604 research outputs found

    Perancangan Enterprise Architecture E-commerce Pada Bagian Payment Di PT Xyz Menggunakan Framework Togaf Adm

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    Perkembangan bisnis yang disertai dengan adanya teknologi informasi merupakan suatu hal penting bagi Perusahaan untuk membuka peluang bisnis yang baru. PQR merupakan salah satu situs yang bergerak pada peluang bisnis E-Commerce, PQR berada dibawah kepemilikan PT. XYZ. Sesuai dengan motto PQR yaitu memberikan layanan E-Commerce dengan menawarkan Kenyamanan, kemudahan, serta keamanan dalam berbelanja produk-produk yang dijual secara elektronik. PQR memiliki aktivitas front-end dan back-end yang mendukung berjalannya suatu E-Commerce. Salah satu aktivitas back-end yang membantu menghasilkan pendapatan terbesar PQR adalah payment. Payment merupakan serangkaian aktivitas yang dimulai pada saat customer melakukan pembayaran sampai hasil pembayaran tersebut diterima oleh PQR dan pengiriman pembayaran produk kepada merchant (settlement). Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan payment terhadap customer, PQR mengembangkan sistem payment sebagai pendukung utama proses bisnis, serta membidik peluang sumber pendapatan baru bagi PQR. Sebelum melakukan pengembangan sistem payment yang tepat, perlu dilakukan perencanaan dan perancangan enterprise architecture. Enterprise architecture merupakan kegiatan perancangan arsitektur untuk mendukung proses bisnis PQR dengan memanfaatkan pengorganisasian berbagai arsitektur. Kerangka kerja yang digunakan dalam melakukan perancangan enterprise architecture pada penelitian ini adalah TOGAF ADM, dengan fokus perancangan pada fase persiapan, arsitektur visi, arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur informasi, dan arsitektur teknologi

    The Analysis of Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Public Health Center of Celikah Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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    Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is one of many infectious diseases that can cause death in a short time and can cause epidemics. Based on the data from the Health Department OKI 2016, public health center of Celikah is endemic DHF puskesmas with the rate of DHF still high and exceeds of national indicator is expected that is IR <51 per 100,000. This study aimed to determine the risk factors that influence of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Method: This study used a case control study design. The samples of this study were 114 samples from 57 dengue hemorrhagic fever cases and 57 controls of the ratio of 1: 1. The data analysis that has been done were univariate, bivariate analysis by using chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression using predictive models. Result: The variables significantly associated with the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever were age (p value = <0.001; OR = 9.000; 95% CI: 2.486- 32.579), gender (p value = 0.002; OR = 5.622; 95% CI: 1.934-16.337), occupation (p value = 0.001; OR = 3.743; 95% CI: 1.718- 8.155), knowledge (p value = 0.015; OR = 2.750 95% CI: 1.284 -5.889), drain water reservoir (p value = 0.004; OR = 3.672; 95% CI: 1,554- 8.677), the installation of wire gauze (p value = <0.001; OR = 7.884 95% CI: 3.247- 19.142), health care utilization (p value = 0.012; OR = 2.9 95% CI: 1,322- 6.362). Variables that are not related, among others, education, attitudes, habits hang clothes, plants surrounding the house and the history of DHF. Age is the most dominant variable influenced by the incidence of DHF after controlling for other variables (p value = 0.007; OR = 14.153; 95% CI: 2,062- 97.154). Conclusion: The result of this study for relevant agencies are to increase the efforts of promotive and preventive care in order to reduce the number of DHF

    Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Musik Instrumental dan Terapi Murotal Al'quran terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Perawatan Gigi

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    Salah satu terapi nonfarmakologi yang sedang dikembangkan saat ini adalah terapi musik instrumental dan terapi murotal al'quran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat efektivitas musik instrumental dan murotal Al‟quran terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien dalam perawatan gigi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada anak diambil secara simple random sampling sebanyak 90 orang dari hasil perhitungan slovin. Data dianalisa menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk mengetahui pengaruh musik instrumental dan murotal alquran dan uji mann whitney test untuk melihat perbedaannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan kecemasan anak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi music instrumental (p0.05)

    Capacitor Motor as Low-Power, Low-Speed Single-Phase Generator

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    In this paper, some results of experiment on modification of induction motor into generator are described. Not as usually done on three-phase motor, the modification has been done on capacitor motors normally supplied with single-phase source. The resulted induction generator should be able to self-excite and has been intended for low-power, low-speed applications. These applications are prospective for example in rural renewable energy generations and as motors for some special electric vehicles. Machine modification instead of total design-production or new machine acquisition is considered more appropriate for remote rural electrification. Distance and transportation difficulties, unavailability of nearby machine industry, lack of human resources with ‘high-tech savvy', besides the low purchasing power of population in remote rural areas are some reasons behind the consideration. Experiment results indicated that voltage generation up to nominal value is not always easy to attain in a capacitor motor, even when functioning beyond its synchronous speed. An additional pre-charged capacitor should be used to initiate voltage generation. During start-up, load and the pre-charged capacitor had to be removed from generator to avoid capacitor discharge. Load could then be added gradually once generator approached its nominal output value. It was also shown that in order to generate power the generator must be rotating over its synchronous speed. The resulted frequency values did not vary linearly to the rotation speed and the obtained efficiency was still low

    Long-term Safety of Sunitinib in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Background Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients receiving first-line sunitinib typically survive >2 yr, with chronic treatment sometimes extending to ≥6 yr. Objective To analyze long-term safety with sunitinib in mRCC patients. Design, setting, and participants Data were pooled from 5739 patients in nine trials, comprising seven phase II studies, a phase III study, and an expanded-access trial in various treatment settings (e.g. cytokine refractory or treatment-naïve). Outcome measurements and statistical analysis Interval and cumulative time-period analyses evaluated the incidence of treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) for up to 6 yr, in the overall population and in those with long-term (≥2 yr) sunitinib treatment. Results and limitations Among long-term patients (n=807), most TRAEs occurred initially in the first year and then decreased in frequency; TRAEs following this pattern included decreased appetite, diarrhea, dysgeusia, dyspepsia, fatigue, hypertension, mucosal inflammation, nausea, and stomatitis. However, hypothyroidism increased by interval analysis from 6% at 0-<6 mo to 42% at 5-<6 yr and by cumulative analysis from 14% at 0-<1 yr to 36% over 6 yr. Grade 3/4 TRAEs in long-term patients peaked during the first year and then steadily decreased. The overall population displayed only minor differences from long-term patients, with no clinically significant differences between grade ≥3 TRAE profiles (<5% difference in incidence rates at all intervals). Limitations included retrospective design, assessment variability, lack of pharmacokinetic data, and absence of baseline characteristics for long-term patients. Conclusions Prolonged sunitinib was not associated with new types or increased severity of TRAEs. Except hypothyroidism, toxicity was not cumulative. Patient summary More than 800 mRCC patients received sunitinib for between 2 and 6 yr without experiencing new or more severe treatment-related toxicity. Clinicians may be able to prescribe chronic sunitinib treatment for as long as patients continue to derive clinical benefit, without untoward additional risk

    Challenges and opportunities for converting renal cell carcinoma into a chronic disease with targeted therapies

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    Optimum efficacy is the primary goal for any cancer therapy, and entails controlling tumour growth and prolonging survival as far as possible. The prognosis for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) has greatly improved with the introduction of targeted therapies. This review examines the development and efficacy of targeted agents for the management of mRCC, the challenges offered by their rapid emergence, and discusses how mRCC treatment may evolve in the future. Improvements in progression-free survival and overall survival rates, observed with targeted agents, indicate that it may now be possible to change mRCC from a rapidly fatal and largely untreatable condition into a chronic disease. The major challenges to further advances in targeted therapy for mRCC include overcoming drug resistance, identifying the most effective sequence or combination of targeted agents, optimising clinical trial design and managing the cost of treatment
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