11 research outputs found

    Two-site study on performances of a commercially available MALDI-TOF MS-based assay for the detection of colistin resistance in Escherichia coli

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    Colistin is a last resort drug for the treatment of multiple drug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacterial infections. Rapid methods to detect resistance are highly desirable. Here, we evaluated the performance of a commercially available MALDI-TOF MS-based assay for colistin resistance testing in Escherichia coli at two different sites. Ninety clinical E. coli isolates were provided by France and tested in Germany and UK using a MALDI-TOF MS-based colistin resistance assay. Lipid A molecules of the bacterial cell membrane were extracted using the MBT Lipid Xtract Kit™ (RUO; Bruker Daltonics, Germany). Spectra acquisition and evaluation were performed by the MBT HT LipidART Module of MBT Compass HT (RUO; Bruker Daltonics) on a MALDI Biotyper® sirius system (Bruker Daltonics) in negative ion mode. Phenotypic colistin resistance was determined by broth microdilution (MICRONAUT MIC-Strip Colistin, Bruker Daltonics) and used as a reference. Comparing the results of the MALDI-TOF MS-based colistin resistance assay with the data of the phenotypic reference method for the UK, sensitivity and specificity for the detection of colistin resistance were 97.1% (33/34) and 96.4% (53/55), respectively. Germany showed 97.1% (33/34) sensitivity and 100% (55/55) specificity for the detection of colistin resistance by MALDI-TOF MS. Applying the MBT Lipid Xtract™ Kit in combination with MALDI-TOF MS and dedicated software showed excellent performances for E. coli. Analytical and clinical validation studies must be performed to demonstrate the performance of the method as a diagnostic tool

    Safe vs. Fair: A formidable trade-off in tackling climate change

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    Global warming requires a response characterized by forward-looking management of atmospheric carbon and respect for ethical principles. Both safety and fairness must be pursued, and there are severe trade-offs as these are intertwined by the limited headroom for additional atmospheric CO2 emissions. This paper provides a simple numerical mapping at the aggregated level of developed vs. developing countries in which safety and fairness are formulated in terms of cumulative emissions and cumulative per capita emissions respectively. It becomes evident that safety and fairness cannot be achieved simultaneously for strict definitions of both. The paper further posits potential global trading in future cumulative emissions budgets in a world where financial transactions compensate for physical emissions: the safe vs. fair tradeoff is less severe but remains formidable. Finally, we explore very large deployment of engineered carbon sinks and show that roughly 1,000 Gt CO2 of cumulative negative emissions over the century are required to have a significant effect, a remarkable scale of deployment. We also identify the unexplored issue of how such sinks might be treated in sub-global carbon accounting

    Vibrio-Infektionen durch Lebensmittel und Meerwasser

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    Vibrionen sind salzliebende Bakterien, die in Oberflächen- und Küstengewässern sowie Meerestieren weltweit verbreitet sind. In vielen Ländern stellen pathogene Vibrio-Spezies eine der Hauptursachen von bakteriell verursachten Durchfallerkrankungen dar, die durch den Verzehr von kontaminierten Meeresfrüchten und Fischprodukten und durch verseuchtes Trinkwasser hervorgerufen werden. Vibrio-Infektionen könnten auch in unseren Breiten aufgrund der globalen Klimaerwärmung und der Zunahme des weltweiten Handels mit Meeresfrüchten an Bedeutung gewinnen. Der Forschungsverbund „VibrioNet“ beschäftigt sich mit pathogenen Vibrionen in der marinen Umwelt und in Seafood-Lebensmitteln als potenzielle, neu aufkommende Zoonoseerreger. Durch einen multidisziplinären Forschungsansatz soll eine Bewertung des Risikos ermöglicht werden, das vornehmlich von pathogenen Nicht-Cholera-Vibrionen im zentraleuropäischen Raum ausgeht. Die Verbundforschung wird durch die Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Partnern aus Ländern, in denen Vibrio-Infektionen eine große Rolle spielen (Bangladesch, Chile, Indien, Thailand und Vietnam), gestärkt.Vibrio is a genus of bacteria present in surface and coastal waters as well as in marine organisms worldwide. In many countries, pathogenic Vibrio species are a main cause of bacterial diarrhea, which may result from comsumption of contaminated seafood and fish products or from drinking contaminated water. Vibrio infections may also gain in importance in our regions due to global warming and the increase in the world trade of seafood. The research network “VibrioNet” studies pathogenic Vibrios in the marine environment and in seafood consumed by humans as a potential, new emerging zoonotic agent. An assessment of the risk arising from pathogenic non-cholera-vibrios in central Europe is the target of a multidisciplinary research effort. The research network will be strengthened by cooperations with international partners from countries in which Vibrio infections play a major role (Bangladesh, Chile, India, Thailand, and Vietnam)

    Gesamtwirtschaftliche Beurteilung von CO_2 Minderungsstrategien

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    In Germany, a comprehensive pogramme was launched in the past years for the purpose of achieving a 25 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2005 as compared to the reference year 1990. The catalogue of measures ranges from legal regulations to economic incentives and to information and consulting. This investigation investigates the reduction effects to be expected from these measures as well as the sectoral and general economic cost effects. The interdependences between clean air policy on the one hand and sectoral and general economic goals like acceptable economic growth, stable prices and a level foreign trade balance are to be defined. (orig./RHM)In Deutschland wurde in den letzten Jahren ein umfassendes Minderungsprogramm auf den Weg gebracht, mit dem eine Verringerung der CO_2-Emissionen bis zum Jahr 2005 gegenueber 1990 um 25 vH erreicht werden soll; das Massnahmenbuendel reicht von ordnungsrechtlichen Ge- und Verboten ueber oekonomische Anreize bis hin zu Information und Aufklaerung. Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt die mit diesem Massnahmenkatalog verbundenen Reduktionswirkungen wie auch die sektoralen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Kostenimpulse im Detail dar. Ziel ist es, den Zusammenhang zwischen Klimaschutzpolitik einerseits, sektoralen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Zielen wie angemessenes Wirtschaftswachstum, stabiles Preisniveau oder aussenwirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht andererseits sichtbar zu machen. (orig./RHM)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 2401(19) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman