1,441 research outputs found

    Effects of Carbohydrates on in vitro axillary shoot initiation and multiplication of Bambusa pallida Munro.

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    The purpose of the current study was to optimize the carbohydrate sources and sucrose concentrations for mass clonal propagation of B. pallida. Sucrose in MS liquid medium consisting additives (ascorbic acid, 50mg/l + citric acid, 25 mg/l + cysteine, 25 mg/l) was found to be the best carbohydrate source for shoot induction and shoot multiplication.  NAA 0.25mg/l in combination with TDZ 0.25mg/l in the medium exhibited high frequency shoot induction and NAA 0.25mg/l with BAP 1.0mg/l helped for further multiplication of quality shoots.  IBA pulse treated shoots were rooted in the MS half strength agar gelled medium fortified with sucrose (2%) and glucose (1%). Rooted plantlets were well established in the green house with more than 95% survivability within four weeks period.&nbsp

    Role of Shrubs in Rangeland Based Livestock Production System in Western Rajasthan, India

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    Rangeland covers ~ 51% of the terrestrial surface of the Earth, and supports half of the world‟s livestock. More than 80 % of forage consumed by domestic livestock is supplied by rangelands in Africa and Asia. Hot arid regions of India cover an area of 31.7 million hectares and out of which Rajasthan state constitutes ~ 61.8 % of the entire area. The crop production in this area is low, unstable and risky. Livestock sustains arid farming systems by virtue of their potential to reduce risk, alleviate poverty, important providers of nutrients and traction for growing crops in smallholder systems and the imparting sustainability of household. The hot arid region of Rajasthan has about 29.08 million livestock. Pastures and grazing lands, residential area and wayside grazing lands, crop by-products and residues, fodder crops etc. are the major feed resources. For the small ruminants and camels, the rangelands are the major source of feed supply. Shrubs are vital component of rangeland vegetation and cover \u3e 70 % of desert landscapes from Aravalli to the international border of the Indian part of Thar desert. They are an important source of feed and assure feed availability in a drought situation. They have remarkable morpho-physiological adaptations to different land forms and survive under harsh edapho-climatic conditions. During recent past, a rapid decline population of browse shrubs is noticed due to their over exploitation, destruction of natural habitat, expending irrigation facilities, increasing agricultural mechanization and changes in land use pattern. In the present paper key species, fodder production and nutritive value of shrubs of hot arid rangelands are discussed

    Charge Delocalization in Self-Assembled Mixed-Valence Aromatic Cation Radicals

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    The spontaneous assembly of aromatic cation radicals (D+•) with their neutral counterpart (D) affords dimer cation radicals (D2+•). The intermolecular dimeric cation radicals are readily characterized by the appearance of an intervalence charge-resonance transition in the NIR region of their electronic spectra and by ESR spectroscopy. The X-ray crystal structure analysis and DFT calculations of a representative dimer cation radical (i.e., the octamethylbiphenylene dimer cation radical) have established that a hole (or single positive charge) is completely delocalized over both aromatic moieties. The energetics and the geometrical considerations for the formation of dimer cation radicals is deliberated with the aid of a series of cyclophane-like bichromophoric donors with drastically varied interplanar angles between the cofacially arranged aryl moieties. X-ray crystallography of a number of mixed-valence cation radicals derived from monochromophoric benzenoid donors established that they generally assemble in 1D stacks in the solid state. However, the use of polychromophoric intervalence cation radicals, where a single charge is effectively delocalized among all of the chromophores, can lead to higher-order assemblies with potential applications in long-range charge transport. As a proof of concept, we show that a single charge in the cation radical of a triptycene derivative is evenly distributed on all three benzenoid rings and this triptycene cation radical forms a 2D electronically coupled assembly, as established by X-ray crystallography


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    In the title 2H-pyrazolo­[4,3-c]pyridine derivative, C32H27Cl2N3, the dihydro­pyrazole ring adopts an envelope conformation and the piperidine fused ring a twisted-chair conformation. Two short intra­molecular C—H⋯Cl contacts are observed. The crystal packing is characterized by dimeric C—Cl⋯π inter­actions involving the 5-benzyl ring, with Cl⋯centroid and closest atomic Cl⋯π distances of 3.778 (2) and 3.366 (4) Å, respectively

    On the Wang-Landau Method for Off-Lattice Simulations in the "Uniform" Ensemble

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    We present a rigorous derivation for off-lattice implementations of the so-called "random-walk" algorithm recently introduced by Wang and Landau [PRL 86, 2050 (2001)]. Originally developed for discrete systems, the algorithm samples configurations according to their inverse density of states using Monte-Carlo moves; the estimate for the density of states is refined at each simulation step and is ultimately used to calculate thermodynamic properties. We present an implementation for atomic systems based on a rigorous separation of kinetic and configurational contributions to the density of states. By constructing a "uniform" ensemble for configurational degrees of freedom--in which all potential energies, volumes, and numbers of particles are equally probable--we establish a framework for the correct implementation of simulation acceptance criteria and calculation of thermodynamic averages in the continuum case. To demonstrate the generality of our approach, we perform sample calculations for the Lennard-Jones fluid using two implementation variants and in both cases find good agreement with established literature values for the vapor-liquid coexistence locus.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure


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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C16H11BrO3, is essentially planar with a maximum deviation of 0.178 (4) Å and the configuration of the keto group with respect to the olefinic double bond is typically s-cis. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular Br⋯O inter­actions [3.187 (3)Å] give rise to chains parallel to the b axis. Adjacent chains are further linked along the a axis by C—H⋯π inter­actions. The crystal studied was a racemic twin with a 0.595 (13):0.405 (13) ratio

    Combined effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation and mineral nutrients on growth, biomass accumulation and yield characteristics of two cultivars of vigna radiate L

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    Abstract: In a field experiment, the effect of enhanced UV-B radiation (simulating 20% ozone depletion at Allahabad, 20 0 47' N latitude) was studied on two cultivars of Vigna radiata L. with various levels of mineral nutrients (N and P). Study showed decrease in total biomass accumulation, harvest index, RSR and yield after exposure with enhanced level of UV-B. RGR and CGR also showed decline after exposure with UV-B. Application of recommended dose of mineral nutrients alleviated the deleterious effect of UV-B and increased plant dry matter vis a vis yield. Both cultivars showed sensitivity to UV-B but cultivar Malviya Janpriya was more responsive to UV-B than Malviya Jyoti


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    In the title compound, C26H23NO, C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds generate a ribbon structure along the a axis. These ribbons further assemble into a one-dimensional sheet parallel to the ac plane via C—H⋯π inter­actions. The piperidin-4-one ring adopts a sofa conformation with the 1-benzyl group in the equatorial position, and the 3- and 5-phenyl substituents stretched out on either side. The benzyl­idene units adopt E configurations and the 1-benzyl group is disposed towards the 3- substituent of the piperidin-4-one ring

    Dynamical evolution and leading order gravitational wave emission of Riemann-S binaries

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    An approximate strategy for studying the evolution of binary systems of extended objects is introduced. The stars are assumed to be polytropic ellipsoids. The surfaces of constant density maintain their ellipsoidal shape during the time evolution. The equations of hydrodynamics then reduce to a system of ordinary differential equations for the internal velocities, the principal axes of the stars and the orbital parameters. The equations of motion are given within Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism. The special case when both stars are axially symmetric fluid configurations is considered. Leading order gravitational radiation reaction is incorporated, where the quasi-static approximation is applied to the internal degrees of freedom of the stars. The influence of the stellar parameters, in particular the influence of the polytropic index nn, on the leading order gravitational waveforms is studied.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, typos correcte