85,436 research outputs found

    Galactic oscillations

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    Several oscillations have been identified in spherical galaxy models. These are normal mode oscillations in a stable galaxy. Each has its own distinct period and spatial form, and each rings without detectable damping through a Hubble time. The most important are: (1) a simple radial pulsation (fundamental mode), in which all parts of the galaxy move inward or outward with the same phase; and (2) a second spherically symmetrical radial mode with one node, so material inside the node moves outward when material outside moves inward. Numerical experiments suggest that normal mode oscillations may be present in nearly all galaxies at a considerably higher amplitude than has previously been thought. Amplitudes typically run a few percent of equilibrium values, and periods are around 50-300 Myrs in typical galaxies. These time scales are long enough that gas trapped near the center could cool during an oscillation cycle, allowing star formation activity. The second mode oscillations could cause bursts of star formation

    Status of advanced turboprop technology

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    Research is reviewed in the following areas: turboprop powered transport aircraft; wind tunnel aerodynamic and acoustics tests of model propellers; turboprop maintenance; and wind tunnel tests on airframe-turboprop interactions. Continued development of the technology for advanced turboprop transport was emphasized

    Collisionless galaxy simulations

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    Three-dimensional fully self-consistent computer models were used to determine the evolution of galaxies consisting of 100 000 simulation stars. Comparison of two-dimensional simulations with three-dimensional simulations showed only a very slight stabilizing effect due to the additional degree of freedom. The addition of a fully self-consistent, nonrotating, exponential core/halo component resulted in considerable stabilization. A second series of computer experiments was performed to determine the collapse and relaxation of initially spherical, uniform density and uniform velocity dispersion stellar systems. The evolution of the system was followed for various amounts of angular momentum in solid body rotation. For initally low values of the angular momentum satisfying the Ostriker-Peebles stability criterion, the systems quickly relax to an axisymmetric shape and resemble elliptical galaxies in appearance. For larger values of the initial angular momentum bars develop and the systems undergo a much more drastic evolution

    An experimental study of counter-rotating cores in elliptical galaxies

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    Recent observational studies (Franx and Illingworth 1987; Jedrzejewski and Schechter 1988; Bender 1988; Illingworth and Franx 1989) have shown that some elliptical galaxies have a small region near the center that rotates in the opposite direction from the outer parts of the galaxy. Often the rotation in the central part is much faster than that in the outer part. A few other galaxies show a small region near the center that rotates in the same direction as the rest of the galaxy, but much faster. Either way, the part near the center that shows a strange pattern of rotation (the 'core') has been interpreted as a distinct dynamical subsystem. Very briefly, the observational data seem to be that anomalies show up in rotation curves near the centers of some elliptical galaxies and that galaxies with these strange rotational properties do not show a photometric signature: there are no noticeable bumps in the brightness profile and no unusual shapes of isophotal contours that would suggest an excess of matter concentrated near the center. No strong color variations have been reported. The puzzle is to learn what we can about elliptical galaxies in general, and about galaxies with strange central regions in particular, from these observational facts. The authors' approach is experimental. They make a guess about the form of the dynamically distinct subsystem, and then build a galaxy model to test experimental consequences such as the amount of matter required to produce observable effects and the length of time over which these effects would remain observable. They sidestep questions about how the galaxy might have gotten to be that way in the first place. That gives them more freedom to explore a variety of suggestions about what kind of dynamical system might give rise to the observed rotational patterns

    Solar array subsystems study

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    The effects on life cycle costs of a number of technology areas are examined for a LEO, 500 kW solar array. A baseline system conceptual design is developed and the life cycle costs estimated in detail. The baseline system requirements and design technologies are then varied and their relationships to life cycle costs quantified. For example, the thermal characteristics of the baseline design are determined by the array materials and masses. The thermal characteristics in turn determine configuration, performance and hence life cycle cost

    Investigation of plasma accelerator /cyclotron resonance propulsion system/ Final report

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    Electron cyclotron resonance plasma accelerators for space propulsion system

    Microwave Driven Magnetic Plasma Accelerator Studies (CYCLOPS)

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    A microwave-driven cyclotron resonance plasma acceleration device was investigated using argon, krypton, xenon, and mercury as propellants. Limited ranges of propellant flow rate, input power, and magnetic field strength were used. Over-all efficiencies (including the 65% efficiency of the input polarizer) less than 10% were obtained for specific impulse values between 500 and 1500 sec. Power transfer efficiencies, however, approached 100% of the input power available in the right-hand component of the incident circularly polarized radiation. Beam diagnostics using Langmuir probes, cold gas mapping, r-f mapping and ion energy analyses were performed in conjunction with an engine operating in a pulsed mode. Measurements of transverse electron energies at the position of cyclotron resonant absorption yielded energy values more than an order of magnitude lower than anticipated. The measured electron energies were, however, consistent with the low values of average ion energy measured by retarding potential techniques. The low values of average ion energy were also consistent with the measured thrust values. It is hypothesized that ionization and radiation limit the electron kinetic energy to low-values thus limiting the energy which is finally transferred to the ion. Thermalization by electron-electron collision was also identified as an additional loss mechanism. The use of light alkali metals, which have relatively few low lying energy levels to excite, with the input power to mass ratio selected so as to limit the electron energies to less than the second ionization potential, is suggested. It is concluded, however, that the over-all efficiency for such propellants would be less than 40 per cent