7 research outputs found

    The relationship of water transparency, the degree of overgrowth of different types of lakes of the Ivano-Arakhleya system as a basis for monitoring and forecasting the ecological situation of the Baikal natural territory

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    Previously, a hypothesis was put forward about a change in the degree of hydrophicity of lakes under the influence of fluctuations in the level. At the same time, the direct abiotic factors leading to ecosystem changes are the illumination of the soil and the level of its wind resuspending. At the same time, there were no empirical correlations between these indicators in relation to the lakes of the Ivano-Arachley system. In this work, based on the study of the lakes of the Ivano-Arakhley system, during the period of extremely low water content, a correlation is shown between the depth of macrophyte growth and the transparency of water at a damage of 0.96 (p=0.002). Factor analysis by the method of principal components showed a high positive relationship with the morphometric parameters of the ecosystem and the degree of openness of the reservoir. The relationship between the depth of vegetation distribution, water transparency, the ratio of depth, lake area expressed in terms of the coefficient of openness must be taken into account when planning activities on lakes that can affect vegetation or water transparency

    Hydr ochemical Characteristics of Selenge River and its Tributaries on the Territory of Mongolia

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    Hydrochemical research of the Selenge and its main tributary the Orkhon river on the territory of Mongolia has been conducted. Concentrations of the main water ions were measured. Distribution of heavy metals was determined. Dynamics of biogenic elements (NO 3 - , NH 4 + , phosphates) and degree of phenol pollution was determined