35,454 research outputs found

    Entanglement Content of Quantum Particle Excitations II. Disconnected Regions and Logarithmic Negativity

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    In this paper we study the increment of the entanglement entropy and of the (replica) logarithmic negativity in a zero-density excited state of a free massive bosonic theory, compared to the ground state. This extends the work of two previous publications by the same authors. We consider the case of two disconnected regions and find that the change in the entanglement entropy depends only on the combined size of the regions and is independent of their connectivity. We subsequently generalize this result to any number of disconnected regions. For the replica negativity we find that its increment is a polynomial with integer coefficients depending only on the sizes of the two regions. The logarithmic negativity turns out to have a more complicated functional structure than its replica version, typically involving roots of polynomials on the sizes of the regions. We obtain our results by two methods already employed in previous work: from a qubit picture and by computing four-point functions of branch point twist fields in finite volume. We test our results against numerical simulations on a harmonic chain and find excellent agreement

    Carrier dynamics in ion-implanted GaAs studied by simulation and observation of terahertz emission

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    We have studied terahertz (THz) emission from arsenic-ion implanted GaAs both experimentally and using a three-dimensional carrier dynamics simulation. A uniform density of vacancies was formed over the optical absorption depth of bulk GaAs samples by performing multi-energy implantations of arsenic ions (1 and 2.4MeV) and subsequent thermal annealing. In a series of THz emission experiments the frequency of peak THz power was found to increase significantly from 1.4 to 2.2THz when the ion implantation dose was increased from 10^13 to 10^16 cm-3. We used a semi-classical Monte-Carlo simulation of ultra-fast carrier dynamics to reproduce and explain these results. The effect of the ion-induced damage was included in the simulation by considering carrier scattering at neutral and charged impurities, as well as carrier trapping at defect sites. Higher vacancy concentrations and shorter carrier trapping times both contributed to shorter simulated THz pulses, the latter being more important over experimentally realistic parameter ranges.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Signatures of nematic quantum critical fluctuations in the Raman spectra of lightly doped cuprates

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    We consider the lightly doped cuprates Y0.97_{0.97}Ca0.03_{0.03}BaCuO6.05_{6.05} and La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (with x=0.02x=0.02,0.04), where the presence of a fluctuating nematic state has often been proposed as a precursor of the stripe (or, more generically, charge-density wave) phase, which sets in at higher doping. We phenomenologically assume a quantum critical character for the longitudinal and transverse nematic, and for the charge-ordering fluctuations, and investigate the effects of these fluctuations in Raman spectra. We find that the longitudinal nematic fluctuations peaked at zero transferred momentum account well for the anomalous Raman absorption observed in these systems in the B2gB_{2g} channel, while the absence of such effect in the B1gB_{1g} channel may be due to the overall suppression of Raman response at low frequencies, associated with the pseudogap. While in Y0.97_{0.97}Ca0.03_{0.03}BaCuO6.05_{6.05} the low-frequency lineshape is fully accounted by longitudinal nematic collective modes alone, in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 also charge-ordering modes with finite characteristic wavevector are needed to reproduce the shoulders observed in the Raman response. This different involvement of the nearly critical modes in the two materials suggests a different evolution of the nematic state at very low doping into the nearly charge-ordered state at higher doping.Comment: 12 pages with 10 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 201

    Interplay between Freezing and Superconductivity in the Optimally Doped LaEu0.20Sr0.15CuO4 under Hydrostatic Pressure

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    We study the electronic properties of a LaEu0.20Sr0.15CuO4 single crystal under hydrostatic pressure up to 2.9 GPa. Both the freezing of the Cu 3d moments and the structural transition from the orthorhombic (LTO) to the tetragonal (LTT) phase are observed via the relaxation of the nuclear magnetization of La nuclei. Resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements have been carried out under pressure on the same sample. The combination of all data reveals the connection between glassy dynamics, charge localization and the disappearance of superconductivity in the LTT phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Banco ativo de germoplasma de prunĂłides.

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    Polarisation-sensitive terahertz detection by multicontact photoconductive receivers

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    We have developed a terahertz radiation detector that measures both the amplitude and polarization of the electric field as a function of time. The device is a three-contact photoconductive receiver designed so that two orthogonal electric-field components of an arbitrary polarized electromagnetic wave may be detected simultaneously. The detector was fabricated on Fe+ ion-implanted InP. Polarization-sensitive detection is demonstrated with an extinction ratio better than 100:1. This type of device will have immediate application in studies of birefringent and optically active materials in the far-infrared region of the spectrum.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Marcadores AFLP no estudo da variabilidade genética de populaçÔes de pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora L.)

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    Exchange coupling between magnetic layers across non-magnetic superlattices

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    The oscillation periods of the interlayer exchange coupling are investigated when two magnetic layers are separated by a metallic superlattice of two distinct non-magnetic materials. In spite of the conventional behaviour of the coupling as a function of the spacer thickness, new periods arise when the coupling is looked upon as a function of the number of cells of the superlattice. The new periodicity results from the deformation of the corresponding Fermi surface, which is explicitly related to a few controllable parameters, allowing the oscillation periods to be tuned.Comment: 13 pages; 5 figures; To appear in J. Phys.: Cond. Matte
