993 research outputs found

    Audit Committees Oversight Of Information Technology Risk

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    This exploratory study examines the role of the audit committee in overseeing information technology (IT) risk. We address the degree of audit committee oversight of specific IT risks, as well as factors associated with variations in audit committee IT oversight. Based on responses from 39 audit committee members, we found (1) little audit committee emphasis on oversight of IT risks, (2) audit committees involved with IT oversight focus on more traditional risks (e.g., monitoring), while very little attention is devoted to IT acquisition and implementation, and (3) the amount of IT oversight is positively associated with the responding members auditing experience and prior familiarity with the COBIT model for assessing IT risks. Audit committee independence, diligence, and expertise, company size, and industry were not significantly associated with IT oversight

    Design and Development of Stable, Water-soluble, Human Toll-like Receptor 2-Specific, Monoacyl Lipopeptides as Candidate Vaccine Adjuvants

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    Antigens in modern subunit vaccines are largely soluble and poorly immunogenic proteins inducing relatively short-lived immune responses. Appropriate adjuvants initiate early innate immune responses, amplifying subsequent adaptive immune responses. Agonists of TLR2 are devoid of significant pro-inflammatory activity in ex vivo human blood models, and yet potently adjuvantic, suggesting that this chemotype may be a safe and effective adjuvant. Our earlier work on the monoacyl lipopeptide class of TLR2 agonists led to the design of a highly potent lead, but with negligible aqueous solubility, necessitating the reintroduction of aqueous solubility. We explored several strategies of introducing ionizable groups on the lipopeptide, as well as the systematic evaluation of chemically stable bioisosteres of the ester-linked palmitoyl group. These studies have led to a fully optimized, chemically stable, and highly water-soluble, human TLR2-specific agonist, which was found to have an excellent safety profile and displayed prominent adjuvantic activities in rabbit models

    Theory of optical spectra of polar quantum wells: Temperature effects

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    Theoretical and numerical calculations of the optical absorption spectra of excitons interacting with longitudinal-optical phonons in quasi-2D polar semiconductors are presented. In II-VI semiconductor quantum wells, exciton binding energy can be tuned on- and off-resonance with the longitudinal-optical phonon energy by varying the quantum well width. A comprehensive picture of this tunning effect on the temperature-dependent exciton absorption spectrum is derived, using the exciton Green's function formalism at finite temperature. The effective exciton-phonon interaction is included in the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Numerical results are illustrated for ZnSe-based quantum wells. At low temperatures, both a single exciton peak as well as a continuum resonance state are found in the optical absorption spectra. By contrast, at high enough temperatures, a splitting of the exciton line due to the real phonon absorption processes is predicted. Possible previous experimental observations of this splitting are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B. Permanent address: [email protected]

    Pb0.4Bi1.6Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+xPb_{0.4}Bi_{1.6}Sr_{2}Ca_{1}Cu_{2}O_{8+x} and Oxygen Stoichiometry: Structure, Resistivity, Fermi Surface Topology and Normal State Properties

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    Pb0.4Bi1.6Sr2CaCu2O8+xPb_{0.4}Bi_{1.6}Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} (Bi(Pb)Bi(Pb)-2212) single crystal samples were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), abab-plane (ρab\rho_{ab}) and cc-axis (ρc\rho_c) resistivity, and high resolution angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (ARUPS). TEM reveals that the modulation in the bb-axis for Pb(0.4)Pb(0.4)-doped Bi(Pb)Bi(Pb)-2212 is dominantly of PbPb-type that is not sensitive to the oxygen content of the system, and the system clearly shows a structure of orthorhombic symmetry. Oxygen annealed samples exhibit a much lower cc-axis resistivity and a resistivity minimum at 8013080-130K. He-annealed samples exhibit a much higher cc-axis resistivity and dρc/dT<0d\rho_c/dT<0 behavior below 300K. The Fermi surface (FS) of oxygen annealed Bi(Pb)Bi(Pb)-2212 mapped out by ARUPS has a pocket in the FS around the Mˉ\bar{M} point and exhibits orthorhombic symmetry. There are flat, parallel sections of the FS, about 60\% of the maximum possible along kx=kyk_x = k_y, and about 30\% along kx=kyk_x = - k_y. The wavevectors connecting the flat sections are about 0.72(π,π)0.72(\pi, \pi) along kx=kyk_x = k_y, and about 0.80(π,π)0.80(\pi, \pi) along kx=kyk_x = - k_y, rather than (π,π)(\pi,\pi). The symmetry of the near-Fermi-energy dispersing states in the normal state changes between oxygen-annealed and He-annealed samples.Comment: APS_REVTEX 3.0, 49 pages, including 11 figures, available upon request. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B

    Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 - a revisit

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    We have investigated the lowest binding-energy electronic structure of the model cuprate Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Our data from about 80 cleavages of Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 single crystals give a comprehensive, self-consistent picture of the nature of the first electron-removal state in this model undoped CuO_2-plane cuprate. Firstly, we show a strong dependence on the polarization of the excitation light which is understandable in the context of the matrix element governing the photoemission process, which gives a state with the symmetry of a Zhang-Rice singlet. Secondly, the strong, oscillatory dependence of the intensity of the Zhang-Rice singlet on the exciting photon-energy is shown to be consistent with interference effects connected with the periodicity of the crystal structure in the crystallographic c-direction. Thirdly, we measured the dispersion of the first electron-removal states along G->(pi,pi) and G->(pi,0), the latter being controversial in the literature, and have shown that the data are best fitted using an extended t-J-model, and extract the relevant model parameters. An analysis of the spectral weight of the first ionization states for different excitation energies within the approach used by Leung et al. (Phys. Rev. B56, 6320 (1997)) results in a strongly photon-energy dependent ratio between the coherent and incoherent spectral weight. The possible reasons for this observation and its physical implications are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    The impacts of climate change on sea temperature around the UK and Ireland

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    What is already happening? • Sea surface temperature (SST) around the UK generally shows a significant warming trend of around 0.3C per decade over the last 40 years. • Regional variations exist in this trend with surface warming being greatest across the southern North Sea and least across the north-west of the domain. • Warm-season (Autumn) near-bottom temperatures have increased significantly across the southern North Sea over the last 30 years, but not across other regions of the domain. • Compared to 1982–1998, the annual number of marine heatwaves increased around the British Isles by an average of four events per year in the period 2000–2016. Larger increases of up to six additional events per year occurred to the north of the British Isles. Smaller changes occurred to the south of the region

    Controlled assembly of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore systems on DNA templates to produce fluorescence resonance energy transfer

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    The SNAP protein is a widely used self-labeling tag that can be used for tracking protein localization and trafficking in living systems. A model system providing controlled alignment of SNAP-tag units can provide a new way to study clustering of fusion proteins. In this work, fluorescent SNAP-PNA conjugates were controllably assembled on DNA frameworks forming dimers, trimers, and tetramers. Modification of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) with the O6-benzyl guanine (BG) group allowed the generation of site-selective covalent links between PNA and the SNAP protein. The modified BG-PNAs were labeled with fluorescent Atto dyes and subsequently chemo-selectively conjugated to SNAP protein. Efficient assembly into dimer and oligomer forms was verified via size exclusion chromatography (SEC), electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and fluorescence spectroscopy. DNA directed assembly of homo- and hetero-dimers of SNAP-PNA constructs induced homo- and hetero-FRET, respectively. Longer DNA scaffolds controllably aligned similar fluorescent SNAP-PNA constructs into higher oligomers exhibiting homo-FRET. The combined SEC and homo-FRET studies indicated the 1:1 and saturated assemblies of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore:DNA formed preferentially in this system. This suggested a kinetic/stoichiometric model of assembly rather than binomially distributed products. These BG-PNA-fluorophore building blocks allow facile introduction of fluorophores and/or assembly directing moieties onto any protein containing SNAP. Template directed assembly of PNA modified SNAP proteins may be used to investigate clustering behavior both with and without fluorescent labels which may find use in the study of assembly processes in cells

    ARPES: A probe of electronic correlations

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is one of the most direct methods of studying the electronic structure of solids. By measuring the kinetic energy and angular distribution of the electrons photoemitted from a sample illuminated with sufficiently high-energy radiation, one can gain information on both the energy and momentum of the electrons propagating inside a material. This is of vital importance in elucidating the connection between electronic, magnetic, and chemical structure of solids, in particular for those complex systems which cannot be appropriately described within the independent-particle picture. Among the various classes of complex systems, of great interest are the transition metal oxides, which have been at the center stage in condensed matter physics for the last four decades. Following a general introduction to the topic, we will lay the theoretical basis needed to understand the pivotal role of ARPES in the study of such systems. After a brief overview on the state-of-the-art capabilities of the technique, we will review some of the most interesting and relevant case studies of the novel physics revealed by ARPES in 3d-, 4d- and 5d-based oxides.Comment: Chapter to appear in "Strongly Correlated Systems: Experimental Techniques", edited by A. Avella and F. Mancini, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences (2013). A high-resolution version can be found at: http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~quantmat/ARPES/PUBLICATIONS/Reviews/ARPES_Springer.pdf. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:cond-mat/0307085, arXiv:cond-mat/020850

    Ocean heat convergence and North Atlantic multidecadal heat content variability

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    We construct an upper ocean (0-1000m) North Atlantic heat budget (26°-67°N) for the period 1950-2020 using multiple observational datasets and an eddy-permitting global ocean model. On multidecadal timescales ocean heat transport convergence controls ocean heat content (OHC) tendency in most regions of the North Atlantic with little role for diffusive processes. In the subpolar North Atlantic (45°N-67°N) heat transport convergence is explained by geostrophic currents whereas ageostrophic currents make a significant contribution in the subtropics (26°N-45°N). The geostrophic contribution in all regions is dominated by anomalous advection across the time-mean temperature gradient although other processes make a significant contribution particularly in the subtropics. The timescale and spatial distribution of the anomalous geostrophic currents are consistent with a simple model of basin scale thermal Rossby waves propagating westwards/northwestwards in the subpolar gyre and multidecadal variations in regional OHC are explained by geostrophic currents periodically coming into alignment with the mean temperature gradient as the Rossby wave passes through. The global ocean model simulation shows that multidecadal variations in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation are synchronized with the ocean heat transport convergence consistent with modulation of the west-east pressure gradient by the propagating Rossby wave