2,497 research outputs found

    A rare case of immune-related pseudotumor of ovary mimicking ovarian malignancy

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    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting various body organs. However, genital tract involvement is rarely reported. A 40 years old reproductive-age woman presented with a solid abdominopelvic mass of 20 weeks size. CECT revealed a large multiloculated solid cystic lesion arising from right adnexa with multiple enlarged lymph nodes and omental thickening with gross right-sided hydroureteronephrosis suggestive of ovarian malignancy stage III. Surprisingly, tumor markers were normal. Intraoperatively, we noticed a 15×15 cm right ovarian mass encasing the right ureter all around and constricting it. The mass was densely adherent to recto-sigmoid and right pelvic wall, which mandated extensive surgery. Histopathological examination with immuno-histo-chemistry (IHC) suggested the diagnosis of IgG4-RD of ovary. Awareness about its occurrence in ovary will help in arriving at the diagnosis which may influence the extent of surgery. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with fibrosis in histopathological examination warrants IHC analysis for achieving a diagnosis

    Transfer Learning based Automated Essay Summarization

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    The human evaluation of essays has become a very time-consuming process as the number of schools and universities has grown. The available software entities are unable to assess the sentiment associated with essays. Thus, we propose a model using Natural Language Processing to assess the essay based on both grammar and sentiment associated with the essay by using linear regression and ULMFiT (Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification) models.  Evaluation of essay is done in two parts. Part one is on essay grading with respect to grammar with maximum 12 and minimum 0 grade points and in part two score of 0/1 for sentiment analysis with 0 being negative and 1 being positive. The model can be used to score the essay and discard any essay with a score less than a specified value or specified sentiment score

    Myocardial FFR (Fractional Flow Reserve) in patients with angiographically intermediate coronary artery stenosis - an initial institutional experience

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    Background: The clinical significance of coronary artery stenosis of intermediate severity can be difficult to determine. The management of intermediate coronary lesions, defined by a diameter stenosis of ≥40% to ≤70%, continues to be a therapeutic dilemma for cardiologists. The 2-dimensional representation of the arterial lesion provided by angiography is limited in distinguishing intermediate lesions that require stenting from those that simply need appropriate medical therapy. In the era of drug-eluting stents, some might propose that stenting all intermediate coronary lesions is an appropriate solution. However, the possibility of procedural complications such as coronary dissection, no reflow phenomenon, in-stent restenosis, and stent thrombosis requires accurate stratification of patients with intermediate coronary lesions to appropriate therapy. Myocardial fractional flow reserve (FFR) is an index of the functional severity of coronary stenosis that is calculated from pressure measurements made during coronary angiography. The objective of the study is to evaluate the usefulness of FFR in patients with angiographically intermediate coronary artery stenosis.Methods: 20 patients with intermediate coronary stenosis and chest pain of uncertain origin. The Exercise Electrocardiography (TMT), Myocardial Perfusion Imaging study (MPI), Quantitative Coronary Angiography (QCA) were compared with the results of FFR measurements.Results: 20 patients were undergone FFR measurement during the study period. With the mean age of 57.25±11.2 and male patients were 16 (80%), female patients 4 (20%), in all 13 patients with an FFR of 0.75 tested negative for reversible myocardial ischemia on TMT and MPI study. No revascularization procedures were performed in 7 (35%) patients, and no adverse cardiovascular events were noted in all these patients during 6 months of follow-up.Conclusions: In patients with coronary stenosis of intermediate severity, FFR appears to be a useful index of the functional severity of the stenosis and the need for coronary revascularization.

    A Pathwise Ergodic Theorem for Quantum Trajectories

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    If the time evolution of an open quantum system approaches equilibrium in the time mean, then on any single trajectory of any of its unravelings the time averaged state approaches the same equilibrium state with probability 1. In the case of multiple equilibrium states the quantum trajectory converges in the mean to a random choice from these states.Comment: 8 page

    A reduced complexity numerical method for optimal gate synthesis

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    Although quantum computers have the potential to efficiently solve certain problems considered difficult by known classical approaches, the design of a quantum circuit remains computationally difficult. It is known that the optimal gate design problem is equivalent to the solution of an associated optimal control problem, the solution to which is also computationally intensive. Hence, in this article, we introduce the application of a class of numerical methods (termed the max-plus curse of dimensionality free techniques) that determine the optimal control thereby synthesizing the desired unitary gate. The application of this technique to quantum systems has a growth in complexity that depends on the cardinality of the control set approximation rather than the much larger growth with respect to spatial dimensions in approaches based on gridding of the space, used in previous literature. This technique is demonstrated by obtaining an approximate solution for the gate synthesis on SU(4)SU(4)- a problem that is computationally intractable by grid based approaches.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Semigroup Description of Coherent and Incoherent Particle-Matter Interaction

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    The meaning of statistical experiments with single microsystems in quantum mechanics is discussed and a general model in the framework of non-relativistic quantum field theory is proposed, to describe both coherent and incoherent interaction of a single microsystem with matter. Compactly developing the calculations with superoperators, it is shown that the introduction of a time scale, linked to irreversibility of the reduced dynamics, directly leads to a dynamical semigroup expressed in terms of quantities typical of scattering theory. Its generator consists of two terms, the first linked to a coherent wavelike behaviour, the second related to an interaction having a measuring character, possibly connected to events the microsystem produces propagating inside matter. In case these events breed a measurement, an explicit realization of some concepts of modern quantum mechanics ("effects" and "operations") arises. The relevance of this description to a recent debate questioning the validity of ordinary quantum mechanics to account for such experimental situations as, e.g., neutron-interferometry, is briefly discussed.Comment: 22 pages, latex, no figure

    A Straightforward Introduction to Continuous Quantum Measurement

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    We present a pedagogical treatment of the formalism of continuous quantum measurement. Our aim is to show the reader how the equations describing such measurements are derived and manipulated in a direct manner. We also give elementary background material for those new to measurement theory, and describe further various aspects of continuous measurements that should be helpful to those wanting to use such measurements in applications. Specifically, we use the simple and direct approach of generalized measurements to derive the stochastic master equation describing the continuous measurements of observables, give a tutorial on stochastic calculus, treat multiple observers and inefficient detection, examine a general form of the measurement master equation, and show how the master equation leads to information gain and disturbance. To conclude, we give a detailed treatment of imaging the resonance fluorescence from a single atom as a concrete example of how a continuous position measurement arises in a physical system.Comment: 24 pages, 3 eps figues. To appear in Contemporary Physic

    Quantum Trajectories and Quantum Measurement Theory

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    Beyond their use as numerical tools, quantum trajectories can be ascribed a degree of reality in terms of quantum measurement theory. In fact, they arise naturally from considering continuous observation of a damped quantum system. A particularly useful form of quantum trajectories is as linear (but non-unitary) stochastic Schrodinger equations. In the limit where a strong local oscillator is used in the detection, and where the system is not driven, these quantum trajectories can be solved. This gives an alternate derivation of the probability distributions for completed homodyne and heterodyne detection schemes. It also allows the previously intractable problem of real-time adaptive measurements to be treated. The results for an analytically soluble example of adaptive phase measurements are presented, and future developments discussed.Comment: 17 pages. A review article publihsed in 1996 which has been picking up some citations, so I thought I would post it her