35,643 research outputs found

    Power Counting in the Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    We describe in some detail the derivation of a power counting formula for the soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). This formula constrains which operators are required to correctly describe the infrared at any order in the Lambda_QCD/Q expansion (lambda expansion). The result assigns a unique lambda-dimension to graphs in SCET solely from vertices, is gauge independent, and can be applied independent of the process. For processes with an OPE the lambda-dimension has a correspondence with dynamical twist.Comment: 12 pages, 1 fig, journal versio

    Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome lattice Mott insulator

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    Topological phases in frustrated quantum spin systems have fascinated researchers for decades. One of the earliest proposals for such a phase was the chiral spin liquid put forward by Kalmeyer and Laughlin in 1987 as the bosonic analogue of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Elusive for many years, recent times have finally seen a number of models that realize this phase. However, these models are somewhat artificial and unlikely to be found in realistic materials. Here, we take an important step towards the goal of finding a chiral spin liquid in nature by examining a physically motivated model for a Mott insulator on the Kagome lattice with broken time-reversal symmetry. We first provide a theoretical justification for the emergent chiral spin liquid phase in terms of a network model perspective. We then present an unambiguous numerical identification and characterization of the universal topological properties of the phase, including ground state degeneracy, edge physics, and anyonic bulk excitations, by using a variety of powerful numerical probes, including the entanglement spectrum and modular transformations.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; partially supersedes arXiv:1303.696

    Diffeomorphic random sampling using optimal information transport

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    In this article we explore an algorithm for diffeomorphic random sampling of nonuniform probability distributions on Riemannian manifolds. The algorithm is based on optimal information transport (OIT)---an analogue of optimal mass transport (OMT). Our framework uses the deep geometric connections between the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of probability densities and the right-invariant information metric on the group of diffeomorphisms. The resulting sampling algorithm is a promising alternative to OMT, in particular as our formulation is semi-explicit, free of the nonlinear Monge--Ampere equation. Compared to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, we expect our algorithm to stand up well when a large number of samples from a low dimensional nonuniform distribution is needed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Identifying influential spreaders and efficiently estimating infection numbers in epidemic models: a walk counting approach

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    We introduce a new method to efficiently approximate the number of infections resulting from a given initially-infected node in a network of susceptible individuals. Our approach is based on counting the number of possible infection walks of various lengths to each other node in the network. We analytically study the properties of our method, in particular demonstrating different forms for SIS and SIR disease spreading (e.g. under the SIR model our method counts self-avoiding walks). In comparison to existing methods to infer the spreading efficiency of different nodes in the network (based on degree, k-shell decomposition analysis and different centrality measures), our method directly considers the spreading process and, as such, is unique in providing estimation of actual numbers of infections. Crucially, in simulating infections on various real-world networks with the SIR model, we show that our walks-based method improves the inference of effectiveness of nodes over a wide range of infection rates compared to existing methods. We also analyse the trade-off between estimate accuracy and computational cost, showing that the better accuracy here can still be obtained at a comparable computational cost to other methods.Comment: 6 page

    Predicted Abundances of Carbon Compounds in Volcanic Gases on Io

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    We use chemical equilibrium calculations to model the speciation of carbon in volcanic gases on Io. The calculations cover wide temperature (500-2000 K), pressure (10^-8 to 10^+2 bars), and composition ranges (bulk O/S atomic ratios \~0 to 3), which overlap the nominal conditions at Pele (1760 K, 0.01 bar, O/S ~ 1.5). Bulk C/S atomic ratios ranging from 10^-6 to 10^-1 in volcanic gases are used with a nominal value of 10^-3 based upon upper limits from Voyager for carbon in the Loki plume on Io. Carbon monoxide and CO2 are the two major carbon gases under all conditions studied. Carbonyl sulfide and CS2 are orders of magnitude less abundant. Consideration of different loss processes (photolysis, condensation, kinetic reactions in the plume) indicates that photolysis is probably the major loss process for all gases. Both CO and CO2 should be observable in volcanic plumes and in Io's atmosphere at abundances of several hundred parts per million by volume for a bulk C/S ratio of 10^-3.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables; accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    River monitoring from satellite radar altimetry in the Zambezi River basin

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    Satellite radar altimetry can be used to monitor surface water levels from space. While current and past altimetry missions were designed to study oceans, retracking the waveforms returned over land allows data to be retrieved for smaller water bodies or narrow rivers. The objective of this study is the assessment of the potential for river monitoring from radar altimetry in terms of water level and discharge in the Zambezi River basin. Retracked Envisat altimetry data were extracted over the Zambezi River basin using a detailed river mask based on Landsat imagery. This allowed for stage measurements to be obtained for rivers down to 80m wide with an RMSE relative to in situ levels of 0.32 to 0.72m at different locations. The altimetric levels were then converted to discharge using three different methods adapted to different data-availability scenarios: first with an in situ rating curve available, secondly with one simultaneous field measurement of cross-section and discharge, and finally with only historical discharge data available. For the two locations at which all three methods could be applied, the accuracies of the different methods were found to be comparable, with RMSE values ranging from 4.1 to 6.5% of the mean annual in situ gauged amplitude for the first method and from 6.9 to 13.8% for the second and third methods. The precision obtained with the different methods was analyzed by running Monte Carlo simulations and also showed comparable values for the three approaches with standard deviations found between 5.7 and 7.2% of the mean annual in situ gauged amplitude for the first method and from 8.7 to 13.0% for the second and third methods

    The influence of the global photochemical composition of the troposphere on European summer smog, Part I: Application of a global to mesoscale model chain

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    Elevated mixing ratios of ozone in the lower troposphere are a major summer time air pollution issue in Europe. Photochemical in-situ production is the most important source of ozone in the planetary boundary layer and has been studied extensively. However, the contributions of background ozone due to stratospheric intrusions, lightning nitrogen oxide followed by ozone production, convective mixing and intercontinental transport are still poorly quantified. We analyze in this paper the influence of the large-scale ozone background on near-surface ozone throughout a summer smog period in July 1994 over Europe. For this purpose a chain of global to mesoscale models is applied with a nesting procedure coupling the individual model simulations. It is found that background ozone as determined by the global model dominates the results of the higher resolution limited area models increasingly with height. But improvements of limited area model results are not only restricted to the free troposphere. Strong convective events like thunderstorms couple free tropospheric and planetary boundary layer air masses so that ozone from above is injected into the planetary boundary layer contributing an amount of 5-10 ppbv to near-surface ozone in the afternoon hours. A decrease in the same range of 5-10 ppbv in maximum near-surface ozone over Central Europe is found in a model simulation where European anthropogenic emissions are reduced by 25%, an amount equal to the reported emission trends in Germany from 1994 to 2000. We conclude that intercontinental transport of pollution can obscure the results of local efforts to reduce critical exposure levels of ozone
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