619 research outputs found

    Recursive self-organizing map as a contractive iterative function system

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    Recently, there has been a considerable research activity in extending topographic maps of vectorial data to more general data structures, such as sequences or trees. However, the representational capabilities and internal representations of the models are not well understood. We rigorously analyze a generalization of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for processing sequential data, Recursive SOM (RecSOM [1]), as a non-autonomous dynamical system consisting off a set of fixed input maps. We show that contractive fixed input maps are likely to produce Markovian organizations of receptive fields o the RecSOM map. We derive bounds on parameter ÎČ\beta (weighting the importance of importing past information when processing sequences) under which contractiveness of the fixed input maps is guaranteed

    Spectromicroscopy of electronic phase separation in Kx_xFe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2 superconductor

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    Structural phase separation in Ax_xFe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2 system has been studied by different experimental techniques, however, it should be important to know how the electronic uniformity is influenced, on which length scale the electronic phases coexist, and what is their spatial distribution. Here, we have used novel scanning photoelectron microscopy (SPEM) to study the electronic phase separation in Kx_xFe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2, providing a direct measurement of the topological spatial distribution of the different electronic phases. The SPEM results reveal a peculiar interconnected conducting filamentary phase that is embedded in the insulating texture. The filamentary structure with a particular topological geometry could be important for the high Tc_c superconductivity in the presence of a phase with a large magnetic moment in Ax_xFe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2 materials.Comment: 14 pages,3 figure

    Three-Dimensional Fermi Surface of Overdoped La-Based Cuprates

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    We present a soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the overdoped high-temperature superconductors La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 and La1.8−x_{1.8-x}Eu0.2_{0.2}Srx_xCuO4_4. In-plane and out-of-plane components of the Fermi surface are mapped by varying the photoemission angle and the incident photon energy. No kzk_z dispersion is observed along the nodal direction, whereas a significant antinodal kzk_z dispersion is identified. Based on a tight-binding parametrization, we discuss the implications for the density of states near the van-Hove singularity. Our results suggest that the large electronic specific heat found in overdoped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 can not be assigned to the van-Hove singularity alone. We therefore propose quantum criticality induced by a collapsing pseudogap phase as a plausible explanation for observed enhancement of electronic specific heat

    Influence of oxygen-coordination number on the electronic structure of single-layer La-based cuprates

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    We present an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the single-layer T*-type structured cuprate SmLa1−x_{1-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 with unique five-fold pyramidal oxygen coordination. Upon varying oxygen content, T*-SmLa1−x_{1-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 evolved from a Mott-insulating to a metallic state where the Luttinger sum rule breaks down under the assumption of a large hole-like Fermi surface. This is in contrast with the known doping evolution of the structural isomer La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 with six-fold octahedral coordination. In addition, quantitatively characterized Fermi surface suggests that the empirical TcT_\mathrm{c} rule for octahedral oxygen-coordination systems does not apply to T*-SmLa1−x_{1-x}Srx_xCuO4_4. The present results highlight unique properties of the T*-type cuprates possibly rooted in its oxygen coordination, and necessitate thorough investigation with careful evaluation of disorder effects.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Decoupling of Lattice and Orbital Degrees of Freedom in an Iron-Pnictide Superconductor

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    The interplay of structural and electronic phases in iron-based superconductors is a central theme in the search for the superconducting pairing mechanism. While electronic nematicity, defined as the breaking of four-fold symmetry triggered by electronic degrees of freedom, is competing with superconductivity, the effect of purely structural orthorhombic order is unexplored. Here, using x-ray diffraction (XRD), we reveal a new structural orthorhombic phase with an exceptionally high onset temperature (Tort∌250T_\mathrm{ort} \sim 250 K), which coexists with superconductivity (Tc=25T_\mathrm{c} = 25 K), in an electron-doped iron-pnictide superconductor far from the underdoped region. Furthermore, our angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements demonstrate the absence of electronic nematic order as the driving mechanism, in contrast to other underdoped iron pnictides where nematicity is commonly found. Our results establish a new, high temperature phase in the phase diagram of iron-pnictide superconductors and impose strong constraints for the modeling of their superconducting pairing mechanism.Comment: SI available upon reques

    Strain-Engineering Mott-Insulating La2_2CuO4_4

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    The transition temperature TcT_\textrm{c} of unconventional superconductivity is often tunable. For a monolayer of FeSe, for example, the sweet spot is uniquely bound to titanium-oxide substrates. By contrast for La2−x_{2-\mathrm{x}}Srx_\mathrm{x}CuO4_4 thin films, such substrates are sub-optimal and the highest TcT_\textrm{c} is instead obtained using LaSrAlO4_4. An outstanding challenge is thus to understand the optimal conditions for superconductivity in thin films: which microscopic parameters drive the change in TcT_\mathrm{c} and how can we tune them? Here we demonstrate, by a combination of x-ray absorption and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectroscopy, how the Coulomb and magnetic-exchange interaction of La2_2CuO4_4 thin films can be enhanced by compressive strain. Our experiments and theoretical calculations establish that the substrate producing the largest TcT_\textrm{c} under doping also generates the largest nearest neighbour hopping integral, Coulomb and magnetic-exchange interaction. We hence suggest optimising the parent Mott state as a strategy for enhancing the superconducting transition temperature in cuprates.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures and 2 tables (including Supplementary Information

    Fate of charge order in overdoped La-based cuprates

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    In high-temperature cuprate superconductors, stripe order refers broadly to a coupled spin and charge modulation with a commensuration of eight and four lattice units, respectively. How this stripe order evolves across optimal doping remains a controversial question. Here we present a systematic resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of weak charge correlations in La2−x_{2−x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} and La1.8−x_{1.8−x}Eu0.2_{0.2}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4}. Ultra high energy resolution experiments demonstrate the importance of the separation of inelastic and elastic scattering processes. Long-range temperature-dependent stripe order is only found below optimal doping. At higher doping, short-range temperature-independent correlations are present up to the highest doping measured. This transformation is distinct from and preempts the pseudogap critical doping. We argue that the doping and temperature-independent short-range correlations originate from unresolved electron–phonon coupling that broadly peaks at the stripe ordering vector. In La2−x_{2−x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4}, long-range static stripe order vanishes around optimal doping and we discuss both quantum critical and crossover scenarios

    Quantum Fluctuations in a Weakly Correlated Mott Insulator

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    Quantum fluctuations in low-dimensional systems and near quantum phase transitions have significant influences on material properties. Yet, it is difficult to experimentally gauge the strength and importance of quantum fluctuations. Here we provide a resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of magnon excitations in Mott insulating cuprates. From the thin film of SrCuO2_2, single- and bi-magnon dispersions are derived. Using an effective Heisenberg Hamiltonian generated from the Hubbard model, we show that the single magnon dispersion is only described satisfactorily when including significant renormalization stemming from quantum fluctuations. Comparative results on La2_2CuO4_4 indicate that quantum fluctuations are much stronger in SrCuO2_2 suggesting closer proximity to a magnetic quantum critical point. Monte Carlo calculations suggest an exotic incommensurate magnetic order as the ground state that competes with the antiferromagnetic N\'eel order. Our results indicate that SrCuO2_2 -- due to strong quantum fluctuations -- is a unique starting point for the exploration of novel magnetic ground states.Comment: Supplementary Information available upon reques

    Uniaxial pressure induced stripe order rotation in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4

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    Static stripe order is detrimental to superconductivity. Yet, it has been proposed that transverse stripe fluctuations may enhance the inter-stripe Josephson coupling and thus promote superconductivity. Direct experimental studies of stripe dynamics, however, remain difficult. From a strong-coupling perspective, transverse stripe fluctuations are realized in the form of dynamic “kinks”—sideways shifting stripe sections. Here, we show how modest uniaxial pressure tuning reorganizes directional kink alignment. Our starting point is La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 where transverse kink ordering results in a rotation of stripe order away from the crystal axis. Application of mild uniaxial pressure changes the ordering pattern and pins the stripe order to the crystal axis. This reordering occurs at a much weaker pressure than that to detwin the stripe domains and suggests a rather weak transverse stripe stiffness. Weak spatial stiffness and transverse quantum fluctuations are likely key prerequisites for stripes to coexist with superconductivity

    High-Temperature Charge-Stripe Correlations in La1.675_{1.675}Eu0.2_{0.2}Sr0.125_{0.125}CuO4_4

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    We use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to investigate charge-stripe correlations in La1.675_{1.675}Eu0.2_{0.2}Sr0.125_{0.125}CuO4_4. By differentiating elastic from inelastic scattering, it is demonstrated that charge-stripe correlations precede both the structural low-temperature tetragonal phase and the transport-defined pseudogap onset. The scattering peak amplitude from charge stripes decays approximately as T−2T^{-2} towards our detection limit. The in-plane integrated intensity, however, remains roughly temperature independent. Therefore, although the incommensurability shows a remarkably large increase at high temperature, our results are interpreted via a single scattering constituent. In fact, direct comparison to other stripe-ordered compounds (La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125_{0.125}CuO4_4, La1.475_{1.475}Nd0.4_{0.4}Sr0.125_{0.125}CuO4_4 and La1.875_{1.875}Sr0.125_{0.125}CuO4_4) suggests a roughly constant integrated scattering intensity across all these compounds. Our results therefore provide a unifying picture for the charge-stripe ordering in La-based cuprates. As charge correlations in La1.675_{1.675}Eu0.2_{0.2}Sr0.125_{0.125}CuO4_4 extend beyond the low-temperature tetragonal and pseudogap phase, their emergence heralds a spontaneous symmetry breaking in this compound
