14,409 research outputs found

    The geochemistry of iodine and bromine in sediments of the Panama Basin

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    The areal and vertical distribution of iodine, bromine and organic carbon has been examined in a suite of sediment cores from the Panama Basin. Both halogens are approximately correlative with organic carbon in surface sediments. The concentrations of all three elements vary sympathetically but considerably with depth, especially in equatorial carbonate oozes where a distinct mid-depth (40-80 cm) concentration maximum is observed...

    The ac-Driven Motion of Dislocations in a Weakly Damped Frenkel-Kontorova Lattice

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    By means of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that ac field can support stably moving collective nonlinear excitations in the form of dislocations (topological solitons, or kinks) in the Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) lattice with weak friction, which was qualitatively predicted by Bonilla and Malomed [Phys. Rev. B{\bf 43}, 11539 (1991)]. Direct generation of the moving dislocations turns out to be virtually impossible; however, they can be generated initially in the lattice subject to an auxiliary spatial modulation of the on-site potential strength. Gradually relaxing the modulation, we are able to get the stable moving dislocations in the uniform FK lattice with the periodic boundary conditions, provided that the driving frequency is close to the gap frequency of the linear excitations in the uniform lattice. The excitations have a large and noninteger index of commensurability with the lattice (suggesting that its actual value is irrational). The simulations reveal two different types of the moving dislocations: broad ones, that extend, roughly, to half the full length of the periodic lattice (in that sense, they cannot be called solitons), and localized soliton-like dislocations, that can be found in an excited state, demonstrating strong persistent internal vibrations. The minimum (threshold) amplitude of the driving force necessary to support the traveling excitation is found as a function of the friction coefficient. Its extrapolation suggests that the threshold does not vanish at the zero friction, which may be explained by radiation losses. The moving dislocation can be observed experimentally in an array of coupled small Josephson junctions in the form of an {\it inverse Josephson effect}, i.e., a dc-voltage response to the uniformly applied ac bias current.Comment: Plain Latex, 13 pages + 9 PostScript figures. to appear on Journal of Physics: condensed matte

    Inducing spin-dependent tunneling to probe magnetic correlations in optical lattices

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    We suggest a simple experimental method for probing antiferromagnetic spin correlations of two-component Fermi gases in optical lattices. The method relies on a spin selective Raman transition to excite atoms of one spin species to their first excited vibrational mode where the tunneling is large. The resulting difference in the tunneling dynamics of the two spin species can then be exploited, to reveal the spin correlations by measuring the number of doubly occupied lattice sites at a later time. We perform quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the spin system and solve the optical lattice dynamics numerically to show how the timed probe can be used to identify antiferromagnetic spin correlations in optical lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Observations of electron gyroharmonic waves and the structure of the Io torus

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    Narrow-banded emissions were observed by the Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment on the Voyager 1 spacecraft as it traversed the Io plasma torus. These waves occur between harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency and are the Jovian analogue of electrostatic emissions observed and theoretically studied for the terrestrial magnetosphere. The observed frequencies always include the component near the upper hybrid resonant frequency, (fuhr) but the distribution of the other observed emissions varies in a systematic way with position in the torus. A refined model of the electron density variation, based on identification of the fuhr line, is included. Spectra of the observed waves are analyzed in terms of the linear instability of an electron distribution function consisting of isotropic cold electrons and hot losscone electrons. The positioning of the observed auxiliary harmonics with respect to fuhr is shown to be an indicator of the cold to hot temperature ratio. It is concluded that this ratio increases systematically by an overall factor of perhaps 4 or 5 between the inner and outer portions of the torus

    Tsirelson's problem and Kirchberg's conjecture

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    Tsirelson's problem asks whether the set of nonlocal quantum correlations with a tensor product structure for the Hilbert space coincides with the one where only commutativity between observables located at different sites is assumed. Here it is shown that Kirchberg's QWEP conjecture on tensor products of C*-algebras would imply a positive answer to this question for all bipartite scenarios. This remains true also if one considers not only spatial correlations, but also spatiotemporal correlations, where each party is allowed to apply their measurements in temporal succession; we provide an example of a state together with observables such that ordinary spatial correlations are local, while the spatiotemporal correlations reveal nonlocality. Moreover, we find an extended version of Tsirelson's problem which, for each nontrivial Bell scenario, is equivalent to the QWEP conjecture. This extended version can be conveniently formulated in terms of steering the system of a third party. Finally, a comprehensive mathematical appendix offers background material on complete positivity, tensor products of C*-algebras, group C*-algebras, and some simple reformulations of the QWEP conjecture.Comment: 57 pages, to appear in Rev. Math. Phy

    Antiferromagnetic noise correlations in optical lattices

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    We analyze how noise correlations probed by time-of-flight (TOF) experiments reveal antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations of fermionic atoms in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) optical lattices. Combining analytical and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations using experimentally realistic parameters, we show that AF correlations can be detected for temperatures above and below the critical temperature for AF ordering. It is demonstrated that spin-resolved noise correlations yield important information about the spin ordering. Finally, we show how to extract the spin correlation length and the related critical exponent of the AF transition from the noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Are N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics equivalent?

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    After recalling different formulations of the definition of supersymmetric quantum mechanics given in the literature, we discuss the relationships between them in order to provide an answer to the question raised in the title.Comment: 15 page
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