412 research outputs found

    The Preference for Round Number Prices

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    This study determines if a preference for round prices exists in the wheat market and how wheat sales react to price movements around whole dollar amounts. The results show round prices are slightly more prevalent than non-round prices and that transactions increase when price moves above a whole dollar amount.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Determining Returns to Storage: USDA Data versus Micro Level Data

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    USDA data are commonly used to determine producers' returns to storage. Aggregating data may result in a loss of information, leading to underestimated returns. This study compares USDA and elevator data from Oklahoma to determine how much USDA data underestimates returns. Results indicate USDA data only slightly underestimate returns to storage.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Would Marketing Aspect Be a Part of Quality System of Academic Institutions?

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    Similar to most  manufacture and service industries that use an input-output model and focus on the process and output measurements - as the central parts of their quality systems, academic institutions also focus their quality systems on teaching-learning activities, research, community service, management and infrastructure. Due to the changing of academic environments such as shift of the competition from national to a global scope, technology wizardry, and many others, different aspects need to be included in the academic quality systems in order to survive in this global competition. Despite the rarity of the marketing aspect to be included in the quality systems, this aspect needs to be considered as one of the key aspects for academic quality systems. The justification for the inclusion is  because  the  marketing  objective  which is to fulfill consumers’ needs and wants through products or services is in-line with the academic quality system objectives. A  number  of  arguments  on  the  importance  of  marketing  aspect  in  academic  institution  quality development  are  presented  in  this  paper,  and  the  applications  of  the  various  marketing  aspects  and techniques in quality standard development and practice are discussed. The discussion is focused on the marketing  audit,  and  it  is  based  on  some  observation  of  academic  quality  standards,  the authors’ experience in quality development in education, and library research.   &nbsp

    Spirituality in HIV+ Patient Care

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    For individuals coping with chronic illnesses such as HIV, spirituality and religion are often centrally important as patients face a unique array of existential challenges as a result of the diagnosis and management of the disease. It is critical for healthcare providers to be cognizant of the spiritual component of HIV/AIDS and to be knowledgeable regarding what the current literature base suggests in terms of addressing spirituality with patients. This Psychiatry Issue Brief provides an overview of the role of spirituality for individuals living with HIV, and offers recommendations for service providers

    Analisa Sistem Pengendalian Bahan Bakar Minyak High Speed Diesel Di Pltd Klademak Sorong, Papua Barat

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    PLTD Klademak Sorong merupakan salah satu bagian dari sistem interkoneksi pembangkit energi listrik yang ada  di kota Sorong dan sekitarnya. Kekurangan persediaan BBM HSD sangat dihindari, karena akan menimbulkan biaya kegagalan proses yang cukup besar. Namun selama tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2015 kekurangan persediaan bahan baku masih saja terjadi, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengendalian persediaan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan belum optimal. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pengendalian persediaan yang optimal menurut metode Material Resource Planning, kemudian hasilnya dibandingkan dengan metode perusahaan dari segi total biaya persediaan yang terjadi. Selain itu penelitian ini juga akan melakukan peramalan permintaan BBM HSD untuk tahun 2017 dan dari data peramalan permintaan tersebut dicari jumlah pembelian yang dapat mengoptimalkan biaya langsung penyimpanan dan biaya kebalikannya yaitu biaya pemesanan BBM HSD

    The Composition of Long Line During the Before Night and After Night in the Kelurahan Langgam Kecamatan Langgam District Pelalawan

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    This research was conducted on 21 to 27 november 2015, in the kelurahan langgam kecamatan langgam kabupaten pelalawan. the porpose of this study was to determine the differences in the composition of long line during the before night and last night.The research used a survey method. The operation of long line fishing gear held on over 7 days.The long line catches consist ot 4 spescies, either in the before night and last night with the weight was 15,8 kg at before night (19 fishes) and last night 23,3 kg (26 fishes). The species of fish which were caught consist of Selais (Cryptopterus bichirchis), Juaro (Pangasius polyurandon), Patin (Pangasius pangasius), Baung (Mystus nemurus)

    Pemberian Jenis Limbah Kulit Buah Kakao Dan Pupuk Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    The purpose of this research is determining the effect of some kinds from cocoa's kind waste and NPK fertilizer and to get the best dose for the growth of cocoa plantation. This research was conducted in the experimental field and Laboratory of Production Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau in Campus Binawidya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru. This research was conducted from January to April 2015. The research used Completely Randomized Design factorial that consisting of two factors. The first factor is the cocoa's kind waste (T) consists of four levels, they are T1 = wet waste in chopped 100 g/plant; T2 = dry waste chopped 100 g/plant; T3 = dry waste burned 100 g/plant; T4 = compost cocoa exocarpium waste 100 g/plant. The second factor is the NPK fertilizer (U), which consists of 4 levels, namely U (3.75, 7.5, 11:25, 15) g/polybag. Both these factors resulted in 16 treatsment combinations, each combination made three replications, so that there are 48 experimental units. Each experimental unit consisted of four plants, so the total crop was 192 plants. Parameters measured were seedling height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, the ratio of crown roots and seedling dry weight. Data obtained from the research results were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance followed by a further test of Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5%. Based on the research the provision of cocoa's kind waste and NPK fertilizer on the cocoa seeds that have been made, the result showed that the treatment cocoa's kind waste and NPK fertilizer had no significant on all parameters of observation. Treatment of cocoa's kind waste burnt 100 g/seed and fertilizer NPK 7.5 g/seeds can be recommended to get the growth of cocoa's seedling

    Arus Jenuh Dan Panjang Antrian Pada Simpang Bersinyal Angkatan 66 Kota Palembang

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    The high saturation flow, long queues, and long delays at the signalized intersection are the factors causing traffic congestion at the intersection. This study discussed saturation flow analysis and long queues at the Angkatan 66 signalized intersection in Palembang City. The intersection legs at this intersection, namely Jln. Sukamto toward Jln. Basuki Rakhmat, Jln. Amphibi toward Jln. Angkatan 66, have high saturation flows and long queues, so that the intersection needs to be improved. There are 3 improvement alternatives, including the change in cycle time period, the change in intersection geometric, and the construction of flyover. Of the three alternatives, only the construction of fly over construction can reduce significantly the queue lengths

    Karakteristik Transportasi Kabupaten Banyuasin Sebagai Daerah Penyangga Kota Palembang

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    Banyuasin Regency is a buffer zone of Palembang. Many of Banyuasin residents work in Palembang, and vice versa, causing a lot of travel between these two regions. The objective of this research was to study the characteristics of the transport, trip generation and attraction, as well as the traveling route in these two areas. Origin and destination interview surveys as well as the calculation of the traffic volume were conducted in this study, followed by the calculation of interaction and connectivity. These studies suggest that the purpose of travel is predominantly for work (30.1%) with a distance of more than 20 km. Generated trips consist of 178 private vehicles, public transport of 270 people, and 99 goods transport vehicles. While the attracted trips consist of 156 private vehicles, public transport of 298, and 116 goods transport vehicles. Only 12 districts have overland routes to Palembang while 7 others do not have a land route to Palembang
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