94,889 research outputs found

    Development of non-linear finite element computer code

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    Recent work has shown that the use of separable symmetric functions of the principal stretches can adequately describe the response of certain propellant materials and, further, that a data reduction scheme gives a convenient way of obtaining the values of the functions from experimental data. Based on representation of the energy, a computational scheme was developed that allows finite element analysis of boundary value problems of arbitrary shape and loading. The computational procedure was implemental in a three-dimensional finite element code, TEXLESP-S, which is documented herein

    Collisionless galaxy simulations

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    Three-dimensional fully self-consistent computer models were used to determine the evolution of galaxies consisting of 100 000 simulation stars. Comparison of two-dimensional simulations with three-dimensional simulations showed only a very slight stabilizing effect due to the additional degree of freedom. The addition of a fully self-consistent, nonrotating, exponential core/halo component resulted in considerable stabilization. A second series of computer experiments was performed to determine the collapse and relaxation of initially spherical, uniform density and uniform velocity dispersion stellar systems. The evolution of the system was followed for various amounts of angular momentum in solid body rotation. For initally low values of the angular momentum satisfying the Ostriker-Peebles stability criterion, the systems quickly relax to an axisymmetric shape and resemble elliptical galaxies in appearance. For larger values of the initial angular momentum bars develop and the systems undergo a much more drastic evolution

    The Variable X-ray Spectrum of Markarian 766 - II. Time-Resolved Spectroscopy

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    CONTEXT: The variable X-ray spectra of AGN systematically show steep power-law high states and hard-spectrum low states. The hard low state has previously been found to be a component with only weak variability. The origin of this component and the relative importance of effects such as absorption and relativistic blurring are currently not clear. AIMS: In a follow-up of previous principal components analysis, we aim to determine the relative importance of scattering and absorption effects on the time-varying X-ray spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk~766. METHODS: Time-resolved spectroscopy, slicing XMM and Suzaku data down to 25 ks elements, is used to investigate whether absorption or scattering components dominate the spectral variations in Mrk 766.Time-resolved spectroscopy confirms that spectral variability in Mrk 766 can be explained by either of two interpretations of principal components analysis. Detailed investigation confirm rapid changes in the relative strengths of scattered and direct emission or rapid changes in absorber covering fraction provide good explanations of most of the spectral variability. However, a strong correlation between the 6.97 keV absorption line and the primary continuum together with rapid opacity changes show that variations in a complex and multi-layered absorber, most likely a disk wind, are the dominant source of spectral variability in Mrk 76

    Do Teacher Absences Impact Student Achievement? Longitudinal Evidence from One Urban School District

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    Rates of employee absences and the effects of absences on productivity are topics of conversation in many organizations in many countries. One reason is that high rates of employee absence may signal weak management and poor labor-management relations. A second reason is that reducing rates of employee absence may be an effective way to improve productivity. This paper reports the results of a study of employee absences in education, a large, labor-intensive industry. Policymakers' concern with teacher absence rests on three premises: (1) that a significant portion of teachers' absences is discretionary, (2) that teachers' absences have a nontrivial impact on productivity, and (3) that feasible policy changes could reduce rates of absence among teachers. This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of the first two of these premises; it discusses the third premise. We employ a methodology that accounts for time-invariant differences among teachers in skill and motivation. We find large variation in adjusted teacher absence rates among schools. We estimate that each 10 days of teacher absences reduce students' mathematics achievement by 3.3 percent of a standard deviation.

    Use of phytochrome-dependent reaction in evaluating the effect of space flight factors on the plant organism

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    The effects of space flight factors on lettuce seeds aboard the Kosmos-936 and Kosmos-1129 satellites for 20 days were studied. The phytochrome dependent (PD) reaction of light sensitive seeds was a sensitive criterion for evaluating the biological effects of space flight factors. The PD reaction of air dry lettuce seeds was suppressed after space flight, especially if the seeds were exposed to open space during the flight. Space flight affects the physiological activity of both phytochrome forms, and both the phi sub 730 dependent reactions of lettuce seeds were suppressed

    Ion beam sputter etching and deposition of fluoropolymers

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    Fluoropolymer etching and deposition techniques including thermal evaporation, RF sputtering, plasma polymerization, and ion beam sputtering are reviewed. Etching and deposition mechanism and material characteristics are discussed. Ion beam sputter etch rates for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were determined as a function of ion energy, current density and ion beam power density. Peel strengths were measured for epoxy bonds to various ion beam sputtered fluoropolymers. Coefficients of static and dynamic friction were measured for fluoropolymers deposited from ion bombarded PTFE

    Phenolic cutter for machining foam insulation

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    Pre-pregged fiber glass is an efficient abrasive for machining polystyrene and polyurethane foams. It bonds easily to any cutter base made of aluminum, steel, or phenolic, is inexpensive, and is readily available

    Space transportation systems, launch systems, and propulsion for the Space Exploration Initiative: Results from Project Outreach

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    A number of transportation and propulsion options for Mars exploration missions are analyzed. As part of Project Outreach, RAND received and evaluated 350 submissions in the launch vehicle, space transportation, and propulsion areas. After screening submissions, aggregating those that proposed identical or nearly identical concepts, and eliminating from further consideration those that violated known physical princples, we had reduced the total number of viable submissions to 213. In order to avoid comparing such disparate things as launch vehicles and electric propulsion systems, six broad technical areas were selected to categorize the submissions: space transportation systems; earth-to-orbit (ETO) launch systems; chemical propulsion; nuclear propulsion; low-thrust propulsion; and other. To provide an appropriate background for analyzing the submissions, an extensive survey was made of the various technologies relevant to the six broad areas listed above. We discuss these technologies with the intent of providing the reader with an indication of the current state of the art, as well as the advances that might be expected within the next 10 to 20 years

    Hierarchical clustering and formation of power-law correlation in 1-dimensional self-gravitating system

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    The process of formation of fractal structure in one-dimensional self-gravitating system is examined numerically. It is clarified that structures created in small spatial scale grow up to larger scale through clustering of clusters, and form power-law correlation.Comment: 9pages,4figure
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