226 research outputs found

    Five-loop \sqrt\epsilon-expansions for random Ising model and marginal spin dimensionality for cubic systems

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    The \sqrt\epsilon-expansions for critical exponents of the weakly-disordered Ising model are calculated up to the five-loop order and found to possess coefficients with irregular signs and values. The estimate n_c = 2.855 for the marginal spin dimensionality of the cubic model is obtained by the Pade-Borel resummation of corresponding five-loop \epsilon-expansion.Comment: 9 pages, TeX, no figure

    Critical behavior of weakly-disordered anisotropic systems in two dimensions

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    The critical behavior of two-dimensional (2D) anisotropic systems with weak quenched disorder described by the so-called generalized Ashkin-Teller model (GATM) is studied. In the critical region this model is shown to be described by a multifermion field theory similar to the Gross-Neveu model with a few independent quartic coupling constants. Renormalization group calculations are used to obtain the temperature dependence near the critical point of some thermodynamic quantities and the large distance behavior of the two-spin correlation function. The equation of state at criticality is also obtained in this framework. We find that random models described by the GATM belong to the same universality class as that of the two-dimensional Ising model. The critical exponent ν\nu of the correlation length for the 3- and 4-state random-bond Potts models is also calculated in a 3-loop approximation. We show that this exponent is given by an apparently convergent series in ϵ=c−12\epsilon=c-\frac{1}{2} (with cc the central charge of the Potts model) and that the numerical values of ν\nu are very close to that of the 2D Ising model. This work therefore supports the conjecture (valid only approximately for the 3- and 4-state Potts models) of a superuniversality for the 2D disordered models with discrete symmetries.Comment: REVTeX, 24 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Crossover and self-averaging in the two-dimensional site-diluted Ising model

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    Using the newly proposed probability-changing cluster (PCC) Monte Carlo algorithm, we simulate the two-dimensional (2D) site-diluted Ising model. Since we can tune the critical point of each random sample automatically with the PCC algorithm, we succeed in studying the sample-dependent Tc(L)T_c(L) and the sample average of physical quantities at each Tc(L)T_c(L) systematically. Using the finite-size scaling (FSS) analysis for Tc(L)T_c(L), we discuss the importance of corrections to FSS both in the strong-dilution and weak-dilution regions. The critical phenomena of the 2D site-diluted Ising model are shown to be controlled by the pure fixed point. The crossover from the percolation fixed point to the pure Ising fixed point with the system size is explicitly demonstrated by the study of the Binder parameter. We also study the distribution of critical temperature Tc(L)T_c(L). Its variance shows the power-law LL dependence, L−nL^{-n}, and the estimate of the exponent nn is consistent with the prediction of Aharony and Harris [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 77}, 3700 (1996)]. Calculating the relative variance of critical magnetization at the sample-dependent Tc(L)T_c(L), we show that the 2D site-diluted Ising model exhibits weak self-averaging.Comment: 6 pages including 6 eps figures, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Five-loop renormalization-group expansions for the three-dimensional n-vector cubic model and critical exponents for impure Ising systems

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    The renormalization-group (RG) functions for the three-dimensional n-vector cubic model are calculated in the five-loop approximation. High-precision numerical estimates for the asymptotic critical exponents of the three-dimensional impure Ising systems are extracted from the five-loop RG series by means of the Pade-Borel-Leroy resummation under n = 0. These exponents are found to be: \gamma = 1.325 +/- 0.003, \eta = 0.025 +/- 0.01, \nu = 0.671 +/- 0.005, \alpha = - 0.0125 +/- 0.008, \beta = 0.344 +/- 0.006. For the correction-to-scaling exponent, the less accurate estimate \omega = 0.32 +/- 0.06 is obtained.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, published versio

    Randomly dilute Ising model: A nonperturbative approach

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    The N-vector cubic model relevant, among others, to the physics of the randomly dilute Ising model is analyzed in arbitrary dimension by means of an exact renormalization-group equation. This study provides a unified picture of its critical physics between two and four dimensions. We give the critical exponents for the three-dimensional randomly dilute Ising model which are in good agreement with experimental and numerical data. The relevance of the cubic anisotropy in the O(N) model is also treated.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Influence of uncorrelated overlayers on the magnetism in thin itinerant-electron films

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    The influence of uncorrelated (nonmagnetic) overlayers on the magnetic properties of thin itinerant-electron films is investigated within the single-band Hubbard model. The Coulomb correlation between the electrons in the ferromagnetic layers is treated by using the spectral density approach (SDA). It is found that the presence of nonmagnetic layers has a strong effect on the magnetic properties of thin films. The Curie temperatures of very thin films are modified by the uncorrelated overlayers. The quasiparticle density of states is used to analyze the results. In addition, the coupling between the ferromagnetic layers and the nonmagnetic layers is discussed in detail. The coupling depends on the band occupation of the nonmagnetic layers, while it is almost independent of the number of the nonmagnetic layers. The induced polarization in the nonmagnetic layers shows a long-range decreasing oscillatory behavior and it depends on the coupling between ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic layers.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, 6 figures, for related work see: http://orion.physik.hu-berlin.d

    The critical amplitude ratio of the susceptibility in the random-site two-dimensional Ising model

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    We present a new way of probing the universality class of the site-diluted two-dimensional Ising model. We analyse Monte Carlo data for the magnetic susceptibility, introducing a new fitting procedure in the critical region applicable even for a single sample with quenched disorder. This gives us the possibility to fit simultaneously the critical exponent, the critical amplitude and the sample dependent pseudo-critical temperature. The critical amplitude ratio of the magnetic susceptibility is seen to be independent of the concentration qq of the empty sites for all investigated values of q≤0.25q\le 0.25. At the same time the average effective exponent γeff\gamma_{eff} is found to vary with the concentration qq, which may be argued to be due to logarithmic corrections to the power law of the pure system. This corrections are canceled in the susceptibility amplitude ratio as predicted by theory. The central charge of the corresponding field theory was computed and compared well with the theoretical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Self-Averaging, Distribution of Pseudo-Critical Temperatures and Finite Size Scaling in Critical Disordered Systems

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    The distributions P(X)P(X) of singular thermodynamic quantities in an ensemble of quenched random samples of linear size ll at the critical point TcT_c are studied by Monte Carlo in two models. Our results confirm predictions of Aharony and Harris based on Renormalization group considerations. For an Ashkin-Teller model with strong but irrelevant bond randomness we find that the relative squared width, RXR_X, of P(X)P(X) is weakly self averaging. RX∼lα/νR_X\sim l^{\alpha/\nu}, where α\alpha is the specific heat exponent and ν\nu is the correlation length exponent of the pure model fixed point governing the transition. For the site dilute Ising model on a cubic lattice, known to be governed by a random fixed point, we find that RXR_X tends to a universal constant independent of the amount of dilution (no self averaging). However this constant is different for canonical and grand canonical disorder. We study the distribution of the pseudo-critical temperatures Tc(i,l)T_c(i,l) of the ensemble defined as the temperatures of the maximum susceptibility of each sample. We find that its variance scales as (δTc(l))2∼l−2/ν(\delta T_c(l))^2 \sim l^{-2/\nu} and NOT as ∼l−d.Wefindthat\sim l^{-d}. We find that R_\chiisreducedbyafactorof is reduced by a factor of \sim 70withrespectto with respect to R_\chi (T_c)bymeasuring by measuring \chiofeachsampleat of each sample at T_c(i,l).Weanalyzecorrelationsbetweenthemagnetizationatcriticality. We analyze correlations between the magnetization at criticality m_i(T_c,l)andthepseudo−criticaltemperature and the pseudo-critical temperature T_c(i,l)intermsofasampleindependentfinitesizescalingfunctionofasampledependentreducedtemperature in terms of a sample independent finite size scaling function of a sample dependent reduced temperature (T-T_c(i,l))/T_c$. This function is found to be universal and to behave similarly to pure systems.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Patient Reported vs Claims Based Measures of Health for Modeling Life Expectancy in Men with Prostate Cancer

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    PURPOSE: Life expectancy has become a core consideration in prostate cancer care. While multiple prediction tools exist to support decision making, their discriminative ability remains modest, which hampers usage and utility. We examined whether combining patient reported and claims based health measures into prediction models improves performance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results)-CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) we identified men 65 years old or older diagnosed with prostate cancer from 2004 to 2013 and extracted 4 types of data, including demographics, cancer information, claims based health measures and patient reported health measures. Next, we compared the performance of 5 nested competing risk regression models for other cause mortality. Additionally, we assessed whether adding new health measures to established prediction models improved discriminative ability. RESULTS: Among 3,240 cases 246 (7.6%) died of prostate cancer while 631 (19.5%) died of other causes. The National Cancer Institute Comorbidity Index score was associated but weakly correlated with patient reported overall health (p <0.001, r=0.21). For predicting other cause mortality the 10-year area under the receiver operating characteristic curve improved from 0.721 (demographics only) to 0.755 with cancer information and to 0.777 and 0.812 when adding claims based and patient reported health measures, respectively. The full model generated the highest value of 0.820. Models based on existing tools also improved in their performance with the incorporation of new data types as predictor variables (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Prediction models for life expectancy that combine patient reported and claims based health measures outperform models that incorporate these measures separately. However, given the modest degree of improvement, the implementation of life expectancy tools should balance model performance with data availability and fidelity

    The Harris-Luck criterion for random lattices

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    The Harris-Luck criterion judges the relevance of (potentially) spatially correlated, quenched disorder induced by, e.g., random bonds, randomly diluted sites or a quasi-periodicity of the lattice, for altering the critical behavior of a coupled matter system. We investigate the applicability of this type of criterion to the case of spin variables coupled to random lattices. Their aptitude to alter critical behavior depends on the degree of spatial correlations present, which is quantified by a wandering exponent. We consider the cases of Poissonian random graphs resulting from the Voronoi-Delaunay construction and of planar, ``fat'' Ï•3\phi^3 Feynman diagrams and precisely determine their wandering exponents. The resulting predictions are compared to various exact and numerical results for the Potts model coupled to these quenched ensembles of random graphs.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, REVTeX 4. Version as published, one figure added for clarification, minor re-wordings and typo cleanu
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