560 research outputs found

    Improved Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Modified PTFE Jet Penetrating Charge with Shell

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    A modified polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was produced by the addition of copper powder to improve the mechanical properties and penetration performance of conventional PTFE. Static compression and split Hopkinson pressure bar test analyses verified the improved mechanical properties of the modified PTFE. Shaped charge structure was designed with by applying modified PTFE to liner material, the formation of modified PTFE jet and the process of jet penetrating shell charge were researched by numerical simulation. As compared to Teflon, results demonstrated that the mechanical properties of the modified PTFE have been significantly improved to achieve greater consistency of jet formation, stronger penetration, broadened pore size, and increased damage performance in the absence of a charge shell explosion

    Boost-Invariant Running Couplings in Effective Hamiltonians

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    We apply a boost-invariant similarity renormalization group procedure to a light-front Hamiltonian of a scalar field phi of bare mass mu and interaction term g phi^3 in 6 dimensions using 3rd order perturbative expansion in powers of the coupling constant g. The initial Hamiltonian is regulated using momentum dependent factors that approach 1 when a cutoff parameter Delta tends to infinity. The similarity flow of corresponding effective Hamiltonians is integrated analytically and two counterterms depending on Delta are obtained in the initial Hamiltonian: a change in mu and a change of g. In addition, the interaction vertex requires a Delta-independent counterterm that contains a boost invariant function of momenta of particles participating in the interaction. The resulting effective Hamiltonians contain a running coupling constant that exhibits asymptotic freedom. The evolution of the coupling with changing width of effective Hamiltonians agrees with results obtained using Feynman diagrams and dimensional regularization when one identifies the renormalization scale with the width. The effective light-front Schroedinger equation is equally valid in a whole class of moving frames of reference including the infinite momentum frame. Therefore, the calculation described here provides an interesting pattern one can attempt to follow in the case of Hamiltonians applicable in particle physics.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, included discussion of finite x-dependent counterterm

    Renormalized Poincar\'e algebra for effective particles in quantum field theory

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    Using an expansion in powers of an infinitesimally small coupling constant gg, all generators of the Poincar\'e group in local scalar quantum field theory with interaction term gϕ3g \phi^3 are expressed in terms of annihilation and creation operators aλa_\lambda and aλa^\dagger_\lambda that result from a boost-invariant renormalization group procedure for effective particles. The group parameter λ\lambda is equal to the momentum-space width of form factors that appear in vertices of the effective-particle Hamiltonians, HλH_\lambda. It is verified for terms order 1, gg, and g2g^2, that the calculated generators satisfy required commutation relations for arbitrary values of λ\lambda. One-particle eigenstates of HλH_\lambda are shown to properly transform under all Poincar\'e transformations. The transformations are obtained by exponentiating the calculated algebra. From a phenomenological point of view, this study is a prerequisite to construction of observables such as spin and angular momentum of hadrons in quantum chromodynamics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics-Based Characteristics of a Shaped Jet from Different Materials

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    The liner material is one of the key factors in the design of armor-piercing ammunition that effect the penetration efficiency. The performance of a shaped jet formed by the charge liner is determined by different properties of the material under the blasting action, in particular for the target with explosive reactive armor, which diminishes the penetration power by dispersing the shaped jet. The performance of shaped jet elements from different materials is studied, AUTODYN finite element software and smooth particle hydrodynamics method are employed to simulate the formation of shaped jet elements from the three materials: Cu, PTFE, and PTFE/Cu and their penetration into target plates, which was verified in the experiment. A shaped jet for a Cu liner is shown to be formed under the action of a detonation wave, while PTFE and PTFE/Cu materials generate a dispersive particle jet. The head velocity of a Cu jet is found to be the lowest, the penetration depth is the deepest, and the penetration hole size is the smallest; the velocity of a PTFE particle jet is the highest and the penetration depth is the shallowest, the penetration hole size takes the mid-position; the head velocity and penetration depth of a PTFE/Cu jet take the mid-position, while the penetration hole is the largest. The PTFE/Cu jet possesses higher penetration performance as compared to the PTFE jet, and its hole-opening capability is improved as compared to the Cu jet.Облицовочный материал один из ключевых факторов при создании бронебойных боеприпасов, оказывающий влияние на эффективность внедрения. Работоспособность кумулятивного заряда, формируемого его облицовкой, определяется различными свойствами материала в условиях взрывной нагрузки, в частности для мишени с элементами динамической защиты, которые уменьшают проникающую способность, рассеивая кумулятивный заряд. Изучены рабочие характеристики элементов кумулятивного заряда из различных материалов. Конечноэлементное программное обеспечение AUTODYN и метод гидродинамики гладких частиц используются при моделировании формирования этих элементов и их внедрении в пластинымишени из трех материалов: Cu, ПТФЭ и ПТФЭ/Сu, что было проверено экспериментально. Показано, что кумулятивный заряд для медной облицовки формируется под действием детонационной волны, тогда как ПТФЭ и ПТФЭ/Cu материалы генерируют струю распыленных частиц. Установлено, что в головной части скорость струи частиц Сu наименьшая, глубина внедрения наибольшая, а размер отверстий наименьший, скорость струи частиц ПТФЭ наибольшая, глубина внедрения наименьшая, размер отверстий занимает среднее положение, скорость и глубина внедрения струи частиц ПТФЭ/Сu занимают среднее положение, тогда как отверстия имеют наибольший размер. Струя частиц ПТФЭ/Сu обладает более высокой эффективностью внедрения по сравнению со струей ПТФЭ, а ее проникающая способность выше, чем струи Cu.Облицювальний матеріал - один з ключових чинників при створенні бронебійних боєприпасів, який впливає на ефективність заглиблення. Працездатність кумулятивного заряду, який формується його облицюванням, визначається різними властивостями матеріалу в умовах вибухового навантаження, зокрема для мішені з елементами динамічного захисту, які зменшують проникаючу здатність, розсіюючи кумулятивний заряд. Вивчено робочі характеристики елементів кумулятивного заряду з різних матеріалів. Скінчнноелементне програмне забезпечення AUTODYN і метод гідродинаміки гладких частинок використовуються при моделюванні формування цих елементів і їх впровадженні в пластини-мішені з трьох матеріалів: Cu, ПТФЕ і ПТФЕ / Cu, що було перевірено експериментально. Показано, що кумулятивний заряд для мідного облицювання формується під дією детонаційної хвилі, тоді як ПТФЕ і ПТФЕ / Cu матеріали генерують струмінь розпорошених частинок. Встановлено, що в головній частині швидкість струменя частинок Cu найменша, глибина заглиблення найбільша, а розмір отворів менший, швидкість струменя частинок ПТФЕ найбільша, глибина заглиблення найменша, розмір отворів займає середнє положення, швидкість і глибина заглиблення струменя частинок ПТФЕ / Cu займають середнє положення, тоді як отвори мають найбільший розмір. Струмінь частинок ПТФЕ / Cu володіє більш високою ефективністю заглиблення в порівнянні зі струменем ПТФЕ, а її проникаюча здатність вище, ніж струменя Cu

    Differential effect of the focal adhesion kinase Y397F mutant on v-Src-stimulated cell invasion and tumor growth

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    Upon cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) rapidly undergoes autophosphorylation on its Tyr-397 which consequently serves as a binding site for the Src homology 2 domains of the Src family protein kinases and several other intracellular signaling molecules. In this study, we have attempted to examine the effect of the FAK Y397F mutant on v- Src- stimulated cell transformation by establishing an inducible expression of the Y397F mutant in v-Src-transformed FAK-null (FAK(-/-)) mouse embryo fibroblasts. We found that the FAK Y397F mutant had both positive and negative effects on v- Src- stimulated cell transformation; it promoted v- Src- stimulated invasion, but on the other hand it inhibited the v-Src-stimulated anchorage-independent cell growth in vitro and tumor formation in vivo. The positive e. ect of the Y397F mutant on v-Src- stimulated invasion was correlated with an increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2, both of which were inhibited by the specific phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin or a dominant negative mutant of AKT, suggesting a critical role for the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT pathway in both events. However, the expression of the Y397F mutant rendered v- Src- transformed FAK(-/-) cells susceptible to anoikis, correlated with suppression on v-Src-stimulated activation of ERK and AKT. In addition, under anoikis stress, the induction of the Y397F mutant in v- Src- transformed FAK(-/-) cells selectively led to a decrease in the level of p130(Cas), but not other focal adhesion proteins such as talin, vinculin, and paxillin. These results suggest that FAK may increase the susceptibility of v- Src- transformed cells to anoikis by modulating the level of p130(Cas)

    Non-Markovian dynamics for an open two-level system without rotating wave approximation: Indivisibility versus backflow of information

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    By use of the two measures presented recently, the indivisibility and the backflow of information, we study the non-Markovianity of the dynamics for a two-level system interacting with a zero-temperature structured environment without using rotating wave approximation (RWA). In the limit of weak coupling between the system and the reservoir, and by expanding the time-convolutionless (TCL) generator to the forth order with respect to the coupling strength, the time-local non-Markovian master equation for the reduced state of the system is derived. Under the secular approximation, the exact analytic solution is obtained and the sufficient and necessary conditions for the indivisibility and the backflow of information for the system dynamics are presented. In the more general case, we investigate numerically the properties of the two measures for the case of Lorentzian reservoir. Our results show the importance of the counter-rotating terms to the short-time-scale non-Markovian behavior of the system dynamics, further expose the relations between the two measures and their rationality as non-Markovian measures. Finally, the complete positivity of the dynamics of the considered system is discussed

    Fluorescent carbon dioxide indicators

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    Over the last decade, fluorescence has become the dominant tool in biotechnology and medical imaging. These exciting advances have been underpinned by the advances in time-resolved techniques and instrumentation, probe design, chemical / biochemical sensing, coupled with our furthered knowledge in biology. Complementary volumes 9 and 10, Advanced Concepts of Fluorescence Sensing: Small Molecule Sensing and Advanced Concepts of Fluorescence Sensing: Macromolecular Sensing, aim to summarize the current state of the art in fluorescent sensing. For this reason, Drs. Geddes and Lakowicz have invited chapters, encompassing a broad range of fluorescence sensing techniques. Some chapters deal with small molecule sensors, such as for anions, cations, and CO2, while others summarize recent advances in protein-based and macromolecular sensors. The Editors have, however, not included DNA or RNA based sensing in this volume, as this were reviewed in Volume 7 and is to be the subject of a more detailed volume in the near future

    Charmless hadronic decays BPP,PV,VVB \to PP, PV, VV and new physics effects in the general two-Higgs doublet models

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    Based on the low-energy effective Hamiltonian with the generalized factorization, we calculate the new physics contributions to the branching ratios of the two-body charmless hadronic decays of BuB_u and BdB_d mesons induced by the new gluonic and electroweak charged-Higgs penguin diagrams in the general two-Higgs doublet models (models I, II and III). Within the considered parameter space, we find that: (a) the new physics effects from new gluonic penguin diagrams strongly dominate over those from the new γ\gamma- and Z0Z^0- penguin diagrams; (b) in models I and II, new physics contributions to most studied B meson decay channels are rather small in size: from -15% to 20%; (c) in model III, however, the new physics enhancements to the penguin-dominated decay modes can be significant, (30200)\sim (30 -200)%, and therefore are measurable in forthcoming high precision B experiments; (d) the new physics enhancements to ratios {\cal B}(B \to K \etap) are significant in model III, (3570)\sim (35 -70)%, and hence provide a simple and plausible new physics interpretation for the observed unexpectedly large B \to K \etap decay rates; (e) the theoretical predictions for B(BK+π){\cal B}(B \to K^+ \pi) and B(BK0π+){\cal B}(B \to K^0 \pi^+) in model III are still consistent with the data within 2σ2\sigma errors; (f) the significant new physics enhancements to the branching ratios of BK0π0,Kη,K+π,K+ϕ,K0ω,K+ϕB \to K^0 \pi^0, K^* \eta, K^{*+} \pi^-, K^+ \phi, K^{*0} \omega, K^{*+} \phi and K0ϕK^{*0} \phi decays are helpful to improve the agreement between the data and the theoretical predictions; (g) the theoretical predictions of B(BPP,PV,VV){\cal B}(B \to PP, PV, VV) in the 2HDM's are generally consistent with experimental measurements and upper limits (9090% C.L.)Comment: 55 pages, Latex file, 17 PS and EPS figures. With minor corrections, final version to be published in Phys.Rev. D. Repot-no: PKU-TH-2000-4

    Quantum magnetism in two dimensions: From semi-classical N\'eel order to magnetic disorder

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    This is a review of ground-state features of the s=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on two-dimensional lattices. A central issue is the interplay of lattice topology (e.g. coordination number, non-equivalent nearest-neighbor bonds, geometric frustration) and quantum fluctuations and their impact on possible long-range order. This article presents a unified summary of all 11 two-dimensional uniform Archimedean lattices which include e.g. the square, triangular and kagome lattice. We find that the ground state of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet is likely to be semi-classically ordered in most cases. However, the interplay of geometric frustration and quantum fluctuations gives rise to a quantum paramagnetic ground state without semi-classical long-range order on two lattices which are precisely those among the 11 uniform Archimedean lattices with a highly degenerate ground state in the classical limit. The first one is the famous kagome lattice where many low-lying singlet excitations are known to arise in the spin gap. The second lattice is called star lattice and has a clear gap to all excitations. Modification of certain bonds leads to quantum phase transitions which are also discussed briefly. Furthermore, we discuss the magnetization process of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the 11 Archimedean lattices, focusing on anomalies like plateaus and a magnetization jump just below the saturation field. As an illustration we discuss the two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland model which is used to describe SrCu2(BO3)2.Comment: This is now the complete 72-page preprint version of the 2004 review article. This version corrects two further typographic errors (three total with respect to the published version), see page 2 for detail