27 research outputs found

    Taking the Quantum Eraser to the Abstract World

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    Youngs double slit experiment is one of the most celebrated achievements in quantum and classical optics; it provides experimental proof of the wave-particle duality of light. When the paths of the double slit are marked with orthogonal polarizations, the path information is revealed and no interference pattern is observed. However, the path information can be erased with a complimentary analysis of the polarization. Here we use hybrid entanglement between photons carrying orbital angular momentum and polarization to show that, just as in Young's experiment, the paths (OAM) marked with polarization do not lead to interference. However, when introducing the eraser (polarizer) which projects the polarization of one of the entangled photons onto a complementary polarization basis, the OAM (paths) are allowed to interfere, leading to the formation of azimuthal fringes whose frequency is proportional to the OAM content carried by the photon

    Measuring the Non-Separability of Optical Fields

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    Across various areas in the optical world, there has been a growing interest in exploiting the properties of non-separable optical fields. A class of non-separable fields, known as vector modes, exhibit a coupling between the spatial and polarisation degrees of freedom that is akin of entanglement in quantum mechanics. These vector modes, however, are typically characterized using qualitative measurements which are inadequate in determining to what extent an optical field is non-separable. Here, we present tools to characterize the degree of non-separability of an arbitrary optical field, exploiting the similarities between vector modes and quantum entangled states. As an example, we use vector modes carrying orbital angular momentum to demonstrate the effectiveness of our scheme, and note that the approach can be generalized to vector modes as a whole

    Hybrid Entanglement for Quantum Information and Communication Applications

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    Combining the multiple degrees of freedom of photons has become topical in quantum communication and information processes. This provides advantages such as increasing the amount of information that is be packed into a photon or probing the wave-particle nature of light through path-polarisation entanglement. Here we present two experiments that show the advantages of using hybrid entanglement between orbital angular moment (OAM) and polarisation. Firstly, we present results where high dimensional quantum key distribution is demonstrated with spatial modes that have non-separable polarisation-OAM DOF called vector modes. Secondly, we show that through OAM-polarisation entanglement, the traditional which-way experiment can be performed without using the traditional physical path interference approach

    Quantum-Key Distribution With Vector Modes

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    High-dimensional encoding using higher degrees of freedom has become topical in quantum communication protocols. When taking advantage of entanglement correlations, the state space can be made even larger. Here, we exploit the entanglement between two dimensional space and polarization qubits, to realize a four-dimensional quantum key distribution protocol. This is achieved by using entangled states as a basis, analogous to the Bell basis, rather than typically encoding information on individual qubits. The encoding and decoding in the required complementary bases is achieved by manipulating the Pancharatnam-Berry phase with a single optical element: a q-plate. Our scheme shows a transmission fidelity of 0.98 and secret key rate of 0.9 bits per photon. While the use of only static elements is preferable, we show that the low secret key rate is a consequence of the filter based detection of the modes, rather than our choice of encoding modes

    Track E Implementation Science, Health Systems and Economics

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138412/1/jia218443.pd

    Entanglement distillation by Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with orbital angular momentum states

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    Entanglement is an invaluable resource to various quantum communication, metrology, and computing processes. In particular, spatial entanglement has become topical, owing to its wider Hilbert space that allows photons to carry more information. However, spatial entanglement is susceptible to decay in the presence of external perturbations such as atmospheric turbulence. Here we show theoretically and experimentally that in a weak turbulence regime, maximally entangled states can be distilled through quantum interference. We generated entangled photons by spontaneous parametric down-conversion, with one photon in the entangled pairs being sent through a turbulent channel. We recombined the paths of the two photons at a beam-splitter in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference setup and measured in coincidence, using spatial filters, the spatial correlations between photons in the output ports of the beam-splitter. We performed a state tomography and show that, from an ensemble of pure states with very low levels of entanglement, we distil entangled states with fidelities F ≥ 0.90 with respect to the singlet Bell state

    Entanglement distillation by Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with orbital angular momentum states

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    Entanglement is an invaluable resource to various quantum communication, metrology, and computing processes. In particular, spatial entanglement has become topical, owing to its wider Hilbert space that allows photons to carry more information. However, spatial entanglement is susceptible to decay in the presence of external perturbations such as atmospheric turbulence. Here we show theoretically and experimentally that in a weak turbulence regime, maximally entangled states can be distilled through quantum interference. We generated entangled photons by spontaneous parametric down-conversion, with one photon in the entangled pairs being sent through a turbulent channel. We recombined the paths of the two photons at a beam-splitter in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference setup and measured in coincidence, using spatial filters, the spatial correlations between photons in the output ports of the beam-splitter. We performed a state tomography and show that, from an ensemble of pure states with very low levels of entanglement, we distil entangled states with fidelities F ≥ 0.90 with respect to the singlet Bell state

    Classically Entangled Light

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    The concept of entanglement is so synonymous with quantum mechanics that the prefix “quantum” is often deemed unnecessary; there is after all only quantum entanglement. But the hallmark of entangled quantum states is nonseparability, a property that is not unique to the quantum world. On the contrary, nonseparability appears in many physical systems, and pertinently, in classical vector states of light: classical entanglement? Here we outline the concept of classical entanglement, highlight where it may be found, how to control and exploit it, and discuss the similarities and differences between quantum and classical entangled systems. Intriguingly, we show that quantum tools may be applied to classical systems, and likewise that classical light may be used in quantum processes. While we mostly use vectorial structured light throughout the text as our example of choice, we make it clear that the concepts outlined here may be extended beyond this with little effort, which we showcase with a few selected case studies

    Imaging and certifying high-dimensional entanglement with a single-photon avalanche diode camera

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    Spatial correlations between two photons are the key resource in realising many quantum imaging schemes. Measurement of the bi-photon correlation map is typically performed using single-point scanning detectors or single-photon cameras based on charged coupled device (CCD) technology. However, both approaches are limited in speed due to the slow scanning and the low frame rate of CCD-based cameras, resulting in data acquisition times on the order of many hours. Here, we employ a high frame rate, single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) camera, to measure the spatial joint probability distribution of a bi-photon state produced by spontaneous parametric down-conversion, with statistics taken over 107 frames. Through violation of an Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen criterion by 227 sigmas, we confirm the presence of spatial entanglement between our photon pairs. Furthermore, we certify, in just 140 s, an entanglement dimensionality of 48. Our work demonstrates the potential of SPAD cameras in the rapid characterisation of photonic entanglement, leading the way towards real-time quantum imaging and quantum information processing