740 research outputs found

    Enhanced electron correlations in FeSb2_2

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    FeSb2_2 has been recently identified as a new model system for studying many-body renormalizations in a dd-electron based narrow gap semiconducting system, strongly resembling FeSi. The electron-electron correlations in FeSb2_2 manifest themselves in a wide variety of physical properties including electrical and thermal transport, optical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and so on. We review some of the properties that form a set of experimental evidences revealing the crucial role of correlation effects in FeSb2_2. The metallic state derived from slight Te doping in FeSb2_2, which has large quasiparticle mass, will also be introduced.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Annalen der Physi

    Unchanged thermopower enhancement at the semiconductor-metal transition in correlated FeSb2x_{2-x}Tex_x

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    Substitution of Sb in FeSb2_2 by less than 0.5% of Te induces a transition from a correlated semiconductor to an unconventional metal with large effective charge carrier mass mm^*. Spanning the entire range of the semiconductor-metal crossover, we observed an almost constant enhancement of the measured thermopower compared to that estimated by the classical theory of electron diffusion. Using the latter for a quantitative description one has to employ an enhancement factor of 10-30. Our observations point to the importance of electron-electron correlations in the thermal transport of FeSb2_2, and suggest a route to design thermoelectric materials for cryogenic applications.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2011

    A Tale Of Two Countries: What The United States Can Learn From Brazil About Reducing Dependence On Foreign Oil

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    Dependence on foreign oil by the United States of America creates massive problems from the economic, environmental, and national security perspectives. In recognition of this reality, the USA embarked upon an energy independence plan in the mid-1970s, following the Arab oil embargo that accompanied the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Unfortunately, this effort has failed to the extent that the USA is more dependent upon foreign oil today than it was in 1976. At about the same time that the USA initiated its energy effort, a similar effort was also initiated in the South American nation of Brazil, which like the USA was alarmingly dependent upon foreign oil and had sustained substantial economic hardship as a result of the Arab embargo. Today, Brazil is substantially energy independent, and in fact exports oil to the USA. Obviously, Brazil implemented a more effective energy independence effort than did the USA. Lessons which the author believes may be learned from the Brazilian experience are that solving the problem requires that all possible solutions be pursued simultaneously with maximum vigor, that maximum use should be made of existing usable technology rather than waiting for laboratory-scale technologies to be perfected, and that solutions will be reached much faster if the private sector is actively engaged in a cooperative rather than adversarial manner. With these principles in mind, we review available alternatives and propose a comprehensive energy strategy that reduces the USA’s dependence on foreign oil in the short run, and ultimately eliminates that dependence in the long run. We further enunciate reasons for believing that such an integrated strategy is far superior to any effort to address the problem by focusing solely upon conservation, or alternative fuels, or “drill here, drill now,” to the exclusion or minimization of the other approaches. We conclude with a proposed plan for implementing the “all hands on deck” approach to energy independence

    Highly Dispersive Electron Relaxation and Colossal Thermoelectricity in the Correlated Semiconductor FeSb2_2

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    We show that the colossal thermoelectric power, S(T)S(T), observed in the correlated semiconductor FeSb2_2 below 30\,K is accompanied by a huge Nernst coefficient ν(T)\nu(T) and magnetoresistance MR(T)(T). Markedly, the latter two quantities are enhanced in a strikingly similar manner. While in the same temperature range, S(T)S(T) of the reference compound FeAs2_2, which has a seven-times larger energy gap, amounts to nearly half of that of FeSb2_2, its ν(T)\nu(T) and MR(T)(T) are intrinsically different to FeSb2_2: they are smaller by two orders of magnitude and have no common features. With the charge transport of FeAs2_2 successfully captured by the density functional theory, we emphasize a significantly dispersive electron-relaxation time τ(ϵk)\tau(\epsilon_k) due to electron-electron correlations to be at the heart of the peculiar thermoelectricity and magnetoresistance of FeSb2_2.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Vortex avalanches in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Li2Pt3B

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    We investigated the vortex dynamics in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Li_2Pt_3B in the temperature range 0.1 K - 2.8 K. Two different logarithmic creep regimes in the decay of the remanent magnetization from the Bean critical state have been observed. In the first regime, the creep rate is extraordinarily small, indicating the existence of a new, very effective pinning mechanism. At a certain time a vortex avalanche occurs that increases the logarithmic creep rate by a factor of about 5 to 10 depending on the temperature. This may indicate that certain barriers against flux motion are present and they can be opened under increased pressure exerted by the vortices. A possible mechanism based on the barrier effect of twin boundaries is briefly discussed

    Polaronic state and nanometer-scale phase separation in colossal magnetoresistive manganites

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    High resolution topographic images obtained by scanning tunneling microscope in the insulating state of Pr0.68Pb0.32MnO3 single crystals showed regular stripe-like or zigzag patterns on a width scale of 0.4 - 0.5 nm confirming a high temperature polaronic state. Spectroscopic studies revealed inhomogeneous maps of zero-bias conductance with small patches of metallic clusters on length scale of 2 - 3 nm only within a narrow temperature range close to the metal-insulator transition. The results give a direct observation of polarons in the insulating state, phase separation of nanometer-scale metallic clusters in the paramagnetic metallic state, and a homogeneous ferromagnetic state

    Kondo effect in Ce(x)La(1-x)Cu(2.05)Si(2) intermetallics

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    The magnetic susceptibility and susceptibility anisotropy of the quasi-binary alloy system Ce(x)La(1-x)Cu(2.05)Si(2) have been studied for low concentration of Ce ions. The single-ion desc ription is found to be valid for x < 0.1. The experimental results are discussed in terms of t he degenerate Coqblin-Schrieffer model with a crystalline electric field splitting Delta = 330 K. The properties of the model, obtained by combining the lowest-order scaling and the pertur bation theory, provide a satisfactory description of the experimental data down to 30 K. The e xperimental results between 20 K and 2 K are explained by the exact solution of the Kondo mode l for an effective doublet.Comment: 11 pages, 13 Postscript figures, 1 tabl

    A precursor state to unconventional superconductivity in CeIrIn5{_5}

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    We present sensitive measurements of the Hall effect and magnetoresistance in CeIrIn5{_5} down to temperatures of 50 mK and magnetic fields up to 15 T. The presence of a low temperature coherent Kondo state is established. Deviations from Kohler's rule and a quadratic temperature dependence of the cotangent of the Hall angle are reminiscent of properties observed in the high temperature superconducting cuprates. The most striking observation pertains to the presence of a \textit{precursor} state--characterized by a change in the Hall mobility--that appears to precede the superconductivity in this material, in similarity to the pseudogap in the cuprate high TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 4 figure