118 research outputs found

    Role of Panchakarma in management of Autoimmune Inflammatory Polymyositis : A Case Study

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    Polymyositis (PM) is a rare idiopathic-inflammatory-myopathy characterized by symmetric proximal muscle weakness and elevated muscle-enzymes. The estimated annual incidence has been reported to be 1/250,000 new cases/year. In Ayurveda the symptoms of this disease can be broadly studied under the spectrum of Dhatugata Jwara explained in Charaka Samhitha Jwara Adhikara. The contemporary science opines that there is no cure for polymyositis and treatment ranges from medications (high dose of corticosteroids) to physical therapy to improve muscle strength and function. Adverse effects associated with long term use of corticosteroids are the major drawbacks. So, an efficient Ayurvedic Treatment that can improve the condition and also overcome the adverse effects of corticosteroids and its dependency is the need of hour. A diagnosed case of AutoimmuneIdiopathic-Inflammatory-Polymyositis patient aged 32years visited Panchakarma OPD, GAMC, Bangalore. These symptoms mimicked Dhatugata Jwara with its Adhistana in Mamsa. Thus, its line of treatment was adopted here i.e. patient was administered with Pachana-Deepana-Jwaraharachikitsa initially followed by Virechana and 2 courses of Yapana Basti along with Abyanga and DashamoolaYasti Ksheeraseka externally. The dose of tab Wysolone and tab Methotrexate was slowly tapered. By the end of 2 months of our treatment, Patient was relieved with above symptoms and there was marked reduction in CPK(3770IU/L) and devoid of tab Wysolone with only Methotrexate 5mg once a week. Thus, the above case study has shown that the autoimmune disorders such as Polymyositis can be managed effectively in Ayurveda by undergoing regular Shodhana and following the regimens accordingly

    Predicting leptonic CP violation in the light of Daya Bay result

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    In the light of the recent Daya Bay result the reactor angle is about 9 degrees, we reconsider the model presented in arXiv:1005.3482 showing that, when all neutrino oscillation parameters are taken at their best fit values of Schwetz et al and the reactor angle to be the central value of Daya Bay, the predicted value of the CP phase is approximately 45 degrees.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, update of arXiv:1005.348

    Spontaneous parity violation and minimal Higgs models

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    In this paper we present a model for the spontaneous breaking of parity with two Higgs doublets and two neutral Higgs singlets which are even and odd under D-parity. The condition vR>>vL v_R >>v_L can be satisfied without introducing bidoublets and it is induced by the breaking of D-parity through the vacuum expectation value of the odd Higgs singlet. Examples of left-right symmetric and mirror fermions models in grand unified theories are presented.Comment: Revised version. Accepted in Eur. Phys. Journal

    Four Zero Texture Fermion Mass Matrices in SO(10) GUT

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    We attempt the integration of the phenomenologically successful four zero texture of fermion mass matrices with the renormalizable SO(10) GUT. The resulting scenario is found to be highly predictive. Firstly, we examine the phenomenological implications of a class of the lepton mass matrices with parallel texture structures and obtain interesting constraints on the parameters of the charged lepton and the neutrino mass matrices. We combine these phenomenological constraints with the constraints obtained from SO(10) GUT to reduce the number of the free parameters and to further constrain the allowed ranges of the free parameters. The solar/atmospheric mixing angles obtained in this analysis are in fairly good agreement with the data.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Seesaw mechanism, baryon asymmetry and neutrinoless double beta decay

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    A simplified but very instructive analysis of the seesaw mechanism is here performed. Assuming a nearly diagonal Dirac neutrino mass matrix, we study the forms of the Majorana mass matrix of right-handed neutrinos, which reproduce the effective mass matrix of left-handed neutrinos. As a further step, the important effect of a non diagonal Dirac neutrino mass matrix is explored. The corresponding implications for the baryogenesis via leptogenesis and for the neutrinoless double beta decay are reviewed. We propose two distinct models where the baryon asymmetry is enhanced.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex. Revise

    Escape from washing out of baryon number in a two-zero-texture general Zee model compatible with the large mixing angle MSW solution

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    We propose a two-zero-texture general Zee model, compatible with the large mixing angle Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein solution. The washing out of the baryon number does not occur in this model for an adequate parameter range. We check the consistency of a model with the constraints coming from flavor changing neutral current processes, the recent cosmic microwave background observation, and the Z-burst scenario.Comment: 22 pages, 2 eps figures, Type set revtex

    Protecting the primordial baryon asymmetry in the seesaw model compatible with WMAP and KamLAND

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    We require that the primordial baryon asymmetry is not washed out in the seesaw model compatible with the recent results of WMAP and the neutrino oscillation experiments including the first results of KamLAND. We find that only the case of the normal neutrino mass hierarchy with an approximate LeL_{e}-symmetry satisfies the requirement. We further derive, depending on the signs of neutrino mass eigenvalues, three types of neutrino mass matrixes, where the values of each element are rather precisely fixed.Comment: 21pages; added reference

    Leptogenesis in Neutrino Textures with Two Zeros

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    The leptogenesis is studied in the neutrino textures with two zeros, which reduce the number of independent phases of the CP violation. The phenomenological favored neutrino textures with two zeros are decomposed into the Dirac neutrino mass matrix and the right-handed Majorana one in the see-saw mechanism. Putting the condition to suppress the Ό→eÎł\mu \to e\gamma decay enough, the texture zeros of the Dirac neutrino mass matrix are fixed in the framework of the MSSM with right-handed neutrinos. These textures have only one CP violatig phase. The magnitude of each entry of the Dirac mass matrix is determined in order to explain the baryon asymmetry of the universe by solving the Boltzman equations. The relation between the leptogenesis and the low energy CP violation is presented in these textures.Comment: Latex file with 20 pages, 6 eps figure

    Co-evolution, opportunity seeking and institutional change: Entrepreneurship and the Indian telecommunications industry 1923-2009

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    "This is an Author's Original Manuscript of an article submitted for consideration in Business History [copyright Taylor & Francis]; Business History is available online at http://www.tandfonline.com/." 10.1080/00076791.2012.687538In this paper, we demonstrate the importance for entrepreneurship of historical contexts and processes, and the co-evolution of institutions, practices, discourses and cultural norms. Drawing on discourse and institutional theories, we develop a model of the entrepreneurial field, and apply this in analysing the rise to global prominence of the Indian telecommunications industry. We draw on entrepreneurial life histories to show how various discourses and discursive processes ultimately worked to generate change and the creation of new business opportunities. We propose that entrepreneurship involves more than individual acts of business creation, but also implies collective endeavours to shape the future direction of the entrepreneurial field
