2,540 research outputs found

    Geometrical Effects of Conic Sections on The Motion of Bodies

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    The subject of dynamics is generally divided into two branches; kinematics which is concerned with the geometry of motion apart from all considerations of force, mass or energy. And kinetics which is concerned with the effects of forces on the motion of bodies. In this paper, we explained the basic geometrical concepts of the conic sections (ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola) and their effects on the suitable kind of motion and the orbits of bodies.                     &nbsp


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    The welfare of the farming community is a noble ideal that must be instilled in relation to all activities in society. Lunjen Village, is a village in Enrekang Regency where the majority of the population earns income from agriculture. Agricultural zakat is one of the obligations that must be fulfilled but the partisipation in implementing agricultural zakat is considered to be very lacking in almost all regions. This study aims to see how the awareness of farmers in Lunjen Village in paying agricultural zakat and its relation to the welfare of farmers in terms of the benefits of agricultural zakat on farmers. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with Likkert Scale calculations and Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) analysis, then analyzed to see the benefits that can be felt if farmers routinely pay agricultural zakat. The results of this study found that the level of awareness of farmers is in the high category (61.67%) and the factors that have a positive and significant effect on farmers' awareness are the age factor with a Tcount of 4.322, the education level factor with a Tcount of 5.915 while the income level factor has an effect on negative and significant with a Tcount of -2.307. There are benefits that can be felt by farmers if they routinely pay agricultural zakat, namely that they can achieve farmer welfare, and economic development

    Pressure as an Indicator for Water Breakthrough for Horizontal Well Completion

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    The objective of this project is to develop intelligent oil wells that can detect water from up to several hundred metres away and react before it contaminates production and focus on pressure profile for horizontal well. The method in this project is to make reservoir simulation by looking the pressure profile at each segment

    International Price Relationship and Volatility Transmission Between Stock Index and Stock Index Futures

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    This study investigates the International price relationship and volatility transmissions betweenstock index and stock index futures of Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. Vector Autoregression(VAR) GJR-GARCH model was applied to the nine years daily price. Japanesemarkets are the main information producer to the market price changes. International marketinterdependence only affected the domestic volatility transmission of spot and futuresmarket in Hong Kong. Asymmetric effects exist in all markets and the volatility persistence ineach market is high. Finally, the overall conditional correlation estimates for spot and futuresmarkets are higher in the unrestricted model form compared to the restricted modelform

    Persepsi Jajaran Kesehatan Tentang Dampak Kegiatan Penambangan Emas Di Kabupaten Buru Provinsi Maluku, Tahun 2012

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    Sejak bulan Oktober tahun 2011, di Kabupaten Buru, Maluku ada kegiatan penambangan emas di beberapa tempat yang mengakibatkan peningkatan mobilitas & migrasi penduduk yang bermakna. Sehingga berdampak pada Perubahan tatanan sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan lingkungan di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kekhawatiran jajaran kesehatan tentang dampak penambangan emas terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara terbuka dan diskusi kelompok (FGD) untuk menggali pendapat informan berkenaan dengan dampaknya pada kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Informan terdiri dari unsur Dinas Kesehatan, Kepala Puskesmas, Kader Posyandu dan unsur pemerintah daerah (Pemda). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambangan emas yang berjalan, berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Dampak negatif tersebut ditandai dengan munculnya penyakit yang tadinya belum pernah dilaporkan seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD), kulit dan HIV /AIDS. Meningkatnya jumlah kasus penyakit tertentu, antara lain penderita malaria, diare dan infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA). Sebagian besar informan mengkhawatirkan menurunnya status kesehatan masyarakat kini dan mendatang karena merajalelanya penyakit menular dan pencemaran dari mercury (Hg) dan cyanida, jika tidak ada intervensi pemerintah yang baik
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