30,575 research outputs found

    Contrasts between Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Steady States: Computer Aided Discoveries in Simple Lattice Gases

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    A century ago, the foundations of equilibrium statistical mechanics were laid. For a system in equilibrium with a thermal bath, much is understood through the Boltzmann factor, exp{-H[C]/kT}, for the probability of finding the system in any microscopic configuration C. In contrast, apart from some special cases, little is known about the corresponding probabilities, if the same system is in contact with more than one reservoir of energy, so that, even in stationary states, there is a constant energy flux through our system. These non-equilibrium steady states display many surprising properties. In particular, even the simplest generalization of the Ising model offers a wealth of unexpected phenomena. Mostly discovered through Monte Carlo simulations, some of the novel properties are understood while many remain unexplained. A brief review and some recent results will be presented, highlighting the sharp contrasts between the equilibrium Ising system and this non-equilibrium counterpart.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The NASA Altitude Wind Tunnel (AWT): Its role in advanced icing research and development

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    Currently experimental aircraft icing research is severely hampered by limitations of ground icing simulation facilities. Existing icing facilities do not have the size, speed, altitude, and icing environment simulation capabilities to allow accurate studies to be made of icing problems occurring for high speed fixed wing aircraft and rotorcraft. Use of the currently dormant NASA Lewis Altitude Wind Tunnel (AWT), as a proposed high speed propulsion and adverse weather facility, would allow many such problems to be studied. The characteristics of the AWT related to adverse weather simulation and in particular to icing simulation are discussed, and potential icing research programs using the AWT are also included


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    Linear growth of spiral SASI modes in core-collapse supernovae

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    Two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations have shown that the post-bounce accretion shock in core collapse supernovae is subject to the Spherical Accretion Shock Instability, or SASI. Recent three-dimensional simulations have revealed the existence of a non-axisymmetric mode of the SASI as well, where the postshock flow displays a spiral pattern. Here we investigate the growth of these spiral modes using two-dimensional simulations of the post-bounce accretion flow in the equatorial plane of a core-collapse supernova. By perturbing a steady-state model we are able to excite both one, two and three-armed spiral modes that grow exponentially with time, demonstrating that these are linearly unstable modes closely related to the original axisymmetric sloshing modes. By tracking the distribution of angular momentum, we show that these modes are able to efficiently separate the angular momentum of the accretion flow (which maintains a net angular momentum of zero), leading to a significant spin-up of the underlying accreting proto-neutron star.Comment: To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory beam tube component and module leak testing

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    Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is a joint project of the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology funded by the National Science Foundation. The project is designed to detect gravitational waves from astrophysical sources such as supernova and black holes. The LIGO project constructed observatories at two sites in the U.S. Each site includes two beam tubes (each 4 km long) joined to form an "L" shape. The beam tube is a 1.25 m diam 304 L stainless steel, ultrahigh vacuum tube that will operate at 1×10^–9 Torr or better. The beam tube was manufactured using a custom spiral weld tube mill from material processed to reduce the outgassing rate in order to minimize pumping costs. The integrity of the beam tube was assured by helium mass spectrometer leak testing each component of the beam tube system prior to installation. Each 2 km long, isolatable beam tube module was then leak tested after completion

    Throat stability-by pass systems to increase the stable airflow range of a Mach 2.5 inlet with 60-percent internal contraction

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    The results of an experimental investigation to increase the stable airflow range (without unstart) of a supersonic mixed-compression inlet are presented. Various stability bypass entrances were located on the cowl side of the inlet throat. The types of entrance were distributed porous (normal holes), forward-slanted slot, and distributed educated slots. A large stable airflow range was obtained for each entrance type if a constant pressure was maintained in the stability bypass plenum. The distributed porous entrance provided the largest stable airflow range. Inlet unstart angle of attack was unaffected by the entrances
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