33 research outputs found

    Assessing heat tolerance of Alentejana and Mertolenga portuguese cattle breeds under influence of solar radiation

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    Abstract Objectives: During summer in Mediterranean regions, well adapted native cattle breeds present differences in environmental tolerance. The objective of this study was to compare heat tolerance of Alentejana and Mertolenga heifers under direct solar radiation, by quantifying the pathways of evaporative thermolysis and thermostability. Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out in 5 days. 6 Alentejana and 6 Mertolenga heifers were kept under direct solar radiation, in individual stalls (3.0 —1.1 m) and restrained by head halted. Food, water and mineral mixture were available ad libitum. Respiratory frequencies (RF) were measured by observing costal movements, rectal temperatures (RT ) were measured using a digital thermometer (Digitron, with an 8-cm flexible probe) and thermal balance was calculated according to procedures described by Silva et al., (2010). These measurements were carried out every day at 06:00, 10:00, 13:00 16:00 and 20:00h. Heat storage (HS) was calculated as described by McGovern and Bruce (2000). Sweat rate was measured at 15:00 hours using methodology described by Pereira et. al. (2010). Variables were analyzed according to a general linear model procedure with 2 fixed factors (breed and hour) and 1 nested factor (animal within breed). Results: Except for the cases of RT and HS, in the other variables no significant differences between the breeds were found. Despite the absence of significant differences in the thermal balance between breeds, there was a slightly tendency for a bigger acquisition of heat in Alentejana and a faster recovery in the Mertolenga after 16:00h. The sweating rates were not significantly different, with mean values of 271.5 and 286.3 (g.m-2.h-1) respectively for the Alentejana and Mertolenga. Respiratory frequencies were virtually equal between breeds. In RT there were significant differences between breeds. The Mertolenga has shown significantly lower RT at 16:00h and 20:00h, with 38,9ºC and 38,7ºC compared to 39,3ºC and 39,1ºC in Alentejana. The same trend was found in the HS at 16:00h and 20:00h with 0,018 and 0,016 W.m2 in Alentejana compared to 0,014 and 0,009 W.m2 in Mertolenga. Conclusions: The results show that both breeds present good heat tolerance. The sweating rate values of both breeds are very high and are quite similar to those found in tropical cattle breeds. However, Mertolenga shows slightly better thermal balance and evaporative heat loss (SR ans RF), which eventually may have contributed to the enhanced thermostability comparatively to Alentejana. The superior stability of the RT and particularly the lower HS suggest a higher heat tolerance of Mertolenga breed

    Endophytes vs tree pathogens and pests: can they be used as biological control agents to improve tree health?

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    Like all other plants, trees are vulnerable to attack by a multitude of pests and pathogens. Current control measures for many of these diseases are limited and relatively ineffective. Several methods, including the use of conventional synthetic agro-chemicals, are employed to reduce the impact of pests and diseases. However, because of mounting concerns about adverse effects on the environment and a variety of economic reasons, this limited management of tree diseases by chemical methods is losing ground. The use of biological control, as a more environmentally friendly alternative, is becoming increasingly popular in plant protection. This can include the deployment of soil inoculants and foliar sprays, but the increased knowledge of microbial ecology in the phytosphere, in particular phylloplane microbes and endophytes, has stimulated new thinking for biocontrol approaches. Endophytes are microbes that live within plant tissues. As such, they hold potential as biocontrol agents against plant diseases because they are able to colonize the same ecological niche favoured by many invading pathogens. However, the development and exploitation of endophytes as biocontrol agents will have to overcome numerous challenges. The optimization and improvement of strategies employed in endophyte research can contribute towards discovering effective and competent biocontrol agents. The impact of environment and plant genotype on selecting potentially beneficial and exploitable endophytes for biocontrol is poorly understood. How endophytes synergise or antagonise one another is also an important factor. This review focusses on recent research addressing the biocontrol of plant diseases and pests using endophytic fungi and bacteria, alongside the challenges and limitations encountered and how these can be overcome. We frame this review in the context of tree pests and diseases, since trees are arguably the most difficult plant species to study, work on and manage, yet they represent one of the most important organisms on Earth


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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo avaliar, em duas raças de bovinos, o comportamento das vias de termólise latente, perante aumentos planeados da temperatura ambiente. Foram utilizados 6 novilhas das raças Frísia e 6 da raça Mertolenga com pesos médios de 403,8±15,5kg e 308,2±31,2Kg, respectivamente. O estudo foi realizado em câmara climática e decorreu durante 12 dias, dividido em 4 fases, cada uma com a duração de 3 dias. As fases caracterizaram-se por 4 níveis de temperaturas crescentes. As temperaturas da câmara durante as 4 fases foram as seguintes: fase 1 - 16ºC; fase 2 – 27ºC; fase 3 – 30ºC; Fase 4 – das 10:00h ás 16:30h 36ªC, das 17:30 às 9:00h 28ºC. Diariamente, foram registadas as frequências respiratórias e as temperaturas rectais às 8:00, 12:00, 15:00 e 18:00 horas e a taxa de sudação às 14:30h. Os resultados permitiram evidenciar que na raça Frísia os armazenamentos de calor médios foram significativamente diferentes a partir da fase 3 (com temperaturas rectais significativamente superiores nas fases 3 e 4), enquanto na que raça Mertolenga os acréscimos foram apenas circunscritos e limitados. As frequências respiratórias apresentaram padrões semelhantes entre as raças, com aumentos significativos a partir da fase 3, com incrementos superiores na raça Mertolenga. Na fase 4 os valores máximos da frequência respiratória foram semelhantes entre as raças 125,7 e 122,5 respectivamente para as raças Frísia e Mertolenga A taxa de sudação aumentou significativamente na raça Frísia a partir da fase 2, enquanto que na raça Mertolenga apenas na fase 3 se verificaram aumentos significativos. Contudo, na fase 4, os valores máximos da taxa de sudação foram semelhantes entre as raças, 117 e 110g/m2/h respectivamente para as raças Frísia e Mertolenga. Os resultados observados, permitem concluir que a resposta das vias de termólise evaporativa entre as raças Bos taurus pode apresentar diferenças nas proporções do calor perdido por via respiratório ou por via cutânea. É evidenciado também que perdas unitárias de calor latente superiores na raça Frísia não evitaram maiores armazenamentos de calor, apresentando a raça Mertolenga uma maior termoestabilidade

    Efeitos do estresse térmico sobre a produção, composição química do leite e respostas termorreguladoras de cabras da raça alpina Thermal stress effects on milk yield and chemical composition and thermoregulatory responses of lactating alpines goats

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    Seis cabras da raça Alpina, com produção média de leite de 2,5 kg/dia, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de três e submetidas à termoneutralidade ou estresse térmico por 56 dias em câmara climática. Usou-se um delineamento estatístico "crossover". A temperatura média do ar diurna, incluindo radiação solar simulada, foi de 33,84ºC. Os animais estressados aumentaram a freqüência respiratória, o volume-minuto respiratório, a termólise-evaporativa respiratória, temperatura retal e a taxa de sudorese, enquanto o volume corrente respiratório e o volume globular diminuíram. Houve também perda de peso, redução da ingestão de alimentos e duplicação do consumo de água. A produção de leite e a porcentagem de gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais diminuíram. Os teores de cloretos, cálcio e fósforo não sofreram alteração. Concluiu-se que, para manter a homeotermia, as cabras mobilizaram o sistema respiratório e sudoríparo para perder calor. A alta temperatura ambiente efetiva reduziu a produção e os teores de alguns componentes do leite.<br>Six Alpine goats with an average milk yield of 2.5 kg/day were randomly assigned to two groups of three and allotted to thermoneutral or heat stress conditions, for 56 days in climate chamber room. A crossover experimental design was used. The goats under heat stress were exposed to a diurnal average air temperature plus simulated solar radiation of 33. 84ºC. The heat-stressed goats showed elevated respiratory frequency, respiratory minute volume, respiratory evaporation, rectal temperature and sweating rate, while the tidal volume and packed cell volume decreased. Further weight loss, decreased feed intake, and their water consumption doubled. The milk yield, the percentage of fat, protein, lactose and total solid contents decreased. The contents of chloride, calcium and phosphorus did not change. The goats mobilized the respiratory and sweating systems to lose heat to maintain homeothermy. The association between high air temperature and simulated solar radiation reduced the milk yield and the content of some milk components

    Consumo, produção de leite e estresse térmico em vacas da raça Pardo-Suíça alimentadas com castanha de caju Dry mater intake, milk yield, and heat stress indicators of dairy cows fed diets with cashew nut

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    Avaliaram-se o consumo de matéria seca, a produção de leite e os indicadores de estresse térmico de vacas Pardo-Suíça alimentadas com castanha de caju no semi-árido do Nordeste do Brasil. Doze animais foram distribuídos em um ensaio de reversão, com quatro tratamentos: 0, 8, 16 e 24% de castanha no concentrado. As vacas receberam cana-de-açúcar à vontade e sete quilos de concentrado por dia. Maior consumo de matéria seca de cana-de-açúcar foi observado no tratamento com concentrado sem castanha (7,70kgMS/dia) em relação aos tratamentos com 16% e 24% de castanha (7,35 e 7,05kgMS/dia, respectivamente). O consumo no tratamento com concentrado sem castanha não diferiu do consumo no tratamento com 8% (7,59kgMS/dia). Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre a produção de leite e sobre as variáveis indicativas de estresse térmico (P>0,05).<br>A study was carried out to evaluate dry matter intake, milk yield, and heat stress parameters in Brown Swiss cows fed diets with cashew nut. Animals were raised in the semi-arid region of the Brazilian Northeast. Twelve cows were subjected to a switch back experimental design, with four treatments: 0, 8, 16, and 24% of cashew nut in the concentrate. Each cow received 7kg of concentrate per day and had free access to sugar cane. Dry matter (DM) intake and milk yield were daily taken as well as measurements of rectal and milk temperature; and cardiac and respiratory rates. The highest intake of forage (sugar cane) was obtained when the concentrate had no cashew nut (7.7kgDM/day). This value was not different when the concentrate contained 8% of cashew nut (7.59kgDM/day) but greater than dry matter intake of cows receiving diets with 16% of cashew nut (7.35kgDM/day; P<0.05). The diet with 24% of cashew nut in the concentrate resulted in the lowest consumption of forage (7.05kgDM/day), which was significantly different from all other treatments (P<0.05). Variations in milk yield (from 14.76 to 15.31kg/day) were not related to changes in the content of cashew nut in the concentrate (P>0.05). Such low variability in daily milk yield could be associated with the higher energy density of diets containing more cashew nut. Finally, indicators of heat stress were not influenced by changes in the diets, given the air temperatures and environment where all cows were raised