801 research outputs found

    Rest-to-Rest Slew Maneuver of Three-Axis Rotational Flexible Spacecraft

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.02040This paper presents a slew maneuver control design of three-axis rotational flexible spacecraft. The focus of the work is to investigate the nonlinear effect of the three axis maneuver for a flexible spacecraft when a vibration suppression technique for linear systems such as input shaping is used in the control design. A simple method of slewing three-axis rotational spacecraft using input shaping is proposed and the proposed technique is implemented on an experimental three-axis spacecraft simulator. This paper presents a slew maneuver control design of three-axis rotational flexible spacecraft. The focus of the work is to investigate the nonlinear effect of the three axis maneuver for a flexible spacecraft when a vibration suppression technique for linear systems such as input shaping is used in the control design. A simple method of slewing three-axis rotational spacecraft using input shaping is proposed and the proposed technique is implemented on an experimental three-axis spacecraft simulator. This paper presents a slew maneuver control design of three-axis rotational flexible spacecraft. The focus of the work is to investigate the nonlinear effect of the three axis maneuver for a flexible spacecraft when a vibration suppression technique for linear systems such as input shaping is used in the control design. A simple method of slewing three-axis rotational spacecraft using input shaping is proposed and the proposed technique is implemented on an experimental three-axis spacecraft simulator. This paper presents a slew maneuver control design of three-axis rotational flexible spacecraft. The focus of the work is to investigate the nonlinear effect of the three axis maneuver for a flexible spacecraft when a vibration suppression technique for linear systems such as input shaping is used in the control design. A simple method of slewing three-axis rotational spacecraft using input shaping is proposed and the proposed technique is implemented on an experimental three-axis spacecraft simulator

    Optical Beam Jitter Control for NPS HEL Beam Control Testbed

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    In this paper, an optical beam jitter control method for the Naval Postgraduate School HEL beam control testbed is presented. Additional hardware is developed and integrated on the testbed to realize the strap-down IRU jitter compensation architectures. Feedforward control design of the strap-down IRU design is studied and tested on the testbed. An adaptive filtering method for narrow-field-of-view video tracker jitter correction is also presented. In this paper, an optical beam jitter control method for the Naval Postgraduate School HEL beam control testbed is presented. Additional hardware is developed and integrated on the testbed to realize the strap-down IRU jitter compensation architectures. Feedforward control design of the strap-down IRU design is studied and tested on the testbed. An adaptive filtering method for narrow-field-of-view video tracker jitter correction is also presented

    Scaling and finte-size-scaling in the two dimensional random-coupling Ising ferromagnet

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    It is shown by Monte Carlo method that the finite size scaling (FSS) holds in the two dimensional random-coupled Ising ferromagnet. It is also demonstrated that the form of universal FSS function constructed via novel FSS scheme depends on the strength of the random coupling for strongly disordered cases. Monte Carlo measurements of thermodynamic (infinite volume limit) data of the correlation length (ξ\xi) up to ξ200\xi \simeq 200 along with measurements of the fourth order cumulant ratio (Binder's ratio) at criticality are reported and analyzed in view of two competing scenarios. It is demonstrated that the data are almost exclusively consistent with the scenario of weak universality.Comment: 9 pages, 4figuer

    Crossover and self-averaging in the two-dimensional site-diluted Ising model

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    Using the newly proposed probability-changing cluster (PCC) Monte Carlo algorithm, we simulate the two-dimensional (2D) site-diluted Ising model. Since we can tune the critical point of each random sample automatically with the PCC algorithm, we succeed in studying the sample-dependent Tc(L)T_c(L) and the sample average of physical quantities at each Tc(L)T_c(L) systematically. Using the finite-size scaling (FSS) analysis for Tc(L)T_c(L), we discuss the importance of corrections to FSS both in the strong-dilution and weak-dilution regions. The critical phenomena of the 2D site-diluted Ising model are shown to be controlled by the pure fixed point. The crossover from the percolation fixed point to the pure Ising fixed point with the system size is explicitly demonstrated by the study of the Binder parameter. We also study the distribution of critical temperature Tc(L)T_c(L). Its variance shows the power-law LL dependence, LnL^{-n}, and the estimate of the exponent nn is consistent with the prediction of Aharony and Harris [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 77}, 3700 (1996)]. Calculating the relative variance of critical magnetization at the sample-dependent Tc(L)T_c(L), we show that the 2D site-diluted Ising model exhibits weak self-averaging.Comment: 6 pages including 6 eps figures, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Simultaneous Observations of the Chromosphere with TRACE and SUMER

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    Using mainly the 1600 angstrom continuum channel, and also the 1216 angstrom Lyman-alpha channel (which includes some UV continuum and C IV emission), aboard the TRACE satellite, we observed the complete lifetime of a transient, bright chromospheric loop. Simultaneous observations with the SUMER instrument aboard the SOHO spacecraft revealed interesting material velocities through the Doppler effect existing above the chromospheric loop imaged with TRACE, possibly corresponding to extended non-visible loops, or the base of an X-ray jet.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Critical behavior of weakly-disordered anisotropic systems in two dimensions

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    The critical behavior of two-dimensional (2D) anisotropic systems with weak quenched disorder described by the so-called generalized Ashkin-Teller model (GATM) is studied. In the critical region this model is shown to be described by a multifermion field theory similar to the Gross-Neveu model with a few independent quartic coupling constants. Renormalization group calculations are used to obtain the temperature dependence near the critical point of some thermodynamic quantities and the large distance behavior of the two-spin correlation function. The equation of state at criticality is also obtained in this framework. We find that random models described by the GATM belong to the same universality class as that of the two-dimensional Ising model. The critical exponent ν\nu of the correlation length for the 3- and 4-state random-bond Potts models is also calculated in a 3-loop approximation. We show that this exponent is given by an apparently convergent series in ϵ=c12\epsilon=c-\frac{1}{2} (with cc the central charge of the Potts model) and that the numerical values of ν\nu are very close to that of the 2D Ising model. This work therefore supports the conjecture (valid only approximately for the 3- and 4-state Potts models) of a superuniversality for the 2D disordered models with discrete symmetries.Comment: REVTeX, 24 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    The critical amplitude ratio of the susceptibility in the random-site two-dimensional Ising model

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    We present a new way of probing the universality class of the site-diluted two-dimensional Ising model. We analyse Monte Carlo data for the magnetic susceptibility, introducing a new fitting procedure in the critical region applicable even for a single sample with quenched disorder. This gives us the possibility to fit simultaneously the critical exponent, the critical amplitude and the sample dependent pseudo-critical temperature. The critical amplitude ratio of the magnetic susceptibility is seen to be independent of the concentration qq of the empty sites for all investigated values of q0.25q\le 0.25. At the same time the average effective exponent γeff\gamma_{eff} is found to vary with the concentration qq, which may be argued to be due to logarithmic corrections to the power law of the pure system. This corrections are canceled in the susceptibility amplitude ratio as predicted by theory. The central charge of the corresponding field theory was computed and compared well with the theoretical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The three-dimensional randomly dilute Ising model: Monte Carlo results

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    We perform a high-statistics simulation of the three-dimensional randomly dilute Ising model on cubic lattices L3L^3 with L256L\le 256. We choose a particular value of the density, x=0.8, for which the leading scaling corrections are suppressed. We determine the critical exponents, obtaining ν=0.683(3)\nu = 0.683(3), η=0.035(2)\eta = 0.035(2), β=0.3535(17)\beta = 0.3535(17), and α=0.049(9)\alpha = -0.049(9), in agreement with previous numerical simulations. We also estimate numerically the fixed-point values of the four-point zero-momentum couplings that are used in field-theoretical fixed-dimension studies. Although these results somewhat differ from those obtained using perturbative field theory, the field-theoretical estimates of the critical exponents do not change significantly if the Monte Carlo result for the fixed point is used. Finally, we determine the six-point zero-momentum couplings, relevant for the small-magnetization expansion of the equation of state, and the invariant amplitude ratio Rξ+R^+_\xi that expresses the universality of the free-energy density per correlation volume. We find Rξ+=0.2885(15)R^+_\xi = 0.2885(15).Comment: 34 pages, 7 figs, few correction

    Critical behavior of the two-dimensional N-component Landau-Ginzburg Hamiltonian with cubic anisotropy

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    We study the two-dimensional N-component Landau-Ginzburg Hamiltonian with cubic anisotropy. We compute and analyze the fixed-dimension perturbative expansion of the renormalization-group functions to four loops. The relations of these models with N-color Ashkin-Teller models, discrete cubic models, planar model with fourth order anisotropy, and structural phase transition in adsorbed monolayers are discussed. Our results for N=2 (XY model with cubic anisotropy) are compatible with the existence of a line of fixed points joining the Ising and the O(2) fixed points. Along this line the exponent η\eta has the constant value 1/4, while the exponent ν\nu runs in a continuous and monotonic way from 1 to \infty (from Ising to O(2)). For N\geq 3 we find a cubic fixed point in the region u,v0u, v \geq 0, which is marginally stable or unstable according to the sign of the perturbation. For the physical relevant case of N=3 we find the exponents η=0.17(8)\eta=0.17(8) and ν=1.3(3)\nu=1.3(3) at the cubic transition.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Enzymatic modification of phosphatidylcholine with n-3 PUFA from silkworm oil fatty acids

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    α-Linolenic acid (ALA) containing phosphatidylcholine (PC) was prepared by an enzymatic method employing natural substrates comprising of egg and eri silkworm oil. Eri silkworm oil extracted from eri pupae was saponified to obtain the fatty acid mixture which was further subjected to urea complexation to obtain an ALA rich fraction with a purity of about 93%. Transesterification of PC with the ALA rich fraction with three immobilized lipases namely Lipozyme TL IM, Lipozyme RM IM and lipase from <em>Candida Antarcticaz</em> showed that only the lipase from <em>Candida antarctica</em> was successful for the incorporation of ALA into egg yolk PC. It was found that ALA was incorporated by up to 27% in the <em>sn</em>-1 position of egg PC and the positional distribution analysis of fatty acids in the modified PC showed that the <em>sn</em>-1 position was found to contain about 59% ALA.<br><br>El ácido α-linolénico (ALA) contenido en fosfatidilcolina (PC) se preparó mediante un método enzimático empleando sustratos naturales que comprenden huevo y aceite de gusanos de seda. El aceite extraído de las crisálidas de gusanos de seda se saponificó para obtener la mezcla de ácidos grasos que se sometió a complejación con urea para obtener la fracción rica en ALA, con una pureza aproximadamente del 93%. La transesterificación de PC con fracción rica en ALA con tres lipasas inmovilizadas, Lipozyme TL IM, Lipozyme RM IM y lipasa de Candida antárctica, mostró que sólo la lipasa de Candida antarctica tuvo éxito en la incorporación de ALA en PC de yema de huevo. Se encontró que el ALA fue incorporado hasta 27% en la posición sn-1 de PC de huevo y el análisis de la distribución de los ácidos grasos en PC modificado mostró que la posición sn-1 que contenía aproximadamente 59% de ALA