109 research outputs found

    IMOCA: a Model-Based Code Generator for the Development of Multi-Platform Marine Embedded Systems

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    International audienceProcess control systems embedded in disturbed environments are usually developed case by case for specific deployment platforms and their behaviours closely depend on the characteristics of the environ-ment. The obtained code is not portable and not reconfigurable. In order to help the software development of such applications, IMOCA offers ar-chitectural modelisation tools. The associated code generator allows to product adaptative and reconfigurable code for a simulator as well as embedded code for various platforms. This approach has been tested on NXT bricks, Arduino boards and Armadeus boards

    Quantity of Resource Properties Expression and Runtime Assurance for Embedded Systems

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    International audienceRecent work on component-based software design has proved the need of resource-accurate development of embedded software. In the more specific cases of mobile systems, the developer also needs tools to facilitate the adaptation of functionalities to resources (lack of memory or bandwidth, \etc), and also to evaluate the performance w.r.t. the resource issues . As we want to design and develop at the same time the application and its resource controllers, we chose to use Qinna, which was designed to manage resource issues (specification, contractualization, management) during the development process of such an application. We propose a complete formalization of the resource constraints specification, through the use of a variant of the event-based logics, MEDL and PEDL introduced in \cite{lee99runtime}. Qinna then automatically performs the runtime resource assurance. We illustrate this work in a case study

    Integration of physical models in the ORQA framework for electric vehicle energy management

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    International audienceThe energy management of electric vehicles is located in the storage system. It considers only the storage physical constituents and adapts the demand of the drive-chain technologies but is blind to other parts of the vehicle. Furthermore it has a very focused approach - to optimise the vehicle movement - and misses the driver's pragmatical needs. ORQA is a framework dedicated to the modelling of the vehicle consuming devices complementing the embedded systems models. It characterises each consuming device by its energetic needs and the quality levels it offers from a driver perspective. ORQA is realised by a system-level energy manager which looks for a driving strategy matching the driver needs and constraints. As the components used in ORQA are generic devices, the consumption of the devices is an approximation of their real consumptions. This paper presents the adaptation of the ORQA framework to have a closer estimation of the consuming devices. We propose the use of physical models issued from mechatronic systems for the main devices, drive-chain and energy storage, and discuss the benefits and constraints

    ORQA: Modeling Energy and Quality of Service within AUTOSAR Models

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    International audienceElectric vehicles embed a low amount of energy, so their devices need to be managed efficiently to optimize the vehicle autonomy. A vehicle management is achieved by the embedded systems, modeled following the AUTOSAR standard. AUTOSAR covers most of the automotive concerns, but it lacks energy consumption and user-oriented Quality of Service models. This paper presents ORQA, a framework to model and manage the electric vehicle devices through energy consumption and user-oriented Quality of Service. At design time, the architects choose and tune the actual vehicle device models through their power requirements and, if appropriate, quality levels. The generated implementation is then embedded in the existing AUTOSAR models. Thus, at run-time, the vehicle's system is able to evaluate the global consumption of a trip and to propose the user a specific driving strategy. The optional devices are managed throughout the trip, based on the driver preferences. ORQA is illustrated with a classic use-case: a work to home trip

    Efficient models configuration for an electric vehicle energy management software

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    International audienceEnergy management of electric vehicles has been the focus of recent research to allow optimal engine and battery usage. Many efforts have been realised to use the trip knowledge - or a prediction of it - to provide the best vehicle efficiency. Yet few works take into account the embedded devices and the vehicle global Quality of Service. The ORQA framework has a vehicle systemic approach, its purpose is to generate an architecture to counter the range anxiety and offer the best quality effort based on the driver preferences. The work described in this paper is about the off-line configuration of the ORQA framework to match a target vehicle characteristics and abilities. With a more precise configuration, the on-line execution of ORQA is optimised. Two leads are presented to reduce the computation time needed to explore the solution space on-line. The final result is an energy management software tuned for a specific targeted vehicle which offers a driving strategy and a control of the embedded devices matching the driver destination and preferences

    A kernel transformation language for metamodel evolution and reversible model co-evolution

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    This report defines MicroDif, a kernel transformation language for metamodel evolution and reversible model co-evolution. To begin with, a kernel subset of Ecore is highlighted and formally defined thanks to a suitable denotational semantics. Then MicroDif is formally defined upon this subset. In a first step, the focus is put on metamodel evolution provided by a set of refactoring operators. In a second step, the focus is put on model co-evolution which is intended to be reversible thanks to a dedicated pair of transformations respectively called migration and recontextualization. Each MicroDif operator is also provided with a dedicated predicate which explains the sufficient conditions for a model to remain valid after these transformations

    Model driven engineering method for SAIA architecture design

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    National audienceABSTRACT. SAIA is an architectural style for the development of systems dedicated to process control. Designing an architecture that conforms to a style implies the manipulation of a lot of entities and the respect of numerous constraints. The approaches based on models and models transformations are well adapted to manage the complexity and to enforce the separation of concerns. This paper presents a model driven engineering method for the development and the validation of systems that conform to SAIA. Moreover, a tool supporting the method allows a systematic use of models and transformations.RÉSUMÉ. SAIA est un style architectural destinĂ© au dĂ©veloppement de systĂšmes dĂ©diĂ©s au contrĂŽle de procĂ©dĂ©s. Construire une architecture conforme Ă  un style architectural donnĂ© nĂ©cessite la manipulation de nombreuses entitĂ©s et le respect de nombreuses contraintes. Les approches basĂ©es sur les modĂšles et les transformations de modĂšles permettent de gĂ©rer cette complexitĂ© et d'imposer une sĂ©paration des prĂ©occupations. Notre objectif est alors de fournir une mĂ©thode basĂ©e sur les concepts dĂ©ïŹnis par l'ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles pour le dĂ©veloppement et la validation de systĂšmes conformes Ă  SAIA. EnïŹn, un outil implĂ©mente la mĂ©thode proposĂ©e aïŹn d'aider le concepteur Ă  respecter les modĂšles et leurs transformations

    Architectures logicielles pour les systÚmes embarqués temps réel

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    National audienceCet article propose un état de l'art sur les architectures logicielles dans le domaine de l'embarqué et du temps réel. Il présente et discute des entités à mettre en oeuvre comme le modÚle à composant., du niveau de description des architectures, des contraintes et des langages de description, des types d'analyse et des stratégies de mise en oeuvre pour l'exécution. Sur ces bases, deux frameworks sont présentés: Qinna, permettant la gestion dynamique de QoS et SAIA, permettant de structurer l'application de maniÚre indépendante des capteurs/actionneurs et permettant l'analyse

    Resource Properties Expression and Runtime assurance for embedded programs, using Qinna, a component-based software architecture

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    Designing embedded communicating systems such as PDAs, mobile phones, is getting more and more complex as the hardware performance grows. The component paradigm appears as promising mainly due to the reusability and flexibility of code, but new problems appear such as security, safety and quality of service managements, which have not been integrated in the component-based designs. In this context, a component-based software architecture, Qinna, has been designed to manage quality of service from the resource point of view. In this research report, we propose a complete formalization of resource constraints expression and management using Qinna, and illustrate on a classic case study

    ModÚles et transformations de modÚles pour l'introduction de la consommation énergétique dans le standard AUTOSAR

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    National audienceDans un véhicule automobile électrique, la connaissance et la maitrise des consommations énergétiques est primordiale pour une gestion optimale de l'autonomie du véhicule. La gestion logicielle des équipements s'appuie sur une architecture AUTOSAR à base de composants. AUTOSAR ne permet pas actuellement de modéliser les aspects énergétiques des divers équipements. Pour pallier ce manque, ce papier propose un premier modÚle de consommations liées à l'utilisation des équipements automobiles. Ce modÚle est utilisé pour générer -- à partir d'un architecture fonctionnelle AUTOSAR -- un modÚle d'architecture AUTOSAR enrichi de politiques de contrÎle de la consommation énergétique. Nous illustrons cette proposition avec une étude de cas (gestion du plafonnier d'un véhicule)
