40 research outputs found

    Effect of Proportion of Missing Data on Application of Data Imputation in Pavement Management Systems

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    Missing data are commonly found in pavement condition/performance databases. A common practice today is to apply statistical imputation methods to replace the missing data with imputed values. It is thus important for pavement management decision makers to know the uncertainty and errors involved in the use of datasets with imputed values in their analysis. An equally important information of practical significance is the maximum allowable proportion of missing data (i.e. level of data missingness in the pavement condition/performance records) that will still produce results with acceptable magnitude of error or risk when using imputed data. This paper proposes a procedure for determining such useful information. A numerical example analyzing pavement roughness data is presented to demonstrate the procedure through evaluating the error and reliability characteristics of imputed data. The roughness data of three road sections were obtained from the LTPP database. From these data records, datasets with different proportions of missing data were randomly generated to study the effect of level of data missingness. The analysis shows that the errors of imputed data increased with the level of data missingness, and their magnitudes are significantly affected by the effect of pavement rehabilitation. On the application of data imputation in PMS, the study suggests that at 95% confidence level, 25% of missing data appears to be a reasonable allowable maximum limit for analyzing pavement roughness time series data not involving rehabilitation within the analysis period. When pavement rehabilitation occurs within the analysis period, the maximum proportion of imputed data should be limited to 15%

    Penggunaan Terrasil Sebagai Material Modifier Untuk Perbaikan Daya Dukung Subgrade

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    Subgrade is the bottom layer that functions to support the upper layer to withstand against vehicle loads. However, subgrade is also the weakest component of the structure due to losses of carrying capacity as a result of water infiltration. To minimize the losses of carrying capacity of the subgrade, a study was conducted by proposing a modifier, namely Terrasil, that function as water repellent. In this reaserch, three proportions of Terrasil to water, i.e. 1:400, 1:600, and 1:800, were used in two test locations. Two conditions were applied on soil in the test locations, i.e. dry condition (unsoaked) and wet condition (soaked). To evaluate the carrying capacity of the subgrade before and after Terrasil application, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) measurement was conducted. The results showed that the use of Terrasil on the soil did not affected significantly on the carrying capacity losses due to water infiltration, unless soil compaction has been formerly applied. In addition, proportion of Terrasil to water 1:600 was recommended as optimum proportion for maximum water-repellent, with the condition that it should be applied on compacted soil. With this proportion, it can be obtained CBR wet losses only 11.93% at location with better density

    Analisis Kelayakan Terminal Penumpang 1a Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno – Hatta

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    Terminal 1 Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno – Hatta terbagi menjadi 3 sub-terminal yaitu 1A, 1B dan 1C. Terminal 1A hanya dioperasikan oleh maskapai Lion Air. Kepadatan penumpang pada terminal 1A terjadi karena kapasitas terminal tidak sebanding dengan pertumbuhan penumpang per tahunnya. Penumpang peak hour dianalisis berdasarkan SNI 03-7046-2004 dan SKEP/77/VI/2005. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk evaluasi kelayakan terminal penumpang 1A pada check in counter, ruang tunggu keberangkatan, dan baggage claim. Hasil dari forecasting tahun 2024 didapatkan penumpang berangkat sebesar 2.943 penumpang per jam dan penumpang datang sebesar 3.189 penumpang per jam. Tahun 2014 dan 2024, kondisi eksisting check in counter dan baggage claim device tidak memadai untuk penumpang peak hour, tetapi ruang tunggu keberangkatan masih memadai untuk melayani penumpang peak hour. Analisis berdasarkan metode FIFO (first in first out) pada tahun 2014 dibutuhkan minimum 37 loket check in counter untuk melayani 1.828 penumpang berangkat per jam dan 7 buah baggage claim device untuk malayani 2.058 penumpang datang per jam sedangkan, pada tahun 2024 dibutuhkan minimum 60 loket check in counter dan 11 baggage claim device. Ruang tunggu keberangkatan masih memadai untuk melayani penumpang peak hour tahun 2014 dan tahun 2024 dengan Level Of Service (LOS) kategori Excellent Level Of Comfort. Adanya kepadatan pada check in counter dan baggage claim terminal 1A, memunculkan rencana maskapai Lion Group akan beroperasi di terminal 1A, 1B dan 1C. Kondisi eksisting dari terminal 1A, 1B dan 1C memiliki 75 check in counter dan 15 baggage claim device, sehingga dengan rencana tersebut dapat mengatasi kepadatan pada check in counter dan baggage claim sampai tahun 2021 dengan asumsi distribusi penumpang yang merata ke terminal 1A, 1B dan 1C. Selain distribusi penumpang yang merata, kepadatan juga dapat diatasi dengan adanya check in online dan pemisahan check in counter dengan bagasi dan tanpa bagasi

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sasobit Pada Warm Mix Asphalt Terhadap Mutu Campuran Beraspal

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    Warm mix asphalt technology have possibility to makes, spreading, and compress in lower temperature than hot mix asphalt. This technology used with add the additive material named Sasobit. Because of that we did the research about mixing asphalt with Asphalt Institute methode. The asphalt degree is 4,5%, 5%, 5,5%, 6%, dan 6,5% add into Sasobit 0%, 2%, 3%, and 4% to establish mixing and solid temperature in the mix. This research compared the quality between mixing asphalt with Sasobit and mix without Sasobit as a control. Result of this research showed that decrease temperatur because of increment Sasobit 2% reduce until 6˚C, increment Sasobit 3% reduce until 7,5%, dan increment Sasobit 4% reduce until 7,8%. The other benefit from adding the Sasobit into mix asphalt is increase stability value, decrease presentage degree of utilizing asphalt, and decrease the gas emision from mixing asphalt. However, mixing with add Sasobit have lack, where the mix become more stiff and hard so that the asphalt is easier to be damage if compared with mix without Sasobit

    Analisis Kinerja Lalu Lintas Jalan Urip Sumoharjo YOGYAKARTA

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    Yogyakarta city in ones of the big city in java, that straregic because of tourism and student city. The every years vehicle to in Yogyakarta be increase. There is be the main of jamming trafgic, ones of them is Urip Sumoharjo street from STA 03+100 – STA 03+585. From a sekunder data from dirjen Bina Marga Yogyakarta show of digit traffic growth daily being increase for 4 last year. The number of street ministry feasibility show with degree of saturation (DS), with condition DS < 0,75. The result of the analysis from survey on September 2013 show DS to existing road not eliginle with grades DS 1,25 because park ib roads so width then effectife traffic decreased of road capacity. Main of step solution jamming traffic are park optimalitation, with manage parking patters with some simulation in cornerand length with the reduction of parking on-street along 240 m of the junction the Galeria Mall, to meet the needs of the SRP which is less need to create a new SRP for making buildings with parking in the surrounding streets Urip Sumoharjo. After then steep feel not optimal to change of DS for the next 4 years, make a building parking in arround of Urip Sumoharjo. With it capacity of road will be increase so DS what quality last a long time same with increase of growth LHR Yogyakarta city in next year