18 research outputs found

    Geometrical optical illusion via sub-Riemannian geodesics in the roto-translation group

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    We present a neuro-mathematical model for geometrical optical illusions (GOIs), a class of illusory phenomena that consists in a mismatch of geometrical properties of the visual stimulus and its associated percept. They take place in the visual areas V1/V2 whose functional architecture have been modeled in previous works by Citti and Sarti as a Lie group equipped with a sub-Riemannian (SR) metric. Here we extend their model proposing that the metric responsible for the cortical connectivity is modulated by the modeled neuro-physiological response of simple cells to the visual stimulus, hence providing a more biologically plausible model that takes into account a presence of visual stimulus. Illusory contours in our model are described as geodesics in the new metric. The model is confirmed by numerical simulations, where we compute the geodesics via SR-Fast Marching

    Cortical-Inspired Wilson–Cowan-Type Equations for Orientation-Dependent Contrast Perception Modelling

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    We consider the evolution model proposed in Bertalmío (Front Comput Neurosci 8:71, 2014), Bertalmío et al. (IEEE Trans Image Process 16(4):1058–1072, 2007) to describe illusory contrast perception phenomena induced by surrounding orientations. Firstly, we highlight its analogies and differences with the widely used Wilson–Cowan equations (Wilson and Cowan in BioPhys J 12(1):1–24, 1972), mainly in terms of efficient representation properties. Then, in order to explicitly encode local directional information, we exploit the model of the primary visual cortex (V1) proposed in Citti and Sarti (J Math Imaging Vis 24(3):307–326, 2006) and largely used over the last years for several image processing problems (Duits and Franken in Q Appl Math 68(2):255–292, 2010; Prandi and Gauthier in A semidiscrete version of the Petitot model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognition. SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer, Cham, 2017; Franceschiello et al. in J Math Imaging Vis 60(1):94–108, 2018). The resulting model is thus defined in the space of positions and orientation, and it is capable of describing assimilation and contrast visual bias at the same time. We report several numerical tests showing the ability of the model to reproduce, in particular, orientation-dependent phenomena such as grating induction and a modified version of the Poggendorff illusion. For this latter example, we empirically show the existence of a set of threshold parameters differentiating from inpainting to perception-type reconstructions and describing long-range connectivity between different hypercolumns in V1

    On the Determination of Lagrange Multipliers for a Weighted LASSO Problem Using Geometric and Convex Analysis Techniques.

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    Compressed Sensing (CS) encompasses a broad array of theoretical and applied techniques for recovering signals, given partial knowledge of their coefficients, cf. Candés (C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 346, 589-592 (2008)), Candés et al. (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theo (2006)), Donoho (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theo. 52(4), (2006)), Donoho et al. (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theo. 52(1), (2006)). Its applications span various fields, including mathematics, physics, engineering, and several medical sciences, cf. Adcock and Hansen (Compressive Imaging: Structure, Sampling, Learning, p. 2021), Berk et al. (2019 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA) pp. 1-5. IEEE (2019)), Brady et al. (Opt. Express 17(15), 13040-13049 (2009)), Chan (Terahertz imaging with compressive sensing. Rice University, USA (2010)), Correa et al. (2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) pp. 7789-7793 (2014, May) IEEE), Gao et al. (Nature 516(7529), 74-77 (2014)), Liu and Kang (Opt. Express 18(21), 22010-22019 (2010)), McEwen and Wiaux (Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc. 413(2), 1318-1332 (2011)), Marim et al. (Opt. Lett. 35(6), 871-873 (2010)), Yu and Wang (Phys. Med. Biol. 54(9), 2791 (2009)), Yu and Wang (Phys. Med. Biol. 54(9), 2791 (2009)). Motivated by our interest in the mathematics behind Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and CS, we employ convex analysis techniques to analytically determine equivalents of Lagrange multipliers for optimization problems with inequality constraints, specifically a weighted LASSO with voxel-wise weighting. We investigate this problem under assumptions on the fidelity term , either concerning the sign of its gradient or orthogonality-like conditions of its matrix. To be more precise, we either require the sign of each coordinate of to be fixed within a rectangular neighborhood of the origin, with the side lengths of the rectangle dependent on the constraints, or we assume to be diagonal. The objective of this work is to explore the relationship between Lagrange multipliers and the constraints of a weighted variant of LASSO, specifically in the mentioned cases where this relationship can be computed explicitly. As they scale the regularization terms of the weighted LASSO, Lagrange multipliers serve as tuning parameters for the weighted LASSO, prompting the question of their potential effective use as tuning parameters in applications like MR image reconstruction and denoising. This work represents an initial step in this direction

    A Neuromathematical Model for Geometrical Optical Illusions

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    Geometrical optical illusions have been object of many studies due to the possibility they offer to understand the behavior of low-level visual processing. They consist in situations in which the perceived geometrical properties of an object differ from those of the object in the visual stimulus. Starting from the geometrical model introduced by Citti and Sarti (J Math Imaging Vis 24(3):307\ue2\u80\u93326, 2006), we provide a mathematical model and a computational algorithm which allows to interpret these phenomena and to qualitatively reproduce the perceived misperception

    A computational model for grid maps in neural populations.

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    Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex, together with head direction, place, speed and border cells, are major contributors to the organization of spatial representations in the brain. In this work we introduce a novel theoretical and algorithmic framework able to explain the optimality of hexagonal grid-like response patterns. We show that this pattern is a result of minimal variance encoding of neurons together with maximal robustness to neurons' noise and minimal number of encoding neurons. The novelty lies in the formulation of the encoding problem considering neurons as an overcomplete basis (a frame) where the position information is encoded. Through the modern Frame Theory language, specifically that of tight and equiangular frames, we provide new insights about the optimality of hexagonal grid receptive fields. The proposed model is based on the well-accepted and tested hypothesis of Hebbian learning, providing a simplified cortical-based framework that does not require the presence of velocity-driven oscillations (oscillatory model) or translational symmetries in the synaptic connections (attractor model). We moreover demonstrate that the proposed encoding mechanism naturally explains axis alignment of neighbor grid cells and maps shifts, rotations and scaling of the stimuli onto the shape of grid cells' receptive fields, giving a straightforward explanation of the experimental evidence of grid cells remapping under transformations of environmental cues

    Sub-Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow for Image Processing

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    In this paper we reconsider the sub-Riemannian cortical model of image completion introduced by Sarti and Citti in 2003. This model combines two mechanisms, the sub-Riemannian diffusion and the concentration, giving rise to a diffusion driven motion by curvature. In this paper we give a formal proof of the existence of viscosity solutions of the sub-Riemannian motion by curvature. Results of completion and enhancement on a number of natural images are shown and compared with other models

    Topological Features of Electroencephalography are Robust to Re-referencing and Preprocessing.

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) is among the most widely diffused, inexpensive, and adopted neuroimaging techniques. Nonetheless, EEG requires measurements against a reference site(s), which is typically chosen by the experimenter, and specific pre-processing steps precede analyses. It is therefore valuable to obtain quantities that are minimally affected by reference and pre-processing choices. Here, we show that the topological structure of embedding spaces, constructed either from multi-channel EEG timeseries or from their temporal structure, are subject-specific and robust to re-referencing and pre-processing pipelines. By contrast, the shape of correlation spaces, that is, discrete spaces where each point represents an electrode and the distance between them that is in turn related to the correlation between the respective timeseries, was neither significantly subject-specific nor robust to changes of reference. Our results suggest that the shape of spaces describing the observed configurations of EEG signals holds information about the individual specificity of the underlying individual's brain dynamics, and that temporal correlations constrain to a large degree the set of possible dynamics. In turn, these encode the differences between subjects' space of resting state EEG signals. Finally, our results and proposed methodology provide tools to explore the individual topographical landscapes and how they are explored dynamically. We propose therefore to augment conventional topographic analyses with an additional-topological-level of analysis, and to consider them jointly. More generally, these results provide a roadmap for the incorporation of topological analyses within EEG pipelines