447 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Changes of Forest Cover (a Case Study on Sumatra Island)

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    In Indonesia, decreasing the forest cover or deforestation in 2000-2005 period had increased up to 1,09 million ha per year, and in Sumatera island alone the deforestationreached 0,27 million ha per year. The primary factors that caused the changes of forest cover in Sumatera are logging, both legal and illegal, and forest conversion for other landuses. This paper used panel data model for eight provinces in Sumatera from 2000 to 2006 to analyze direct causes of changes of forest cover. In the model of changes of forest cover caused by logging, resulted a positive correlation between deforestation and price of timber. These results implied that the rise of timber price made illegal loggers try to get maximum profit in a short time, and it could stimulate illegal logging. In the model of changes of forest cover caused by forest conversion for other land uses, the results showed a positive correlation between deforestation and GDP per capita. The result concludes that the increase of GDP per capita makes consumption for agricultural goods increase, and it can stimulate forest conversion for other land uses

    Application Making Website Offers and Promotions Sales Guitar Using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, MySQL and PHP

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    Teknologi informasi yang berkembang pesat saat ini semakin memudahkansetiap orang dalam mendapatkan informasi. Internet merupakan cara yang cepatdan mudah untuk menyampaikan informasi tersebut agar dapat menjangkaumasyarakat luas. Penggunaan website sangat berguna dalam USAha untukmempromosikan, menawarkan dan menginformasikan penjualan gitar pada tokoGuitar Lovers kepada konsumen. Semuanya disajikan dalam tampilan halamanwebsite yang mudah dipahami oleh konsumen, mulai dari menu utama sampaidengan pencarian gitar secara spesifik berdasarkan merek, tipe dan harga darigitar tersebut. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, PHP dan MySQL adalahbeberapa contoh dari sekian banyak software yang dapat memecahkan masalahtersebut


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas biodiesel hasil transesterifikasi minyak ikan lemuru yang diperoleh dari hasil samping industri pengalengan dan penepungan ikan. Pembuatan biodiesel dilakukan secara kalatilitik melalui tahapan esterifikasi, transesterifikasi, pencucian biodiesel dan pemanasan. Transesterifikasi dilakukan menggunakan metanol dengan perbandingan molar minyak ikan dengan metanol sebesar 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5. Pengujian biodiesel menggunakan standard SNI 04-7182-2006. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa densitas biodiesel pada suhu 40oC dan titik nyala pada berbagai perlakuan menghasilkan nilai yang sama yaitu 0,87 g/ml, dan 166 0C. Kandungan air dan sedimen juga menunjukkan nilai yang sama yaitu <0,05 % v/v pada berbagai perlakuan. Bilangan saponifikasi pada perbandingan molar minyak dengan metanol 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5 masing-masing sebesar 182,16; 182,16 dan 181,16 mg KOH/g, kandungan gliserol bebas masing-masing sebesar 0,0037; 0,0051 dan 0,0031% w/w, sedangkan bilangan asam total pada perlakuan yang sama menunjukkan nilai masing-masing sebesar 0,189; 0,188 dan 0,189 mg KOH/g. Kandungan gliserol total pada perbandingan molar minyak dengan metanol 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5 masing-masing sebesar 0,135; 0,138 dan 0,121 % w/w dan kandungan ester masing-masing sebesar 98,50; 98,51 dan 98,68 % w. Semua parameter kualitas biodiesel tersebut sesuai dengan persyaratan kualitas biodiesel pada SNI 04-7182-200

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Missouri Mathematics Project (Mmp) Dan Model Pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) Disertai Assessment for Learning Melalui Teman Sejawat Ditinjau Dari Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Di Kabupaten

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    . The purposes of this study were to determine: (1) which has better learning achievement, students are given MMP learning model with AfL through peers, STAD with the AfL through peers, or students who were given direct learning model, (2) which has better learning achievement, students with learning independence of high, moderate or low, (3) on each learning model, which one has the better learning achievement, students with learning independence of high, moderate or low, (4) in each learning independence category, which has better learning achievement, students are given MMP learning model with AfL through peers, STAD with AfL through peers or students who given direct learning model. This study was a quasi-experimental study with a 3 x 3 factorial design. The study populations were all of grade X students of Senior High School in Bantul. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random sampling. The samples in this study amounted to 214 students with the details of 72 students for experiment 1 and 70 for experiments 2 and 72 for the control class. The data collected instrument used mathematics achievement tests and a questionnaire of student's learning independence. Based on the hypothesis testing, it can be concluded as follows. (1) Students' learning achievement treated by MMP learning model with the AfL better than students treated by STAD models with AfL and direct learning model. In addition, students' learning achievement treated by STAD model with AfL through peers better than students treated by direct learning model. (2) Students' learning achievement which has high learning independence better than students who have moderate and low independence. In addition, students who have moderate learning independence better than students who have low learning independence. (3) In the MMP learning model with the AfL through peers, STAD with AfL through peers and direct learning model, the students' learning achievement who have high learning independence better than moderate and low learning independence, in addition the students' learning achievement who have moderate learning independence better than students who have low learning independence. (4) In the learning independence category of high, moderate and low, the students' learning achievement treated by MMP with the AfL through peers better than students treated by STAD with AfL through peers and direct learning model. In addition, students' learning achievement treated by STAD with AFL through peers better than students treated by direct learning model

    “Pranala” Website Magazine Making in Collaboration with Ekspresi Suara Remaja

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    Website magazine become one source of information in this digital age. Music becomes commodities social exchange of teenager and young adult, especially in Semarang. Teenager and young adult looking for music information on the website magazine to the needs of their social exchange. This final project is intended to create website magazine which presents information about local music of Semarang city. This final project is a journalism product based on the theory of online journalism from book by Asep Syamsul M. Romli (2012) called Online Journalism. “Pranala” also became one of local movement that supports local wisdom. From the results of this final project , it is known that the visitors of “Pranala” is reach the target. The website visitors are always new every day and “Pranala”s social media followers also help spreading articles. It's a prove that website magazine which presents music information of Semarang is required by teenager and young adult of the city. From the results of this final project, it is known that music theme-website magazine having influence on social exchange of teenager and young adult. Music theme-website magazine also can be a promotional medium for musicians for the better known work