. También se evidenció que las dimensiones que predicen en mayor medida la ideación suicida en hombres y mujeres son el control psicológico materno y la imposición paterna. Conclusiones: Se discute el papel de algunas prácticas parentales que pueden constituirse como posible factor de riesgo para disponer a los jóvenes hacia el suicidio. Abstract:  Objective: This study aims to determine how parental and maternal parenting practices may predict suicidal ideation in a group of Colombian male and female teenagers. Method: 328 teenagers who belong to public schools were sampled. 7-items related to wanting to take one’s own life, (PP-A) Parenting Practices scale for teenagers was used. Results: Show correlations between suicidal ideation and maternal psychological control (0,183**) and impose (-, 282 **), in men between suicidal ideation and autonomy (-, 383**), in women, maternal psychological control (,302**) and impose (, 383**). Also, it is shown that maternal psychological control and parental impose are evident aspects which predict further suicidal ideation in men and women. Conclusion: The role of some parenting practices can become a suicidal risk factor for young people

    Simulation of Surface Ozone Pollution in the Central Gulf Coast Region Using WRF/Chem Model: Sensitivity to PBL and Land Surface Physics

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    The fully coupled WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting/Chemistry) model is used to simulate air quality in the Mississippi Gulf coastal region at a high resolution (4 km) for a moderately severe summer ozone episode between 18 CST 7 and 18 CST 10 June 2006. The model sensitivity is studied for meteorological and gaseous criteria pollutants (O3, NO2) using three Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) and four land surface model (LSM) schemes and comparison of model results with monitoring station observations. Results indicated that a few combinations of PBL and LSMs could reasonably produce realistic meteorological fields and that the combination of Yonsei University (YSU) PBL and NOAH LSM provides best predictions for winds, temperature, humidity and mixed layer depth in the study region for the period of study. The diurnal range in ozone concentration is better estimated by the YSU PBL in association with either 5-layer or NOAH land surface model. The model seems to underestimate the ozone concentrations in the study domain because of underestimation of temperatures and overestimation of winds. The underestimation of NO2 by model suggests the necessity of examining the emission data in respect of its accurate representation at model resolution. Quantitative analysis for most monitoring stations indicates that the combination of YSU PBL with NOAH LSM provides the best results for various chemical species with minimum BIAS, RMSE, and high correlation values

    Air Quality Modeling for the Urban Jackson, Mississippi Region Using a High Resolution WRF/Chem Model

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    In this study, an attempt was made to simulate the air quality with reference to ozone over the Jackson (Mississippi) region using an online WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting–Chemistry) model. The WRF/Chem model has the advantages of the integration of the meteorological and chemistry modules with the same computational grid and same physical parameterizations and includes the feedback between the atmospheric chemistry and physical processes. The model was designed to have three nested domains with the inner-most domain covering the study region with a resolution of 1 km. The model was integrated for 48 hours continuously starting from 0000 UTC of 6 June 2006 and the evolution of surface ozone and other precursor pollutants were analyzed. The model simulated atmospheric flow fields and distributions of NO2 and O3 were evaluated for each of the three different time periods. The GIS based spatial distribution maps for ozone, its precursors NO, NO2, CO and HONO and the back trajectories indicate that all the mobile sources in Jackson, Ridgeland and Madison contributing significantly for their formation. The present study demonstrates the applicability of WRF/Chem model to generate quantitative information at high spatial and temporal resolution for the development of decision support systems for air quality regulatory agencies and health administrators

    Swept Under the Rug? A Historiography of Gender and Black Colleges

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