1,113 research outputs found

    Residue theorem and summing over Kaluza-Klein excitations

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    Applying the equations of motion together with corresponding boundary conditions of bulk profiles at infrared and ultraviolet branes, we verify some lemmas on the eigenvalues of Kaluze-Klein modes in framework of warped extra dimension with the custodial symmetry SU(3)c×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)X×PLRSU(3)_c\times SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_X\times P_{LR}. Using the lemmas and performing properly analytic extensions of bulk profiles, we present the sufficient condition for a convergent series of Kaluze-Klein excitations and sum over the series through the residue theorem. The method can also be applied to sum over the infinite series of Kaluze-Klein excitations in unified extra dimension. Additional, we analyze the possible connection between the propagators in five dimensional full theory and the product of bulk profiles with corresponding propagators of exciting Kaluze-Klein modes in four dimensional effective theory, and recover some relations presented in literature for warped and unified extra dimensions respectively. As an example, we demonstrate that the corrections from neutral Higgs to the Wilson coefficients of relevant operators for BXsγB\rightarrow X_s\gamma contain the suppression factor mb3ms/mw4m_b^3m_s/m_{_{\rm w}}^4 comparing with that from other sectors, thus can be neglected safely.Comment: 44 pages, no figur

    Géomorphologie et productivité des forages dans le nord du bassin du fleuve Comoé en Côte d’Ivoire

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser les aquifères et la productivité des forages dans le haut bassin versant de la Comoé, spécifiquement dans la partie nord de la Côte d’Ivoire. La réalisation de ce travail a nécessité des fiches de 952 forages, des cartes géologiques et la base de données  cartographiques de la Côte d’Ivoire. Les épaisseurs d’altération y sont importantes avec 87,92% des forages supérieurs à la classe des épaisseurs moyennes selon le CIEH. Les forages y sont plus profonds et plus productifs sur les schistes que sur les granitoïdes. La profondeur optimale des forages dans cette zone peut être définie entre 40 et 60 m. Les valeurs de transmissivité varient de 5,59.10-6 m2/s à 2,01.10-4 m2/s.Mots clés : Fleuve Comoé, bassin versant, aquifère de socle, transmissivité, épaisseur d’altération, forage

    Co-registered combined OCT and THz imaging to extract depth and refractive index of a tissue-equivalent test object

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    Terahertz (THz) imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT) provide complementary information with similar length scales. In addition to OCT’s extensive use in ophthalmology, both methods have shown some promise for other medical applications and non-destructive testing. In this paper, we present an iterative algorithm that combines the information from OCT and THz imaging at two different measurement locations within an object to determine both the depth of the reflecting layers at the two locations and the unknown refractive index of the medium for both the OCT wavelengths and THz frequencies. We validate this algorithm using a silicone test object with embedded layers and show that the depths and refractive index values obtained from the algorithm agreed with the measured values to within 3.3%. We further demonstrate for the first time that OCT and THz images can be co-registered and aligned using unsupervised image registration. Hence we show that a combined OCT/THz system can provide unique information beyond the capability of the separate modalities alone, with possible applications in the medical, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors

    BayGO: Bayesian analysis of ontology term enrichment in microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: The search for enriched (aka over-represented or enhanced) ontology terms in a list of genes obtained from microarray experiments is becoming a standard procedure for a system-level analysis. This procedure tries to summarize the information focussing on classification designs such as Gene Ontology, KEGG pathways, and so on, instead of focussing on individual genes. Although it is well known in statistics that association and significance are distinct concepts, only the former approach has been used to deal with the ontology term enrichment problem. RESULTS: BayGO implements a Bayesian approach to search for enriched terms from microarray data. The R source-code is freely available at in three versions: Linux, which can be easily incorporated into pre-existent pipelines; Windows, to be controlled interactively; and as a web-tool. The software was validated using a bacterial heat shock response dataset, since this stress triggers known system-level responses. CONCLUSION: The Bayesian model accounts for the fact that, eventually, not all the genes from a given category are observable in microarray data due to low intensity signal, quality filters, genes that were not spotted and so on. Moreover, BayGO allows one to measure the statistical association between generic ontology terms and differential expression, instead of working only with the common significance analysis

    Higgs Mediated EDMs in the Next-to-MSSM: An Application to Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We perform a study on the predictions of electric-dipole moments (EDMs) of neutron, Mercury (Hg), Thallium (Tl), deuteron, and Radium (Ra) in the framework of next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) with CP-violating parameters in the superpotential and soft-supersymmetry-breaking sector. We confine to the case in which only the physical tree-level CP phase (ϕλϕκ)(\phi'_\lambda - \phi'_\kappa), associated with the couplings of the singlet terms in the superpotential and with the vacuum-expectation-values (VEVs), takes on a nonzero value. We found that the one-loop contributions from neutralinos are mostly small while the two-loop Higgs-mediated contributions of the Barr-Zee (BZ) type diagrams dominate. We emphasize a scenario motivated by electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, to appear in PR

    Outdoor Air Pollution and Arterial Hypertension

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    Air pollution is a major environmental risk factor. There is accumulating evidence that air pollution could induce elevated blood pressure and potentiate hypertension. Acute elevations in the outdoor air pollution levels can trigger immediate or shortly delayed increases in arterial blood pressure. Moreover, few studies suggest that short-term increases in the levels of particulate and gaseous pollutants could lead to an acute onset of hypertension. Prolonged exposure to outdoor air pollution is associated with elevated blood pressure. Furthermore, some longitudinal studies have linked long-term exposure to air pollution with the incidence of hypertension. Various components of air pollution, such as inhalable particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and ozone, have shown associations with blood pressure in some studies. The hypothesized underlying mechanisms include inflammatory reactions and oxidative stress in lungs and in systemic circulation, imbalance of autonomous nervous system, and pathologic changes in vascular endothelium. In addition to “traditional” susceptible groups such as elderly individuals or patients with chronic diseases, children and pregnant women could be especially susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution. The interplay of air pollution with the related environmental exposures, such as traffic noise and climate change, should be investigated further

    Kondo effect of an adatom in graphene and its scanning tunneling spectroscopy

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    We study the Kondo effect of a single magnetic adatom on the surface of graphene. It was shown that the unique linear dispersion relation near the Dirac points in graphene makes it more easy to form the local magnetic moment, which simply means that the Kondo resonance can be observed in a more wider parameter region than in the metallic host. The result indicates that the Kondo resonance indeed can form ranged from the Kondo regime, to the mixed valence, even to the empty orbital regime. While the Kondo resonance displays as a sharp peak in the first regime, it has a peak-dip structure and/or an anti-resonance in the remaining two regimes, which result from the Fano resonance due to the significant background leaded by dramatically broadening of the impurity level in graphene. We also study the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) spectra of the adatom and they show obvious particle-hole asymmetry when the chemical potential is tuned by the gate voltages applied to the graphene. Finally, we explore the influence of the direct tunneling channel between the STM tip and the graphene on the Kondo resonance and find that the lineshape of the Kondo resonance is unaffected, which can be attributed to unusual large asymmetry factor in graphene. Our study indicates that the graphene is an ideal platform to study systematically the Kondo physics and these results are useful to further stimulate the relevant experimental studies on the system.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure