61 research outputs found

    Solar Wind Turbulence and the Role of Ion Instabilities

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    Late Frasnian Atrypida [Brachiopoda] from the South Urals, South Timan and Kuznetsk Basin [Russia]

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    Late Frasnian Atrypida (Brachiopoda) from the South Urals, South Timan and Kuznetsk Basin in Russia (east Laurussian and south Siberian shelf domains in Devonian time) reveal significant generic and specific diversity in the broadly defined Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) bio-crisis time. Eighteen species of atrypid brachiopods have been recorded, representing 4 subfamilies and 10 genera. The new genus Gibberosatrypa Markovskii & Rzhonsnitskaya, and the new subgenus Spinatrypa (Plicspinatrypa) Rzhonsnitskaya are proposed. Four new species Spinatrypina (Spinatrypina) sosnovkiensis Yudina, Spinatrypa (Plicspinatrypa) rossica Rzhonsnitskaya, Iowatrypa nalivkini Rzhonsnitskaya & Sokiran, and Cartnatina(?) biohermica Yudina are described. The representatives of the Variatrypinae (including especially common Desquamatia (Desquamatia) alticoliformis), Spinatrypinae (Spinatrypina) and Atypinae (Pseudoatrypa, ?Costatrypa) are widely distributed in the studied regions. The Pseudogruenewaldtiinae are represented by Iowatrypa and Pseudogruenewaldtia, of which the first is distributed worldwide, whereas the only undoubted species of the second is restricted to South Timan, and probably represents a localized latest Frasnian descendant of Iowatrypa. The decline phase of atrypid development was controlled by a variety of environmental factors tied to the global Kellwasser events, although it was not directly triggered by anoxic conditions. The investigated atrypid brachiopods, which were all confined to lower latitudes, disappeared during the F-F mass extinction, independently of their environmental and biogeographic settings

    Nature of fluctuations on directional discontinuities inside a solar ejection: Wind and IMP 8 observations

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    A solar ejection passed the Wind spacecraft between December 23 and 26, 1996. On closer examination, we find a sequence of ejecta material, as identified by abnormally low proton temperatures, separated by plasmas with typical solar wind temperatures at 1 AU. Large and abrupt changes in field and plasma properties occurred near the separation boundaries of these regions. At the one boundary we examine here, a series of directional discontinuities was observed. We argue that Alfvénic fluctuations in the immediate vicinity of these discontinuities distort minimum variance normals, introducing uncertainty into the identification of the discontinuities as either rotational or tangential. Carrying out a series of tests on plasma and field data including minimum variance, velocity and magnetic field correlations, and jump conditions, we conclude that the discontinuities are tangential. Furthermore, we find waves superposed on these tangential discontinuities (TDs). The presence of discontinuities allows the existence of both surface waves and ducted body waves. Both probably form in the solar atmosphere where many transverse nonuniformities exist and where theoretically they have been expected. We add to prior speculation that waves on discontinuities may in fact be a common occurrence. In the solar wind, these waves can attain large amplitudes and low frequencies. We argue that such waves can generate dynamical changes at TDs through advection or forced reconnection. The dynamics might so extensively alter the internal structure that the discontinuity would no longer be identified as tangential. Such processes could help explain why the occurrence frequency of TDs observed throughout the solar wind falls off with increasing heliocentric distance. The presence of waves may also alter the nature of the interactions of TDs with the Earth\u27s bow shock in so-called hot flow anomalies