52 research outputs found

    Site-dependent charge transfer at the Pt(111)-ZnPc interface and the effect of iodine

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    The electronic structure of ZnPc, from sub-monolayers to thick films, on bare and iodated Pt(111) is studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Our results suggest that at low coverage ZnPc lies almost parallel to the Pt(111) substrate, in a non-planar configuration induced by Zn-Pt attraction, leading to an inhomogeneous charge distribution within the molecule and charge transfer to the molecule. ZnPc does not form a complete monolayer on the Pt surface, due to a surface-mediated intermolecular repulsion. At higher coverage ZnPc adopts a tilted geometry, due to a reduced molecule-substrate interaction. Our photoemission results illustrate that ZnPc is practically decoupled from Pt, already from the second layer. Pre-deposition of iodine on Pt hinders the Zn-Pt attraction, leading to a non-distorted first layer ZnPc in contact with Pt(111)-I (3×3)\left(\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}\right) or Pt(111)-I (7×7)\left(\sqrt{7}\times\sqrt{7}\right), and a more homogeneous charge distribution and charge transfer at the interface. On increased ZnPc thickness iodine is dissolved in the organic film where it acts as an electron acceptor dopant.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Direct observation of decoupled Dirac states at the interface between topological and normal insulators

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    Several proposed applications and exotic effects in topological insulators rely on the presence of helical Dirac states at the interface between a topological and a normal insulator. In the present work, we have used low-energy angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to uncover and characterize the interface states of Bi2_2Se3_3 thin films and Bi2_2Te3_3/Bi2_2Se3_3 heterostuctures grown on Si(111). The results establish that Dirac fermions are indeed present at the topological-normal-insulator boundary and absent at the topological-topological-insulator interface. Moreover, it is demonstrated that band bending present within the topological-insulator films leads to a substantial separation of the interface and surface states in energy. These results pave the way for further studies and the realization of interface-related phenomena in topological-insulator thin-film heterostructures.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The J_{eff}=1/2 insulator Sr3Ir2O7 studied by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    The low-energy electronic structure of the J_{eff}=1/2 spin-orbit insulator Sr3Ir2O7 has been studied by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. A comparison of the results for bilayer Sr3Ir2O7 with available literature data for the related single-layer compound Sr2IrO4 reveals qualitative similarities and similar J_{eff}=1/2 bandwidths for the two materials, but also pronounced differences in the distribution of the spectral weight. In particuar, photoemission from the J_{eff}=1/2 states appears to be suppressed. Yet, it is found that the Sr3Ir2O7 data are in overall better agreement with band-structure calculations than the data for Sr2IrO4.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Study of the mixed state of La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_{4} by means of muon-spin rotation and magnetization experiments in a low magnetic field

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    Muon-spin rotation (muSR) experiments are often used to study the magnetic field distribution in type-II superconductors in the vortex state. Based on the determination of the magnetic penetration depth it is frequently speculated---also controversially---about the order-parameter symmetry of the studied superconductors. This article reports on a combined muSR and magnetization study of the mixed state in the cuprate high-temperature superconductor La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_{4} in a low magnetic field of 20 mT applied along the c axis of a single crystal. The macroscopic magnetization measurements reveal substantial differences for various cooling procedures. Yet, indicated changes in the vortex dynamics between different temperature regions as well as the results of the microscopic muSR experiments are virtually independent of the employed cooling cycles. Additionally, it is found that the mean magnetic flux density, locally probed by the muons, strongly increases at low temperatures. This can possibly be explained by a non-random sampling of the spatial field distribution of the vortex lattice in this cuprate superconductor caused by intensified vortex pinning.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Magnetism in the 2D Limit and Interface Superconductivity in Metal-Insulator La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) Superlattices

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    We show, by means of low-energy muon spin rotation measurements, that few-unit-cells thick La(2)CuO(4) layers synthesized digitally by molecular beam epitaxy synthesis are antiferromagnetically ordered. Below a thickness of about 5 CuO(2) layers the long-range ordered state breaks down, and a magnetic state appears with enhanced quantum fluctuations and a reduced spin stiffness. This magnetic state can exist in close proximity (few Angstrom) to high-temperature superconducting layers, without transmitting supercurrents.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetism, superconductivity and coupling in cuprate heterostructures probed by low-energy muon-spin rotation

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    We present a low-energy muon-spin-rotation study of the magnetic and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 trilayer and bilayer heterostructures. By determining the magnetic-field profiles throughout these structures we show that a finite superfluid density can be induced in otherwise semiconducting PrBa2Cu3O7 layers when juxtaposed to YBa2Cu3O7 "electrodes" while the intrinsic antiferromagnetic order is unaffected.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; figure 9 corrected in version

    Topological crystalline insulator states in Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Se

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    Topological insulators are a novel class of quantum materials in which time-reversal symmetry, relativistic (spin-orbit) effects and an inverted band structure result in electronic metallic states on the surfaces of bulk crystals. These helical states exhibit a Dirac-like energy dispersion across the bulk bandgap, and they are topologically protected. Recent theoretical proposals have suggested the existence of topological crystalline insulators, a novel class of topological insulators in which crystalline symmetry replaces the role of time-reversal symmetry in topological protection [1,2]. In this study, we show that the narrow-gap semiconductor Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Se is a topological crystalline insulator for x=0.23. Temperature-dependent magnetotransport measurements and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy demonstrate that the material undergoes a temperature-driven topological phase transition from a trivial insulator to a topological crystalline insulator. These experimental findings add a new class to the family of topological insulators. We expect these results to be the beginning of both a considerable body of additional research on topological crystalline insulators as well as detailed studies of topological phase transitions.Comment: v2: published revised manuscript (6 pages, 3 figures) and supplementary information (5 pages, 8 figures