63 research outputs found

    Multicaloric effect in a multiferroic composite of Gd-5(Si,Ge)(4) microparticles embedded into a ferroelectric PVDF matrix

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOThe coupling between electric, magnetic and elastic features in multiferroic materials is an emerging field in materials science, with important applications on alternative solid-state cooling technologies, energy harvesting and sensors/actuators. In this direction, we developed a thorough investigation of a multiferroic composite, comprising magnetocaloric/magnetostrictive Gd5Si2.4Ge1.6 microparticles blended into a piezo- and pyroelectric poly(vinylidene) fluoride (PVDF) matrix. Using a simple solvent casting technique, the formation and stabilization of PVDF electroactive phases are improved when the filler content increases from 2 to 12 weight fraction (wt.%). This effect greatly contributes to the magnetoelectric (ME) coupling, with the ME coefficient alpha(ME) increasing from 0.3 V/cm.Oe to 2.2 V/cm.Oe, by increasing the amount of magnetic material. In addition, magnetic measurements revealed that the ME-coupling has influenced the magnetocaloric effect via a contribution from the electroactive polymer and hence leading to a multicaloric effect. These results contribute to the development of multifunctional systems for novel technologies.9CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO203180/2014-3This work is funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds throught FCT -Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029454, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032527 and UID/FIS/04564/2016. This work was also supported by NECL with the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-022096 and by the European Union Horizon -2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 734801. The authors acknowledge K. Pirota and F. Beron for the FTIR measurements performed at Unicamp in Brazil. Special thanks to Dr. A. Aliev for help in automatizing the ME experiments at Amirkhanov Institute of Physics and the helpful discussions. Federal Fluminense University, Brazil, permanent address for MSR; Aveiro University, Portugal, temporary address during this work for MSR. VMA thanks the CNPq for the Grant No. 203180/2014-3. A.A. acknowledges Russian Science Foundation for support magnetoelectric studies (grant No. 18-79-10176). J.H. Belo thanks FCT for Grant No. SFRH/BD/88440/2012, Project PTDC/FISMA/31302/2017, and his contract No. DL57/2016 reference SFRH-BPD-87430/2012. Finally, the discussion of results has been made possible through the mobility grant provided by the 5 top 100 Russian Academic Excellence Project at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


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    The experiments were performed during the two successive seasons of 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 at the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan. The experiment was aimed to study the efficiency of 117 different beetroot accessions for productivity and storability. To study the storability, 20 beetroot roots without any external sings of diseases were taken in two replications from each variety accession and left to be stored. The wet fresh weight of beetroots placed into storage varied from 132 g to 320 g depending on the shape and the size of roots. Beetroots were stored in polypropylene bags, which were placed on barred shelves 30-35 cm high. The storing temperature in autumn and spring period of time fluctuated from 3-5o to 6-8°, but in winter period it was 1-2°. The observed results showed that the gross yield of beetroot accessions ranged from 25.0 to 105.4 t/ha, marketable yield – 16.7 to 74.9 t/ha, marketability – 33.8 to 97.2%. Storability of beet roots mostly depended on accession genotype with different natural decrease of weight and root rot diseases. Natural decrease of weight varied from 0.0 to 12.3%, total losses from root diseases were from 0.0 to 90.0%. The analysis carried out showed that the link between yield capacity and storage characteristics was weak, R= -0,042-0,144. The correlation between storability and root rot was R = -0,516-0,644, that was stronger than it was in natural decrease of weight, R = -0.115. Эксперименты проводили в течение двух последовательных сезонов 2015/2016 и 2016/2017 годов в Казахском научно-исследовательском институте картофелеводства и овощеводства, Алматинская область, Казахстан. Эксперимент был нацелен на изучение эффективности 117 различных образцов свеклы по полевой продуктивности и сохраняемости. Для изучения сохраняемости, по 20 корнеплодов свеклы в двух повторениях без внешних симптомов заболевании от каждого сортообразца были заложены на хранение. Сырая свежая масса корнеплодов свеклы, закладываемой на хранение, варьировала от 132 г до 320 г в зависимости от формы и размера корней. Свекла хранилась в полипропиленовых мешках, которые помещались на решетчатую полку высотой 30-35 см. Температура хранения в осенний и весенний периоды колебалась от 3-5° до 6-8° C, а в зимний период она установилась на уровне 1-2° C. Полученные результаты показали, что валовой сбор свеклы столовой варьировал от 25,0 до 105,4 т/га, товарная – от 16,7 до 74,9 т/га, товарность – от 33,8 до 97,2%. Сохраняемость корнеплодов свеклы столовой в основном зависела от генотипа образцов с различными естественной убылью массы и заболеваемостью корневыми гнилями. Естественная убыль массы варьировала от 0,0 до 12,3%, суммарные потери от заболеваний корнеплодов составляли от 0,0 до 90,0%. Анализ показал, что связь между урожайностью и параметрами хранения неустойчивая и слабая (R = -0,042-0,144). Корреляционная зависимость сохраняемости и от корневой гнили значительно сильнее (R = -0,5160,644), чем от естественного снижения массы (R = -0,115).


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    The investigations were conducted on the fields of the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing located on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau, 40 km to the west of Almaty city, under irrigation conditions. The soil of the experimental site is dark chestnut with medium-loamy structure. 37 carrot accessions with different geographic origins were the object of the study in the nursery of the initial breeding forms to evaluate their productivity and field resistance to foliar diseases such as Alternaria, Powdery Mildew. When symptoms expressed maximally 1.5 months before the harvest of carrot, visual assessment of leaf surface damaged by foliar infections was carried out according to the scale of infection, where 0 meant no damaged leaves; 1 meant very light damage (1-10% of leaves); 2 meant light damage (11-25% of leaves); 3 meant medium damage (26-50% of leaves); 4 meant severe damage (over 51% of leaves). The visual observation showed that two breeding accessions CR00655 and CR01253 had immunity to powdery mildew that maximally spread out over other carrot accessions approaching of 100% of damage of leaf surface with the score from 1.8 to 3.8 points, when disease developing from 45.0 to 93.8%. Alternaria spread on carrot plants not very intensively, only 17% of plants in the nursery were hardly attacked at 0.1-0.4 points as scored. The correlation analysis showed the absence of any link between characteristics of productivity and damage parameters caused by foliar diseases at r=0,005-0,225. Исследования проводили на полях Казахского научноисследовательского института картофелеводства и овощеводства, расположенных на северном склоне Заилийского Алатау в 40 км к западу от города Алматы в условиях орошения. Почва опытного участка темно-каштановая, среднесуглинистая. Объектом исследований в коллекционном питомнике служили 37 образцов моркови столовой с различным географическим происхождением с целью их полевой оценки на устойчивость к листовым заболеваниям – альтернариозу и мучнистой росе и на продуктивность. За 1,5 месяца до уборки корнеплодов моркови, когда наблюдалось максимальное проявление симптомов болезней, проводили визуальную оценку поражаемости листовой поверхности образцов листовыми заболеваниями по шкале (в баллах): 0 – признаки заболевания отсутствуют; 1 – очень слабое поражение (1-10% листьев); 2 – слабое поражение (1125% листьев); 3 – среднее поражение (26-50% листьев); 4 – сильное поражение (более 51% листьев). Визуальная оценка показала, что два образца CR00655 и CR01253 проявили иммунное свойство к мучнистой росе, которая на других образцах распространялась в максимальной степени, достигнув 100%-го поражения листовой поверхности образцов, с баллом поражения от 1,8 до 3,8 балла и при степени развития болезни от 45,0 до 93,8%. Альтернариоз распространялся на растениях в значительно меньшей степени – болезнью было охвачено 17 образцов питомника с очень слабым поражением – 0,10,4 баллов. Корреляционный анализ показал отсутствие связи между продуктивными характеристиками и показателями поражения листовыми болезнями (r=0,005-0,225).


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    The experiments were conducted in 2015-2017 on the experimental fields of the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing located on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau, 40 km to the west of the city of Almaty, under irrigation conditions. The aim of the research was a comprehensive field assessment of selective onion samples with sterile cytoplasm from onion Galantum and their derivatives – varietal-linear hybrids obtained by pollination with domestic cultivars. Visual assessment, which was conducted on the background of natural disease infection, showed that 20 accessions of onions had a very weak susceptibility to peronosporosis (1-10% of leaves); 63 – weak susceptibility (11-25% of the leaves); 91 - average susceptibility (26- 50% of leaves); 118 – severe susceptibility (more than 51% of the leaves). As the results of the research showed, onion accessions differed significantly in terms of productivity: the gross yield varied from 13,3 to 83,6 t/ha, the commodity yields ranged from 10,6 to 78,3 t/ha, and the marketability ranged from 65,4 up to 98,8%. Yield level above 70 t/ha had breeding accessions with sterile cytoplasm from onion Galanthum: ON518, ON533, ON519 and ON516, amounting to 83,6; 75,3; 74,2 and 73,4 t/ha, respectively. Very high marketability of bulbs had breeding accessions ON171 – 98,8%, ON439 – 97,6% and ON158 – 96,8%. The value of storage losses varied depending on the genotype of the selected onion breeding material. The greatest physiological reduction in weight was observed in the accessions ON517 – 32,1%, ON516 – 26,5%, ON533 – 24,2% and ON336 – 17,7%, and the lowest - in the accessions ON431 – 4,6%, ON486 – 4,0% and ON327 – 3,4%. The correlation analysis showed a weak relationship between the parameters of the onion yield and its storabilioty (R = -0,10-0,24). Storability was mainly due to the physiological reduction in weight (R = -0,59), bulb soft rot (R = -0,59) and bulb sprouting (R = -0,69).Исследования проводили в 2015-2017 годах на опытных полях Казахского научно-исследовательского института картофелеводства и овощеводства, расположенных на северном склоне Заилийского Алатау в 40 км к западу от города Алматы, в условиях орошения. Целью исследований была комплексная полевая оценка селекционных образцов репчатого лука со стерильной цитоплазмой от лука Галантум и их производных – сортолинейных гибридов, полученных при опылении с сортами отечественной селекции. Визуальная оценка, которую вели на фоне естественного поражения болезнью, показала, что 20 образцов лука репчатого имели очень слабую восприимчивость к пероноспорозу (1-10% листьев); 63 - слабую восприимчивость (11- 25% листьев); 91 – среднюю восприимчивость (26-50% листьев); 118 – сильную восприимчивость (более 51% листьев). Как показали результаты исследований, сортообразцы лука репчатого существенно различались по продуктивности: валовая урожайность варьировала от 13,3 до 83,6 т/га, товарная урожайность – от 10,6 до 78,3 т/га, а товарность составляла от 65,4 до 98,8%. Уровень урожайности выше 70 т/га имели образцы со стерильной цитоплазмой от лука Галантум: ON518, ON533, ON519 и ON516, составив 83,6; 75,3; 74,2 и 73,4 т/га соответственно. Очень высокую товарность луковиц имели образцы ON171 – 98,8%, ON439 – 97,6% и ON158 – 96,8%. Величина потерь при хранении варьировала в зависимости от генотипа изучаемого селекционного материала лука. Наибольшее снижение естественного веса наблюдалось в образцах ON517 – 32,1%, ON516 – 26,5%, ON533 – 24,2% и ON336 – 17,7%, а самое низкое – в образцах ON431 – 4,6%, ON486 – 4,0% и ON327 – 3,4%. Корреляционный анализ показал слабую связь между параметрами урожайности лука и его сохраняемостью (R = -0,10-0,24). Сохраняемость обусловливалась в большей степени естественным снижением веса (R = -0,59), мокрой гнилью луковицы (R = -0,59) и прорастанием луковиц (R = -0,69)

    Интегральная модель диагностики и наблюдения больных саркоидозом в современных условия

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    The aim of the work performed was to develop a modern model of diagnosis and observation of sacroidosis patients. We examined 144 patients, and sarcoidosis was diagnosed in 109 of them. Each the third case of sarcoidosis was histologically verified. The phthysiatric facilities played the leading role in detecting sarcoidosis-like diseases and definition of the patients' contagiosity. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis and topic detection of injured organs require a complex examination in a modern diagnostic centre including various specialists' consultations. Such approach allows to assess a real spread of the disease, a rate of extrapuimonary lesions and efficacy of different therapeutic methods. The authors propose to create a national consensus on sarcoidosis.Задачей работы была отработка современной модели диагностики и наблюдения за больными саркоидозом. Были обследованы 144 пациента, у которых в 109 был подтвержден саркоидоз. В каждом третьем случае была проведена гистологическая верификация диагноза. В раннем выявлении состояний, сходных с саркоидозом, и исключения контагиозности пациентов при дальнейшем обследовании ведущая роль была отведена фтизиатрической службе. Верификация диагноза и топическая диагностика поражения органов и систем при саркоидозе требует комплексного обследования в условиях современного диагностического центра с привлечением специалистов различного профиля. Это позволит оценить реальную распространенность саркоидоза, частоту внелегочных поражений и эффективность различных методов лечения. Авторы предлагают приступить к выработке национального соглашения по данному заболеванию


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    The work has studied the therapeutic action of ozone-oxygenated crystalloids as a factor of compensation of hemoreology disorders in coronary patients. 109 coronary patients with II-III unctional class angina at effort, aged 40 to 79, have been followed up. All patients received traditional anti-anginal treatment. Patients in principal groups received ozone therapy in conjunction with traditional treatment. Apparent blood viscosity, fluidity threshold and shift tension were measured before and after the treatment. Study parameters have been found to decrease in all studied groups; with no dynamics inpatients receiving traditional therapy. A conclusion has been made that parenteral introduction of ozone-oxygenated crystalloids in therapeutic dosage promotes improvement of blood reology properties


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    The investigations were conducted on the fields of the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing located on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau, 40 km to the west of Almaty city, under irrigation conditions. The soil of the experimental site is dark chestnut with medium-loamy structure. 37 carrot accessions with different geographic origins were the object of the study in the nursery of the initial breeding forms to evaluate their productivity and field resistance to foliar diseases such as Alternaria, Powdery Mildew. When symptoms expressed maximally 1.5 months before the harvest of carrot, visual assessment of leaf surface damaged by foliar infections was carried out according to the scale of infection, where 0 meant no damaged leaves; 1 meant very light damage (1-10% of leaves); 2 meant light damage (11-25% of leaves); 3 meant medium damage (26-50% of leaves); 4 meant severe damage (over 51% of leaves). The visual observation showed that two breeding accessions CR00655 and CR01253 had immunity to powdery mildew that maximally spread out over other carrot accessions approaching of 100% of damage of leaf surface with the score from 1.8 to 3.8 points, when disease developing from 45.0 to 93.8%. Alternaria spread on carrot plants not very intensively, only 17% of plants in the nursery were hardly attacked at 0.1-0.4 points as scored. The correlation analysis showed the absence of any link between characteristics of productivity and damage parameters caused by foliar diseases at r=0,005-0,225


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    The experiments were conducted in 2015-2017 on the experimental fields of the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing located on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau, 40 km to the west of the city of Almaty, under irrigation conditions. The aim of the research was a comprehensive field assessment of selective onion samples with sterile cytoplasm from onion Galantum and their derivatives – varietal-linear hybrids obtained by pollination with domestic cultivars. Visual assessment, which was conducted on the background of natural disease infection, showed that 20 accessions of onions had a very weak susceptibility to peronosporosis (1-10% of leaves); 63 – weak susceptibility (11-25% of the leaves); 91 - average susceptibility (26- 50% of leaves); 118 – severe susceptibility (more than 51% of the leaves). As the results of the research showed, onion accessions differed significantly in terms of productivity: the gross yield varied from 13,3 to 83,6 t/ha, the commodity yields ranged from 10,6 to 78,3 t/ha, and the marketability ranged from 65,4 up to 98,8%. Yield level above 70 t/ha had breeding accessions with sterile cytoplasm from onion Galanthum: ON518, ON533, ON519 and ON516, amounting to 83,6; 75,3; 74,2 and 73,4 t/ha, respectively. Very high marketability of bulbs had breeding accessions ON171 – 98,8%, ON439 – 97,6% and ON158 – 96,8%. The value of storage losses varied depending on the genotype of the selected onion breeding material. The greatest physiological reduction in weight was observed in the accessions ON517 – 32,1%, ON516 – 26,5%, ON533 – 24,2% and ON336 – 17,7%, and the lowest - in the accessions ON431 – 4,6%, ON486 – 4,0% and ON327 – 3,4%. The correlation analysis showed a weak relationship between the parameters of the onion yield and its storabilioty (R = -0,10-0,24). Storability was mainly due to the physiological reduction in weight (R = -0,59), bulb soft rot (R = -0,59) and bulb sprouting (R = -0,69)


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    The experiments were performed during the two successive seasons of 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 at the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan. The experiment was aimed to study the efficiency of 117 different beetroot accessions for productivity and storability. To study the storability, 20 beetroot roots without any external sings of diseases were taken in two replications from each variety accession and left to be stored. The wet fresh weight of beetroots placed into storage varied from 132 g to 320 g depending on the shape and the size of roots. Beetroots were stored in polypropylene bags, which were placed on barred shelves 30-35 cm high. The storing temperature in autumn and spring period of time fluctuated from 3-5o to 6-8°, but in winter period it was 1-2°. The observed results showed that the gross yield of beetroot accessions ranged from 25.0 to 105.4 t/ha, marketable yield – 16.7 to 74.9 t/ha, marketability – 33.8 to 97.2%. Storability of beet roots mostly depended on accession genotype with different natural decrease of weight and root rot diseases. Natural decrease of weight varied from 0.0 to 12.3%, total losses from root diseases were from 0.0 to 90.0%. The analysis carried out showed that the link between yield capacity and storage characteristics was weak, R= -0,042-0,144. The correlation between storability and root rot was R = -0,516-0,644, that was stronger than it was in natural decrease of weight, R = -0.115