736 research outputs found

    Attracted Diffusion-Limited Aggregation

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    In this paper, we present results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) with a seed placed on an attractive plane as a simple model in connection with the electrical double layers. We compute the fractal dimension of the aggregated patterns as a function of the attraction strength \alpha. For the patterns grown in both two and three dimensions, the fractal dimension shows a significant dependence on the attraction strength for small values of \alpha, and approaches to that of the ordinary two-dimensional (2D) DLA in the limit of large \alpha. For non-attracting case with \alpha=1, our results in three dimensions reproduce the patterns of 3D ordinary DLA, while in two dimensions our model leads to formation of a compact cluster with dimension two. For intermediate \alpha, the 3D clusters have quasi-2D structure with a fractal dimension very close to that of the ordinary 2D-DLA. This allows one to control morphology of a growing cluster by tuning a single external parameter \alpha.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (2012

    A number-conserving linear response study of low-velocity ion stopping in a collisional magnetized classical plasma

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    The results of a theoretical investigation on the low-velocity stopping power of the ions moving in a magnetized collisional plasma are presented. The stopping power for an ion is calculated employing linear response theory using the dielectric function approach. The collisions, which leads to a damping of the excitations in the plasma, is taken into account through a number-conserving relaxation time approximation in the linear response function. In order to highlight the effects of collisions and magnetic field we present a comparison of our analytical and numerical results obtained for a nonzero damping or magnetic field with those for a vanishing damping or magnetic field. It is shown that the collisions remove the anomalous friction obtained previously [Nersisyan et al., Phys. Rev. E 61, 7022 (2000)] for the collisionless magnetized plasmas at low ion velocities. One of major objectives of this study is to compare and contrast our theoretical results with those obtained through a novel diffusion formulation based on Dufty-Berkovsky relation evaluated in magnetized one-component plasma models framed on target ions and electrons.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 17 pages, 4 figure

    Electron Correlations in an Electron Bilayer at Finite Temperature: Landau Damping of the Acoustic Plasmon

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    We report angle-resolved Raman scattering observations of the temperature dependent Landau damping of the acoustic plasmon in an electron bilayer system realised in a GaAs double quantum well structure. Corresponding calculations of the charge-density excitation spectrum of the electron bilayer using forms of the random phase approximation (RPA), and the static local field formalism of Singwi, Tosi, Land and Sj\"{o}lander (STLS) extended to incorporate non-zero electron temperature TeT_{\rm e} and phenomenological damping, are also presented. The STLS calculations include details of the temperature dependence of the intra- and inter-layer local field factors and pair-correlation functions. Good agreement between experiment and the various theories is obtained for the acoustic plasmon energy and damping for Te≲TF/2T_{\rm e} \lesssim T_{\rm F}/2, the Fermi temperature. However, contrary to current expectations, all of the calculations show significant departures from our experimental data for Te≳TF/2T_{\rm e} \gtrsim T_{\rm F}/2. From this, we go on to demonstrate unambiguously that real local field factors fail to provide a physically accurate description of exchange correlation behaviour in low dimensional electron gases. Our results suggest instead that one must resort to a {\em{dynamical}} local field theory, characterised by a {\em{complex}} field factor to provide a more accurate description.Comment: 53 pages, 16 figure

    Stopping of Charged Particles in a Magnetized Classical Plasma

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    The analytical and numerical investigations of the energy loss rate of the test particle in a magnetized electron plasma are developed on the basis of the Vlasov-Poisson equations, and the main results are presented. The Larmor rotation of a test particle in a magnetic field is taken into account. The analysis is based on the assumption that the energy variation of the test particle is much less than its kinetic energy. The obtained general expression for stopping power is analyzed for three cases: (i) the particle moves through a collisionless plasma in a strong homogeneous magnetic field; (ii) the fast particle moves through a magnetized collisionless plasma along the magnetic field; and (iii) the particle moves through a magnetized collisional plasma across a magnetic field. Calculations are carried out for the arbitrary test particle velocities in the first case, and for fast particles in the second and third cases. It is shown that the rate at which a fast test particle loses energy while moving across a magnetic field may be much higher than the loss in the case of motion through plasma without magnetic field.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    A long-lived coronal X-ray arcade

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    A large, long-lived, soft X-ray emitting arch system observed during a Skylab mission is analyzed. The supposition is that these arches owe their stability to the stable coronal magnetic-field configuration. A global constant alpha force-free magnetic field analysis, is used to describe the arches which stayed in the same approximate position for several solar rotations. A marked resemblance is noted between the theoretical magnetic field configuration and the observed X-ray emmitting feature

    Axiomatic geometrical optics, Abraham-Minkowski controversy, and photon properties derived classically

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    By restating geometrical optics within the field-theoretical approach, the classical concept of a photon (and, more generally, any elementary excitation) in arbitrary dispersive medium is introduced, and photon properties are calculated unambiguously. In particular, the canonical and kinetic momenta carried by a photon, as well as the two corresponding energy-momentum tensors of a wave, are derived from first principles of Lagrangian mechanics. As an example application of this formalism, the Abraham-Minkowski controversy pertaining to the definitions of these quantities is resolved for linear waves of arbitrary nature, and corrections to the traditional formulas for the photon kinetic energy-momentum are found. Several other applications of axiomatic geometrical optics to electromagnetic waves are also presented

    Cosmic polarimetry in magnetoactive plasmas

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    Polarimetry of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) represents one of the possible diagnostics aimed at testing large-scale magnetism at the epoch of the photon decoupling. The propagation of electromagnetic disturbances in a magnetized plasma leads naturally to a B-mode polarization whose angular power spectrum is hereby computed both analytically and numerically. Combined analyses of all the publicly available data on the B-mode polarization are presented, for the first time, in the light of the magnetized Λ\LambdaCDM scenario. Novel constraints on pre-equality magnetism are also derived in view of the current and expected sensitivities to the B-mode polarization.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure

    Compressible hydromagnetic nonlinearities in the predecoupling plasma

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    The adiabatic inhomogeneities of the scalar curvature lead to a compressible flow affecting the dynamics of the hydromagnetic nonlinearities. The influence of the plasma on the evolution of a putative magnetic field is explored with the aim of obtaining an effective description valid for sufficiently large scales. The bulk velocity of the plasma, computed in the framework of the LambdaCDM scenario, feeds back into the evolution of the magnetic power spectra leading to a (nonlocal) master equation valid in Fourier space and similar to the ones discussed in the context of wave turbulence. Conversely, in physical space, the magnetic power spectra obey a Schroedinger-like equation whose effective potential depends on the large-scale curvature perturbations. Explicit solutions are presented both in physical space and in Fourier space. It is argued that curvature inhomogeneities, compatible with the WMAP 7yr data, shift to lower wavenumbers the magnetic diffusivity scale.Comment: 29 page

    Heating of gas inside radio sources to mildly relativistic temperatures via induced Compton scattering

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    Measured values of the brightness temperature of low-frequency synchrotron radiation emitted by powerful extragalactic sources reach 10^11--10^12 K. If some amount of nonrelativistic ionized gas is present within such sources, it should be heated as a result of induced Compton scattering of the radiation. If this heating is counteracted by cooling due to inverse Compton scattering of the same radio radiation, then the plasma can be heated up to mildly relativistic temperatures kT~10--100 keV. The stationary electron velocity distribution can be either relativistic Maxwellian or quasi-Maxwellian (with the high-velocity tail suppressed), depending on the efficiency of Coulomb collisions and other relaxation processes. We derive several easy-to-use approximate expressions for the induced Compton heating rate of mildly relativistic electrons in an isotropic radiation field, as well as for the stationary distribution function and temperature of electrons. We also give analytic expressions for the kernel of the integral kinetic equation (one as a function of the scattering angle and another for the case of an isotropic radiation field), which describes the redistribution of photons in frequency caused by induced Compton scattering in thermal plasma. These expressions can be used in the parameter range hnu<< kT<~ 0.1mc^2 (the formulae earlier published in Sazonov, Sunyaev, 2000 are less accurate).Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Astronomy Letter

    Nyquist method for Wigner-Poisson quantum plasmas

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    By means of the Nyquist method, we investigate the linear stability of electrostatic waves in homogeneous equilibria of quantum plasmas described by the Wigner-Poisson system. We show that, unlike the classical Vlasov-Poisson system, the Wigner-Poisson case does not necessarily possess a Penrose functional determining its linear stability properties. The Nyquist method is then applied to a two-stream distribution, for which we obtain an exact, necessary and sufficient condition for linear stability, as well as to a bump-in-tail equilibrium.Comment: 6 figure
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