28 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of amarnathus spinosus Linn., by non enzymatic haemoglycosylation

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    Amaranthus spinosus Linn. complete plant material was extracted successively by petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol, and water. All the extracts were subjected to in vitro non-enzymatic haemo-glycosylation method, i.e. an oxidation reaction. The degree of haemoglycosylation in the presence of different extracts of Amaranthus spinosus were measured colorimetrically at 520 nm. The preventive effect of haemoglobin glycosylation at the two concentration; 0.5 and 1 mg/mL was estimated as follows: pet. ether; 13.1%, 16.4%, chloroform; 5.7%, 12%, methanol: 36.91%, 56.07% and aqueous: 22.2%, 31.01 %, respectively. The α-tocopheral (Vitamin E) was used as standard

    Optimization of Multicast Routing Based on a Reliable Effective Framework in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    An Autonomous Access Point for Cognitive Wireless Networks

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    In this chapter, we present an application of the Cognitive Networking paradigm to the design and development of autonomous Cognitive Access Point (CogAP) for Wi-Fi hotspots and home wireless networks. In these environments, we typically use only one AP per service provider/residence for providing wireless connectivity to the users. Here we can reduce the cost of autonomic network control by equipping the same AP with a cognitive functionality. We first present the architecture of autonomous CogAP which consists of two main modules: Traffic sensing module and cognitive controller module. The traffic sensing module uses an efficient packet sampling scheme to characterize traffic from all Wi-Fi channels with single wireless interface. The cognitive controller module consists of two submodules: traffic predictor and cognitive decision engine. The Neural Network-based traffic predictor module makes use of the historical traffic traces for traffic prediction on all channels. The cognitive decision engine makes use of traffic forecasts to dynamically decide which channel is best for CogAP to operate on. We have built a prototype CogAP device using off-the-shelf hardware components and obtained better performance with respect to state-of-the-art channel selection strategies

    Bifurcation analysis of modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with double Allee effect

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    In the present article, a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with double Allee effect, affecting the prey population, is proposed and analyzed. We have considered both strong and weak Allee effects separately. The equilibrium points of the system and their local stability have been studied. It is shown that the dynamics of the system are highly dependent upon the initial conditions. The local bifurcations (Hopf, saddle-node, Bogdanov-Takens) have been investigated by considering sufficient parameter(s) as the bifurcation parameter(s). The local existence of the limit cycle emerging through Hopf bifurcation and its stability is studied by means of the first Lyapunov coefficient. The numerical simulations have been done in support of the analytical findings. The result shows the emergence of homoclinic loop. The possible phase portraits and parametric diagrams have been depicted. Keywords: Predator-prey system, Stability, Bifurcation, Double Allee effec

    Bifurcation analysis of modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with double Allee effect

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    AbstractIn the present article, a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with double Allee effect, affecting the prey population, is proposed and analyzed. We have considered both strong and weak Allee effects separately. The equilibrium points of the system and their local stability have been studied. It is shown that the dynamics of the system are highly dependent upon the initial conditions. The local bifurcations (Hopf, saddle-node, Bogdanov-Takens) have been investigated by considering sufficient parameter(s) as the bifurcation parameter(s). The local existence of the limit cycle emerging through Hopf bifurcation and its stability is studied by means of the first Lyapunov coefficient. The numerical simulations have been done in support of the analytical findings. The result shows the emergence of homoclinic loop. The possible phase portraits and parametric diagrams have been depicted

    Role of pore size analysis in development of zeolite reforming catalyst

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    Effect of preparation variables on the aromatization activity of Pt/KL catalysts was studied. The aromatic content as well as C5 + liquid yields were greatly influenced by the nature of binder material used in catalyst preparation. Detailed characterization of the catalysts indicated that two factors, namely (1) nature of binder and (2) size and volume of pores, influenced the catalytic activity. Among the catalysts studied the one prepared by MgO doped basic binder exhibited better performance. Pt loading was also observed to influence the pore volume and aromatization activity of the catalysts, where the catalyst exhibited decrease in pore volume above 0.4 wt.% Pt loading. Keywords: KL-zeolite; Pore size distribution; Hysterises loop; t-plot; Pt dispersio

    Nitrogen Distribution in Soil under Different Methods of Irrigation and Fertilizer Application

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    A study was conducted on a sandy clay loam soil of IARI Farm to evaluate the nitrogen distribution in the soil under drip fertigation with onion crop. Five treatments with varying rate of recommended dose of nitrogen under drip irrigation, drip fertigation and basin irrigation were considered in the study. Results revealed that nitrogen distribution under drip fertigated treatments were mostly confined to the root zone. In case of drip-irrigated treatment with basal application of fertilizer and basin irrigation with basal application of fertilizer, nitrogen distribution showed the tendency of moving below the root zone. Temporal distribution of nitrogen indicated that depletion rate of nitrogen was highest during the third month of the growing season