32 research outputs found

    Kadar Pengenapan dan Kepekatan Beberapa Logam Berat pada Permukaan Sedimen di Hutan Paya Bakau Bebar, Pahang

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    Sampel permukaan yang dikutip dari 3 transet (54 stesen pensampelan) di hutan paya bakau Bebar telah diukur kadar pemendapan, ciri-ciri sedimen dan kepekatan beberapa logam. Dalam kajian ini, kadar sedimentasi diukur dengan menggunakan kaedah penunjuk tiruan mendatar di mana purata pemendapan sebanyak 0.52 cm.thn·' telah diperoleh. Min saiz partikel sedimen permukaan didapati beljulat di antara dari pasir halus (5.151/» hingga kelodak halus (6.911/». Min saiz partikel menunjukkan hubungan signifikan (P<0.05) terhadap perubahan musim dengan penurunan nilainya ketika musim monsun. Bagi logam Cr, Cu, Pb dan Zn didapati menunjukkan perubahan mengikut jarak dengan purata kepekatan yang rendah di kawasan muara dan tinggi secara relatif di kawasan yang lebih jauh dari muara

    The Concentration of Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Lead and Thorium in Sediments of Paka Estuary,Terengganu, Malaysia

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    14 cm cores sediments from the Paka River were analyzed for Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb and Th using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Generally, the concentrations of all elements decreased with depth and have significantly higher concentration at the surface depth of the core. The concentration of Mn and Cu have average value of 151.1 ± 59.1 mg/g dry weights and 29.2 ± 6.9 mg/g dry weights, while Zn and Pb averaged at 72.5 ± 15.5 mg/g dry weights and 54.9 ± 2.5 mg/g dry weights, respectively. Th were slightly varied widely and ranged from 0.6 mg/g dry weights to 1.4 mg/g dry weights. In this study, only Mn and Th have enrichment factor (EF) values close to unity and may therefore be considered to be predominantly terrigenous in origin. On the contrary, the higher EF values found for Cu, Zn and Pb indicate that these metals might have some influenced from the anthropogenic inpu

    Particle Size Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of the Kemaman River Estuarine System, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Surface sediment samples from the Kemaman River estuarine system were analysed for the grain size in order to understand better the sedimentation processes in the estuary and along the Kemaman river. Their statistical values do not vary significantly according to the seasonal changes but show some relatively lower phi (0) values during the non-monsoon season compared to the monsoon season. The characteristics of deposited sediments at each station are very dependent upon the combination of physical forces such as freshwater runoffs, tidal currents and waves

    The determination of accretion rate in Setiu Mangrove, Malaysia: Thorium-230 versus artificial horizontal marker method

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    In this study, determination of sediment accretion rate using the 230Th and the artificial horizon marker method in Setiu mangrove were done. Applying the 230Th excess method, an average accretion rate of 0.62 cm yr1 was obtained. This is comparable to that of an artificial horizon marker method giving an average of 0.61 cm yr1• The 230Th method provides a rapid and simple method of evaluating 230Th accumulation histories in sediment cores. Sample preparation is also significantly simplified, thus providing a relatively quick and easy method for the determination of the accretion rate in mangrove areas. Assuming that the accretion rate values are accurate, this may imply that the sediments in the upper 100 cm were deposited during the last 163 years

    Accumulation of Barium, Uranium, Cadmium and Manganese in the Sediment Core from the Pulau Cik Wan Dagang Mangrove Forests, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    The accumulation of elements Ba, U, Cd and Mn with respect to depth was determined in a 150 cm sediment core obtained from the mangrove forests of Pulau Cik Wan Dagang, Kuala Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia. Generally, all elements except Mn decrease with depth and their vertical profiles show a clear boundary at about 70 cm deep. In order to assess the influence of heavy metal pollution more precisely, enrichment factors (EF) were calculated. In this study, U and Cd have EF values significantly greater than unity and may therefore be considered to be predominantly anthropogenic in origin whereas Ba and Mn which have EF values about unity are considered to be predominantly terigenous in origin

    Techniques for the extraction of phytosterols and their benefits in human health: a review

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    This review summarizes the information on the health-promoting effects of phytosterols and the techniques for their extraction. The extraction and analysis processes of phytosterols are complex and have not been fully established. Phytosterols have significant roles in the areas of foods, nutrition, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Free phytosterols extracted from plant sources are widely used in fortified foods and dietary supplements. Most phytosterols are extracted from plant matrices using organic solvents which are health and environmental hazards. However, the application of supercritical fluid in the extraction of phytosterols has offered a promising green technology in overcoming the limitations of conventional extraction

    Identification of bioactive compounds with GC Q-TOF MS in the extracts from Clinacanthus nutans using subcritical carbon dioxide extraction

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    Subcritical carbon dioxide Soxhlet extraction of biologically active compounds from Clincanthus nutans was investigated by full factorial design to identify and optimize the factors (particle size and co-solvent) affecting extract yield, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. An average of 3.103% yield, 98.90% antioxidant activity, 49.40 mg/g (GAE) TPC, 43.76 mg/g (RE), and 88.58% AGI activity can be achieved using the optimum levels of independent variables. The GC-Q-TOF MS identification of optimized extract shown that different classes of phytoconstituents were successfully separated by CO2-Soxhlet to produce potential antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity


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    Jacalin is a major lectin present in jackfruit seeds, obtained by crude protein recovery. Its lectin symbol is AIL and it belongs to the galactose family of N-acetylglucosamine binding lectins, which are recognized to be cancer cell inhibitor. There have been many pharmacological research studies focusing intensively on jacalin, however their scope was restricted to the application of jacalin in pharmacology. Jacalin or lectin extract from jackfruit seed were induced cell cycle arrest in human breast cancer cell, MCF7, in comparison of crude extract, purified jacalin and jacalin standard. IC50 for MCF7 was achieved at concentration 125 µg/mL, comparable to jacalin standard with only 1.60 % contradiction

    The determination of 230Th in the sediments: sediment accretion in the Mangrove Forests of Tanjung Piai, Johore , Malaysia

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    Accumulation of element Th with depth was determined in a 150 em core sediment obtained from the mangrove forest of Tanjung Piai, Johore, Malay­sia. In this study, a 230Thexcess method was used where the element relies on a constant production rate of 230Th from the radioactive decay of dissolved 234U in the water column. Applying the 230Thexcess and 230Thexcess/232Th method, average sedimentation rates of 0.84 cmyr-1 and 0.88 cmyrl were obtained, respectively. If this sedimentation rate is applicable to the core, the mangrove forest in the study sites was probably in immature stage with an estimated age of about 120 years. This finding suggests that the mangrove forests are not just passive colonizers of mud banks, but actively capture mud to create their own environments. Mangroves are thus an important sink for the fine sediment from rivers and coastal waters

    Removal of Nitrate and Phosphate from Municipal Wastewater Sludge by Chlorella vulgaris, Spirulina platensis and Scenedesmus quadricauda

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    Nitrate and phosphorus in wastewater contribute to health and environmental threats as they are linked to illnesses as well as ecosystem disruption via algal blooms in contaminated water bodies. Based on above perspectives a comparative study was conducted on three local freshwater microalgae:Chlorella vulgaris, Spirulina platensis and Scenedesmus quadricauda to evaluate their effects on nitrate and phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater sludge (MWS). Algae performance in removing nitrate and phosphorus was evaluated by measuring nitrate and phosphorus content of MWS incubated with the strains for 7 days. Instantaneous readings were taken every 48 hours to determine periodic levels of the nutrients phosphate and nitrate. BOD5 was also evaluated to identify the strain with the most robust growth that would demand for oxygen the most in the dark. Spirulina platensis was shown as the most efficient microalgae to reduce nitrate in MWS and the best-growing among the three strains, while Chlorella vulgaris removed phosphorus the most effectively. Thus Spirulina and Chlorella could be potential candidates by showing their intrinsic merit for the reduction of phosphate and nitrate in wastewater treatment. ABSTRAK: Nitrat dan fosforus dalam air sisa menggugat kesihatan dan mengancam alam sekitar memandangkan ia berkait dengan penyakit-penyakit serta gangguan terhadap ekosistem melalui pembiakan alga dalam air yang tercemar. Berdasarkan perspektif di atas, satu kajian perbandingan telah dijalankan terhadap tiga mikro alga air tawar tempatan : Chlorella vulgaris, Spirulina platensis dan Scenedesmus quadricauda untuk dinilai kesannya terhadap penyingkiran nitrat dan fosforus dari enap cemar air sisa bandaran (municipal wastewater sludge (MWS)). Kebolehan alga dalam penyingkiran nitrat dan fosforus dikaji dengan menyukat kandungan nitrat dan fosforus dalam MWS yang dieramkan dengan strain ini selama 7 hari. Bacaan serta-merta diambil setiap 48 jam untuk menentukan tahap berkala nutrien fosfat dan nitrat. BOD5 juga dinilai untuk mengenal pasti strain yang membesar dengan cepat yang memerlukan bekalan oksigen paling banyak dalam gelap. Spirulina platensis dikenal pasti sebagai mikro alga yang paling cekap dalam pengurangan nitrat dalam MWS dan paling cepat tumbesarannya, manakala Chlorella vulgaris menyingkir fosforus dengan paling berkesan. Maka Spirulina and Chlorella berpotensi dalam mengurangkan fosfat dan nitrat dalam rawatan air sisa