4,666 research outputs found

    Weather data dissemination to aircraft

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    Documentation exists that shows weather to be responsible for approximately 40 percent of all general aviation accidents with fatalities. Weather data products available on the ground are becoming more sophisticated and greater in number. Although many of these data are critical to aircraft safety, they currently must be transmitted verbally to the aircraft. This process is labor intensive and provides a low rate of information transfer. Consequently, the pilot is often forced to make life-critical decisions based on incomplete and outdated information. Automated transmission of weather data from the ground to the aircraft can provide the aircrew with accurate data in near-real time. The current National Airspace System Plan calls for such an uplink capability to be provided by the Mode S Beacon System data link. Although this system has a very advanced data link capability, it will not be capable of providing adequate weather data to all airspace users in its planned configuration. This paper delineates some of the important weather data uplink system requirements, and describes a system which is capable of meeting these requirements. The proposed system utilizes a run-length coding technique for image data compression and a hybrid phase and amplitude modulation technique for the transmission of both voice and weather data on existing aeronautical Very High Frequency (VHF) voice communication channels

    Integer quantum Hall effect on a six valley hydrogen-passivated silicon (111) surface

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    We report magneto-transport studies of a two-dimensional electron system formed in an inversion layer at the interface between a hydrogen-passivated Si(111) surface and vacuum. Measurements in the integer quantum Hall regime demonstrate the expected sixfold valley degeneracy for these surfaces is broken, resulting in an unequal occupation of the six valleys and anisotropy in the resistance. We hypothesize the misorientation of Si surface breaks the valley states into three unequally spaced pairs, but the observation of odd filling factors, is difficult to reconcile with non-interacting electron theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Influence of Phase Matching on the Cooper Minimum in Ar High Harmonic Spectra

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    We study the influence of phase matching on interference minima in high harmonic spectra. We concentrate on structures in atoms due to interference of different angular momentum channels during recombination. We use the Cooper minimum (CM) in argon at 47 eV as a marker in the harmonic spectrum. We measure 2d harmonic spectra in argon as a function of wavelength and angular divergence. While we identify a clear CM in the spectrum when the target gas jet is placed after the laser focus, we find that the appearance of the CM varies with angular divergence and can even be completely washed out when the gas jet is placed closer to the focus. We also show that the argon CM appears at different wavelengths in harmonic and photo-absorption spectra measured under conditions independent of any wavelength calibration. We model the experiment with a simulation based on coupled solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation and the Maxwell wave equation, including both the single atom response and macroscopic effects of propagation. The single atom calculations confirm that the ground state of argon can be represented by its field free pp symmetry, despite the strong laser field used in high harmonic generation. Because of this, the CM structure in the harmonic spectrum can be described as the interference of continuum ss and dd channels, whose relative phase jumps by π\pi at the CM energy, resulting in a minimum shifted from the photoionization result. We also show that the full calculations reproduce the dependence of the CM on the macroscopic conditions. We calculate simple phase matching factors as a function of harmonic order and explain our experimental and theoretical observation in terms of the effect of phase matching on the shape of the harmonic spectrum. Phase matching must be taken into account to fully understand spectral features related to HHG spectroscopy

    Strongly dispersive transient Bragg grating for high harmonics

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    We create a transient Bragg grating in a high-harmonic generation medium using two counterpropagating pulses. The Bragg grating disperses the harmonics in angle and can diffract a large bandwidth with temporal resolution limited only by the source size. © 2010 Optical Society of America

    Target and (Astro-)WISE technologies - Data federations and its applications

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    After its first implementation in 2003 the Astro-WISE technology has been rolled out in several European countries and is used for the production of the KiDS survey data. In the multi-disciplinary Target initiative this technology, nicknamed WISE technology, has been further applied to a large number of projects. Here, we highlight the data handling of other astronomical applications, such as VLT-MUSE and LOFAR, together with some non-astronomical applications such as the medical projects Lifelines and GLIMPS, the MONK handwritten text recognition system, and business applications, by amongst others, the Target Holding. We describe some of the most important lessons learned and describe the application of the data-centric WISE type of approach to the Science Ground Segment of the Euclid satellite.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Proceedngs IAU Symposium No 325 Astroinformatics 201

    D- Production By Charge Transfer Of (0.3 - 3)-keV D+ In Thick Alkaline-earth Vapor Targets: Interaction Energies For CaH+, CaH, And CaH-

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    Equilibrium charge-state fractions of energetic deuterium ions and atoms emerging from alkaline-earth (magnesium, calcium, strontium, and barium) vapor targets are reported in the range of 0.3- to 3-keV incident D+ energy. Deuterium negative-ion production in thick barium and calcium vapor targets equals similar production in cesium vapor (34%). Moreover, the maximum D- production in strontium vapor exceeds that for all other known gas or vapor targets and reaches 50% at 500 eV. Theory does not quantitatively describe these results, although ab initio molecular-interaction-energy calculations on the neutral and negative-ion CaH systems lead to the prediction of large D- yields at low energies. The theoretical prediction is based on the lack of a strong coupling between the negative ion and neutral molecular states. This implies that there are small D- electron-detachment cross sections at energies less than 1 keV. The present measurements agree with previous measurements done at higher energies. © 1982 The American Physical Society