17,755 research outputs found

    Evaluating the New Automatic Method for the Analysis of Absorption Spectra Using Synthetic Spectra

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    We recently presented a new "artificial intelligence" method for the analysis of high-resolution absorption spectra (Bainbridge and Webb, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 2017, 468,1639-1670). This new method unifies three established numerical methods: a genetic algorithm (GVPFIT); non-linear least-squares optimisation with parameter constraints (VPFIT); and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). In this work, we investigate the performance of GVPFIT and BMA over a broad range of velocity structures using synthetic spectra. We found that this new method recovers the velocity structures of the absorption systems and accurately estimates variation in the fine structure constant. Studies such as this one are required to evaluate this new method before it can be applied to the analysis of large sets of absorption spectra. This is the first time that a sample of synthetic spectra has been utilised to investigate the analysis of absorption spectra. Probing the variation of nature's fundamental constants (such as the fine structure constant), through the analysis of absorption spectra, is one of the most direct ways of testing the universality of physical laws. This "artificial intelligence" method provides a way to avoid the main limiting factor, i.e., human interaction, in the analysis of absorption spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, published on 5 April 2017 in Univers

    The Role of Torsion/Torsion Coupling in the Vibrational Spectrum of Cis−Cis HOONO

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    A three-dimensional model of the vibrational dynamics of HOONO is investigated. This model focuses on the couplings between the OH stretch vibration and the two torsions. The model is based on electronic energies, calculated at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ level of theory and basis and dipole moment functions calculated at the CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ level. The resulting points were fit to explicit functional forms, and the energies, wave functions, and intensities were evaluated using an approach in which the OH stretching motion was adiabatically separated from the torsional modes. It is found that the HOON torsion is strongly coupled to both the OONO torsion and OH stretch. Despite this, many of the conclusions that were drawn from earlier two-dimensional treatments, which did not include the OONO torsion, hold up on a semiquantitative level. In addition, we use this model to investigate the assignment of recently reported matrix isolated spectra of HOONO and DOONO. Finally, by comparing the results of this three-dimensional calculation to two-dimensional calculations and to the results of second-order perturbation theory, we investigate the question of how one determines the size of the reduced-dimensional system that is needed to describe the vibrational spectrum of molecules, like HOONO, that contain several large amplitude motions

    Gene dynamics of toll-like receptor 4 through a population bottleneck in an insular population of water voles (Arvicola amphibius)

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    Acknowledgments We would like to thank all colleagues who have contributed to fieldwork and sampling during this study. We would especially like to thank Marius Wenzel and Sandra Telfer for collaboration with different aspects of the study, and Dave Jones and Nat Jones for Bartonella PCR assays. This work was supported by the BBSRC studentship to MKG (BB/J01446X/1) and a NERC studentship to MKO. The research was carried out under project license PPL 40/1813.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Caustic Structures and Detectability of Circumbinary Planets in Microlensing

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    Recent discoveries of circumbinary planets in Kepler data show that there is a viable channel of planet formation around binary main sequence stars. Motivated by these discoveries, we have investigated the caustic structures and detectability of circumbinary planets in microlensing events. We have produced a suite of animations of caustics as a function of the projected separation and angle of the binary host to efficiently explore caustic structures over the entire circumbinary parameter space. Aided by these animations, we have derived a semi-empirical analytic expression for the location of planetary caustics, which are displaced in circumbinary lenses relative to those of planets with a single host. We have used this expression to show that the dominant source of caustic motion will be due to the planet's orbital motion and not that of the binary star. Finally, we estimate the fraction of circumbinary microlensing events that are recognizable as such to be significant (5-50 percent) for binary projected separations in the range 0.1-0.5 in units of Einstein radii.Comment: 15 pages, 1 table, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    An iconic programming language for sensor-based robots

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    In this paper we describe an iconic programming language called Onika for sensor-based robotic systems. Onika is both modular and reconfigurable and can be used with any system architecture and real-time operating system. Onika is also a multi-level programming environment wherein tasks are built by connecting a series of icons which, in turn, can be defined in terms of other icons at the lower levels. Expert users are also allowed to use control block form to define servo tasks. The icons in Onika are both shape and color coded, like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, thus providing a form of error control in the development of high level applications

    Optimal control of hepatitis C antiviral treatment programme delivery for prevention amongst a population of injecting drug users.

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    In most developed countries, HCV is primarily transmitted by injecting drug users (IDUs). HCV antiviral treatment is effective, and deemed cost-effective for those with no re-infection risk. However, few active IDUs are currently treated. Previous modelling studies have shown antiviral treatment for active IDUs could reduce HCV prevalence, and there is emerging interest in developing targeted IDU treatment programmes. However, the optimal timing and scale-up of treatment is unknown, given the real-world constraints commonly existing for health programmes. We explore how the optimal programme is affected by a variety of policy objectives, budget constraints, and prevalence settings. We develop a model of HCV transmission and treatment amongst active IDUs, determine the optimal treatment programme strategy over 10 years for two baseline chronic HCV prevalence scenarios (30% and 45%), a range of maximum annual budgets (£50,000-300,000 per 1,000 IDUs), and a variety of objectives: minimising health service costs and health utility losses; minimising prevalence at 10 years; minimising health service costs and health utility losses with a final time prevalence target; minimising health service costs with a final time prevalence target but neglecting health utility losses. The largest programme allowed for a given budget is the programme which minimises both prevalence at 10 years, and HCV health utility loss and heath service costs, with higher budgets resulting in greater cost-effectiveness (measured by cost per QALY gained compared to no treatment). However, if the objective is to achieve a 20% relative prevalence reduction at 10 years, while minimising both health service costs and losses in health utility, the optimal treatment strategy is an immediate expansion of coverage over 5-8 years, and is less cost-effective. By contrast, if the objective is only to minimise costs to the health service while attaining the 20% prevalence reduction, the programme is deferred until the final years of the decade, and is the least cost-effective of the scenarios

    A Face-On Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We construct the first "face-on" Tully-Fisher (TF) relation for 24 galaxies with inclinations between 16 degrees and 41 degrees. The enabling measurements are integral-field, echelle spectroscopy from the WIYN 3.5m telescope, which yield accurate kinematic estimates of disk inclination to 15 degrees. Kinematic inclinations are of sufficient accuracy that our measured TF scatter of 0.42 mag is comparable to other surveys even without internal-absorption corrections. Three of four galaxies with significant kinematic and photometric asymmetries also have the largest deviations from our TF relation, suggesting that asymmetries make an important contribution to TF scatter. By measuring inclinations below 40 degrees, we establish a direct path to linking this scatter to the unprojected structure of disks and making non-degenerate dynamical mass-decompositions of spiral galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures (2 color). Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter